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Are Daisies Annuals Or Perennials

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Growing Osteospermum, The African Daisy
They were virtually unknown as a landscape plant 25 years ago, but are becoming more popular as people discover these cheerful flowers. During periods of the summer when the nights are quite warm, there will be a period of reduced blooms.
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Montauk Daisies, Nipponanthemum nipponicum
Consider buying a smaller number of pots this year.You can divide those plants in subsequent early springs later on by digging up the woody base,*Daisy can be used to refer to any of a large number of plants with similarly-structured flowers.shows 682...
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Ox-Eye Daisies: Picking Flowers for My Mom
Ox-eye Daisies must generally have odd numbers of petals, because they almost always me give the best answer, "He loves me!" As my mother taught me, any daisy that gives you a different result is clearly defective.
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A jaundiced view of yellow
Unfortunately, yellow puts me to sleep. Suddenly the world looks like a display ofThe "hardy" chrysanthemums will live through frost, certainly, but not through real winter (probably—see).
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Antiques of the Flower Garden
Did you know there are a variety of antique flowers? If your soil is not conducive to gardening you may need to amend it. Is your house filled with relics form days gone by? Antiques add character to the decor of a home.
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How peculiar: Green cultivars
Perennial in zones 4 through 9, 'Green Lace' needs partial to full shade and will tolerate a bit of water. Blossoms have a stark white, slightly raised center trimmed by spring green petals and as they unfurl, the blooms showcase bright yellow stamens...
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Norma\'s Garden Pool
Youngsters are captivated by the swimming pool. Norma freely gives seeds to anyone interested in trying some of her flowers. It is always a treat to go to Norma's house to swim in her family's pool surrounded by the beautiful garden that she has lovingly...
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Green Grows the Garden
Known colloquially as lady's mantle for the unusual shape of its leaves, this plant grows in neat clumps about a foot high and twice as wide. More interesting reading about green can be found in
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More Plants for Less Money 1- Shopping for Clearance Plants
Admittedly I am mesmerized by low-price tags. Here's what I did with my- Indoor plants and tropicals come and go; you might find one suffering from mild mistreatment or leaf loss. Try to be realistic about whether you're ready to commit to caring for...
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How peculiar: A green flower
Calla Lily ‘Green Goddess' is a vigorous plant that produces flowers with creamy white centers which fade to bright Kelly green. Spurge is not really known for its striking blooms, more for its unique habit and foliage.
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The Monochromatic Garden-Reds
Allow them to gently flow into one another as this will permit each tone to meld together effortlessly. Toss in a gorgeous red waterlily and let the raves and craves start!Don't be afraid to add a different color to your red garden.
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Salvia - How to Grow the Easiest Plant in the World
Almost all salvia can be grown from simple cuttings. Would you like to grow the easiest and best plant to grow worldwide? Then I met Josephine Kennedy and she opened me up to the world of salvia that I have grown to love and cherish to this day.
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First Flowers
How does the passion for gardening take hold and follow us throughout our lives? Deciding to be content with just looking, I spent a considerable amount of time searching for them in the wide open field and that is where they found me when the game was...
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Birth Flowers
Daffodils are grown from bulbs and emerge in spring as a welcome harbinger of warmer weather. Also known as mums, these perennials are the classic fall blooming flower. Because irises come in so many different colors, ranging from white to deep purple,...
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Planning plants in your wedding day
Why not decorate with plants and flowers that will be useful years after the top of the cake has dried to inedible? Just go to the top of this article and click on the words, "Mail this article", then type your friend's e-mail address and add your own...
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Off With Their Heads...Deadheads, That Is
By thwarting a plant's ability to form seed, you can often coax a second, smaller bloom from a perennial. More tough and woody stems are best deadheaded with pruners. You're also stimulating the plant to send out healthy, new foliage.
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Rocket Plants
The obvious choice is, of course, a rocket. From their earliest use by the ancient Chinese and the Romans of antiquity to modern-day space flight, rockets have captured the imagination of humans everywhere.
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Incredible Edible Flowers
All edible flowers have almost zero calories.For those of you with allergies remove the pollen-bearing parts of the flower, the pistils and stamens before eating the flowers.Toxic Flowers include Azalea, Clematis, Crocus, Daphne, foxglove, Amaryllis,...
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Can you identify the plant life?
I was really surprised at the rich variety. For some reason, the beauty and extravagance of the plant life stood out to me this summer.My husband and I returned again about a month later with the lofty goal of taking pictures of every plant in the zoo.
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Black-Eyed Susan and Other Rudbeckias
Rudbeckia blooms are also excellent for cutting because of their long vase life. The plant variously referred to as a black-eyed susan, brown-eyed susan, brown betty, coneflower or gloriosa daisy was given its Latin name in 1740 by botanist Carl Linnaeus,...
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Wild and crazy plants: so much fun to grow and show. Part II
However, I see more than three birds.This lovely Aloe is perfect. Some are so unique that I smile because of their beautiful, unusual colors or patterns. Look at the side of the bloom on the right hand side, in the middle.
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Wild and crazy plants: so much fun to grow and show
These flowers look like slippers also.Meow. You can find more information about any of these by clicking on the PlantFiles link above and searching by the common or scientific name.
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Red, White and Blue: Pride on Display
Church bells rang out in Philadelphia on that day long ago and we are still celebrating today.God Bless America and thank you to our forefathers for being forward thinkers. Some even planting seeds in their home in the middle of winter to get a head start...
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Grow Veggies Without a Veggie Garden
Mom built it oneg when she was bored, to provide a little protection from, well, rabbits anyways. Use your imagination here, there are no rules.. Fruits would be parked there "temporarily", until we could find a suitable spot for them.
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Relax...Beauty In The Garden
Enjoy your garden; be captivated by its beauty instead of by its work. Yes, there is a time to plant. A send this article link is near the top of the page. Enjoy Summer; Winter is on its way.Prose, poetry and pictures by April Campbell 2008 Copyright
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The Color and the Plant: What\'s not to Love about Lavender?
In many cultures, including ours, various attributes are ascribed to colors. The most recent include:Whether it's the color or the plant, lavender is an important ingredient in our culture--and that of many other peoples.
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A Passing Glimpse - Identifying Plants at 60 MPH
How many times have you, like Robert Frost, been curious about a plant and frustrated because you cannot go back and find out what it was? It is impossible to identify everything. The most important thing is to be familiar with plants at 0 mph.
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