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Time to Tame the Raspberry Jungle
This mulch will keep new weed seeds from sprouting, and will enrich and cool the soil during the growing season. Also remove any little spindly crooked sprouts. This is when you'll get your best quality fruit.
El Segundo
Because in a standard nursery pot, the tree roots have no option but to follow the pot wall, around and around. However, I urge you to be of an inquiring nature because the final pot the plant was grown in may have pruned the roots, but the liner or smaller...
El Segundo
Pruning, trimming, lopping and aerial wood-cutting.
A chainsaw is an extremely powerful and dangerous tool which has to be perfectly mastered at ground-level before you can use it in a tree. This is a perilous activity and even well-trained professionals have accidents, often leading to casualties and...
El Segundo
Plant Names from Myth: Narcissus
But it is utter stupidity to imagine that a man old enough to fall in love was incapable of distinguishing a man from a man's reflection.[8] There is another story about Narcissus, less popular indeed than the other, but not without some support.
El Segundo
CityGreen: Re-greening a city after a deadly storm
Trees and grass began to sparkle in the street lights as a thin layer of ice formed. The basic steps and Tulsa's response are shown here:A team of specialists evaluated Tulsa parks and neighborhoods.A recommended tree list was published on the city web...
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Chrysanthemums - the Wilderness Years
Every respectable 1950's garden had tidy rows of both, staked, so that they stood to attention like soldiers on parade. Adrian Bloom showed us this brave new world, and there was no place for the Chrysanthemum or the Dahlia and they all but disappeared...
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Christmas Gift Suggestions For The Gardener In Your Life
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays. $29.95 from planting - Help your gardener start the season sooner by making it easier to propagate new plants from seeds and cuttings.Seeds can be started with a windowsill kit or in an...
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Mountain Magic
Being the one who was usually mad enough to spit about one thing or another, I became the designated pepper planter.*Dig sweet potatoes on a dark night so they will be sweeter.*Never thank a person who gives you seeds or roots, if you do, the plants will...
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The Invaders: Lily of the Valley
For its sake, I almost forgive the plant's invasive ways. These factors mean that it is less likely to thrive in the warmer, drier zones, where the leaves may turn brown and die back in midsummer.
El Segundo
Nature\'s Surprise
I couldn't bear to look at the empty place where the oak tree had once been. And too, I was afraid the words that were forming in my mind might become loud enough for the tree guy and my new neighbor to hear.
El Segundo
Hydrangeas...How and Where and What... Part II
This is one of the larger hydrangeas, growing to height and width of 8-10 feet if left to do so; these are some of the more hardy specimens and tolerate cold very well. The plant is hardy to zone 3 but doesn't do well in areas warmer than USDA zone 7.
El Segundo
Hydrangeas...How and Where and What... Part I
Meaning vessel which refers to this plant's thirst for water and the shape of its seed pod. This pH range will give you blue flowers; if you desire pink flowers you will need to increase the pH up to the 6.0-6.5 range.
El Segundo
Winter Pruning Guide
Remove them while you're pruning, either by cutting the branches (if necessary) or removing the egg clusters by hand.can be pruned in the winter or during the growing season. If you plan to use a chainsaw, make sure you're comfortable using it before...
El Segundo
The Skeleton in the Garden
Here in Ohio (Zones 5 & 6), the view doesn't offer much from December through March, but this is the perfect time to take stock of your gardens. If they don't, now is the chance to think about why they didn't work and what you'd put thereto replace them.
El Segundo
Tree Care - Only you can prevent tree abuse!
Furthermore, the strapping used is nearly impervious to degradation, being the same type used for attaching shade fabric to wood framed shade houses in commercial nurseries. This same eye for detail applies when I pull into a parking lot at a mall or...
El Segundo
Plant Names from Myth: Iris
So spake he, and wind-footed, swift Iris failed not to hearken, but went down from the hills of Ida to sacred Ilios. In the myths, Iris was never explicitly associated with the rainbow, although they had the same name."Up, go, swift Iris; unto the lord...
El Segundo
Managing Elderly Lilacs
Once established in the proper setting, they need only light pruning and seasonal dead-heading to keep them looking beautiful year after year. I'd need to wait on the Poison Ivy until it emerged later in the spring.I then pruned away all the small lilac...
El Segundo
Welcome to Peg\'s topiary living room
During this time, Peg and her husband Ken not only created a beautiful topiary; she also became a Master Gardener, planted a butterfly, bird and hummingbird garden, planted pecan and peach trees and set up has expanded her topiary dream with...
El Segundo
Winter Pruning of Trees, A Timely Task
The beetles are hibernating during the winter.There are several other varieties of tress that are less likely to contract diseases when pruned during the winter months. On new trees you may have to choose from several and choose the most desirable and...
El Segundo
How Invasive Is Lily Of the Valley: Should I Plant Lily Of The Valley Ground Cover
It also reproduces from seeds. Sift the soil carefully with your hands, as even a tiny piece of rhizome will generate a new plant and eventually, a new colony.If possible, cover the area with cardboard to block growth of any new rhizomes.
Pests On Lily Of The Valley : Bugs And Animals That Eat Lily Of The Valley Plants
There are few animals that eat lily of the valley, as the bulbs contain a toxin that even rodents find distasteful. These gastropods will do quite a bit of damage to the foliage, creating ragged holes in the leaves.
Growing Lily Of the Valley: When To Plant Lily Of The Valley
That being said, these plants are adaptable and will grow very well in dry shade too. Cool winter temperatures are required to allow a proper dormancy period.The single underground rhizomes of this plant, which are known as “pips”, can be divided...
Lily Of The Valley Control – How To Kill Lily Of The Valley
This ground cover spreads quickly through rhizomes. In fact, digging up entire plant clumps when the soil is moist and disposing of them elsewhere is one of the surest ways to keep lily of the valley under control, though repeated uprooting may be necessary.So...
Treating Diseased Lily Of The Valley Plants – Symptoms Of Lily Of The Valley Disease
Both crown rot and stem rot end up causing the collapse of lily of the valley plants. Make sure you start watering from beneath to discourage future leaf spot disease.. These two little things will help discourage lily of the valley disease issues like...
Dividing Lily Of The Valley: When To Split Lily Of The Valley Plants
Water well until the area is evenly moist but not saturated. Although lily of the valley is extremely easy to grow (and may even become aggressive), occasional division is necessary to prevent the plant from becoming unhealthy and overcrowded.
Is Lily Of The Valley Poisonous : Understanding Lily Of The Valley Toxicity
This is the case with lily of the valley. Is lily of the valley poisonous? The overwhelming effect is one of a cardiac episode.As little as two leaves of the plant can be a fatal dose in young children and pets.
Winter\'s Wrath: Ice and Snow Damage
When the temperatures warm, assess the situation to see if the tree can be straightened and saved. Easily-injured broadleaf evergreens such camellia, azalea, rhododendron, holly, and daphne should be located on the north, northeast, or eastern side of...
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