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Are Delphiniums Perennials

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Delphinium Winter Care: Preparing Delphinium Plants For Winter
The plant will continue to evaporate moisture through the leaves, but thefreestar.queue.push(function() { googletag.display("div-gpt-ad-300x250-ATF-1"); });Cut the plants down to a height of 6 to 8 inches after the first killing frost in autumn, or if...
A Sea of Pastel: Mountain Garland & Rocket Larkspur
Planting these two annuals might very well fill that spot without the work it typically takes to plant other annual flower beds.What makes these two plants perfect for the forgotten areas in the landscape is their ability to survive and thrive without...
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Peaceful Plants: Yarrow
It often happens that we visit our friends or relatives at that precise moment when a particular flower or plant in their garden is at its springtime or summertime best. One way to address this issue is to interplant your yarrow with annuals such as zinnias...
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Not Quite Dead: Regrowing from the Root Up
If you pull them up, do it carefully, so you can check for the presence of healthy roots. Leafless plants won't need sun until they re-sprout, and even sun-loving plants can use a break.After digging up the roots of a not-quite-dead plant, handle the...
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Perennial Plant Association selects Baptisia australis as the 2010 Perennial of the Year
This is one of those "first year sleep, second year creep, third year leap" perennials and it's obvious why it was chosen as the 2010 Perennial of the Year. Baptisia dies back to the ground in winter, but you'll get plenty of showiness from bloom time...
El Segundo
More Plants for Less Money 2: Dividing Your Perennials
Here's my refreshed Ox-eye daisy, with room to spread. ( I hope you got that plant cheap after reading my earlier article, More Plants for Less Money 1: Shopping for Clearance Plants!)
El Segundo
Mexican Oregano - A Dependable Perennial
Its main limitations seem to be a lack of hardiness beyond Zone 8a or 7b and its intolerance of soggy, wet soil. In warm desert regions where it remains evergreen, it tends to be a woody shrub.
El Segundo
Gotta Have Gaura in the Garden
Every morning during summer, pinkish buds open to expose white flowers along tall, wiry stems that wave in the breeze or dip and dive with the weight of bumblebees as they gather pollen or nectar from the flowers.
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Fireworks in the Garden
Many sparklers, firecrackers, and other aptly named plants are available to add sizzle, pop, snap, and crackle to your garden. Why not include a few of these loud plants to your garden for an extra bit of sizzle?
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Purple Coneflowers? or Red, Yellow, -- or Tangerine?
I follow my long-held rule to divide when plants begin to diminish in vigor or to outgrow their space.Purchase purple coneflowers from nurseries if the new colors and forms are preferred.
El Segundo
Gopher Apple
A drive down most roads in the Deep South gives the driver and passengers a glimpse of gopher apple. Much of the land is stabilized, and many mammals, including the threatened gopher tortoise, seek out the fruit.
El Segundo
Daylilies: A Plant With Many Options
Daylilies, of course. Paid subscribers to Dave's Garden can check out our friendly and active, where like-minded addicts discuss the merits of each one and often trade fans among themselves.The Garden Watchdog is an excellent place to search for mail...
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Divide Your Daylilies - (Then Share Them With Me)
Try to get a grip where leaves meet roots, and gently wiggle and pull. You can put your clump or divisions into a bucket, add a little loose soil over the roots, and water just so its all moist.
El Segundo
The Story of Iris Part 6 - Why Grow Iris?
They can be found in gardens anywhere you can find a major city the world over. Some have stood there for one hundred years and more holding their silent watch and they are still there.
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Hot New Heucheras will Sizzle in your Garden!
'Bronze Wave' hasn't failed me - with its large wavy, maple shaped leaves and robust habit, it has been an outstanding addition in the gardens and has performed beautifully in a container as well.There are several excellent reference books available for...
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Hardy Hibiscus--Hardier Than You Think
The stems are red. They can get droopy looking if they get too dry, but other than that, nothing. I took her for a short tour, trying to focus on the Hardy Hibiscus scattered all around.
El Segundo
Ligularia - Big, Bold and Beautiful!
Palmatiloba, P. Few garden perennials offer such decorative foliage and striking flower displays. Dentata 'Desdemona' and L. Some other Ligularia species/selections include L. For the back of the border, they are second to none! As long as they have steady...
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Have a Party in your Garden with Balloon Flowers!
The mid-border or even rock garden settings. Like a fine wine, they improve with age. Perhaps not all of you are familiar with their close relative, the Chinese bellflower aka balloon flower, of the genus Playtycodon.
El Segundo
A Phlox for Every Garden
It appreciates rich, well-drained soil and full to partial sun. Fertilize lightly in spring and water weekly during dry weather. What better time to remember the beauty of the spring and summer phlox than in late winter when the sights and scents of blooming...
El Segundo
Japanese Sedge -- An Easy-Care Groundcover
Even if the plants are not trimmed, they seem to look great by the time the new leaves emerge. 10 to 12 inches tall and easily grown. Of course, I had to have it! I ordered a single specimen because one never knows if an unfamiliar plant will meet expectations.
El Segundo
Lungworts and Bellflowers from the Genus Mertensia
The specifics will be revealed shortly! They are relatively small to mid-sized plants; the largest reaches about 100 cm or 3 feet in height. There are about 50 species found throughout the north temperate regions of the world (18 from North America).
El Segundo
Agapanthus, the Beautiful African Lily
For those who love blue in the garden, Agapanthus is an excellent choice. Find some that are adapted to your area and enjoy them regardless of the name they are given by the grower.
El Segundo
Speedwells for the Border
Popular cultivars of V. This article will introduce you to the taller types of speedwells; the species, cutlivars and hybrids that make ideal plants to use in the middle or back of the border.
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The Story of Iris Part 8 - Pearls of Wisdom
It was made twice has hard when I had to move my whole flowerbed to get down to the grass I should have removed to start with. That means that every three years you need to plan to dig up and divide most iris.
El Segundo
How to Grow Perennial Seedlings
After soaking the soil with water, slip the carton of seeds into a clear plastic bag, and then place the bag in a draft-free location within the temperature range specified on the seed instructions.
El Segundo
Ever Run Through a Field of Wild Daisies? Here\'s the best hybrid, Shasta!
They tolerate a range of conditions including partial shade but not wet feet in winter. They like full sun and well-drained fertile soil with a pH from 6.1 to 7.8 (slightly acidic to slightly alkaline).
El Segundo
Meadow Cranesbill - Standing the Test of Time
Kendell Clark', 'Summer Skies' and 'Plenum Violaceum'whose double white flowers have a purple-pink center!Some new purple-leaved cultivars include 'Midnight Reiter', 'Black Beauty' and 'Okey Dokey'To date I am not aware of any meadow cranesbills with...
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