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Are Coleus Perennials

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Indoor Coleus Care: How To Grow A Coleus Houseplant
If the leaves fade and lose color, the plant is probably getting too much sunlight. Although coleus is typically grown outdoors as an annual, its vibrant leaves provide many months of enjoyment indoors if growing conditions are just right.
Coleus Care – Information On Growing Coleus
They have some of the most stunningly colored foliage—in combinations of green, yellow, pink, red, maroon, etc. Container plants also require more frequent watering than those grown in the garden.
How To Propagate Coleus From Seed Or Cuttings
The answer is, yes, and quite easily. You should see seedlings in about two weeks.When you see the coleus seedlings, remove the plastic. Mixing the seeds with fine sand before sowing can help you to spread the seeds more evenly with a bit more of a gap...
Winterizing Coleus: How To Overwinter Coleus
Pot your plants in suitable containers with well-draining soil and water them thoroughly. Likewise, you can keep them in the same pots. You may also want to keep new growth pinched to maintain a bushier appearance.In spring you can replant the coleus...
Potted Coleus Care: Tips On Growing Coleus In A Pot
A member of thefamily, it's not known for its flowers, but for its beautiful and vibrantly colored leaves. They also work very well in. It won't grow larger than the container it's in, but if moved to a bigger container, it will fill it out, reaching...
Coleus Plant Has Flower Spikes: What To Do With Coleus Blooms
You can just leave them on and enjoy the plant as an annual or take steps to encourage thicker growth and continued life in aWhat you do with the flower spikes is up to you. Grow them on in containers indoors until outdoor temperatures are at least 65...
Crazy Colorful Coleus for Sun or Shade
My sun coleus were the focus of my deck planters last summer. They're grown vegetatively from cuttings.That makes them more expensive to purchase, but only for the first plant!The more cuttings you take from your plant, the bushier it will get!Look closely...
El Segundo
Crazy For Coleus: History and Care
With such an outstanding pigment range in its foliage, who needs flowers?Inexpensive, and easily reproduced from seed or stem, propagation is even possible from a leaf or tip cutting.
El Segundo
Creating a \
Caladiums still look good though. I went to buy more of this paint today and they've changed the packaging. The good thing is though, that this paint can now be used on all types of materials, whereas before it was supposed to be for metal only.
El Segundo
Winter Projects: Starting Coleus Indoors
Native to certain tropics, coleuses add a tropical feel to any home during the icy months of winter. Even though the winter landscape is sparkling white and beautiful, it is a colorless beauty.
El Segundo
Trailing Coleus: Overwintering in a Basket
Not being able to keep them all, I must decide which ones will be brought indoors for overwintering. This method is best achieved in warmer weather to give the plant a chance to sprout new roots before being brought indoors.
El Segundo
Plant Profiles for New Gardeners: Coleus
They are a perennial, after all.New gardeners and gardeners on a budget should give coleus a chance if they have a bit of shade. Just be attentive to their water needs. Coleus do like their water and will wilt if the soil becomes too dry.
El Segundo
Ayurvedic Herb: Coleus forskohlii
The active ingredient (forskolin) has been used in thousands of studies as an adenylyl cyclase activator and cAMP stimulator. Rogers said he didn't really have one favorite coleus, but if he had to choose one he said, "I would pickMy home garden is formal...
El Segundo
Are Coleus Plants Perennial Flowers?
Coleus seeds germinate in soil temperatures 70 to 75 degrees Fahrenheit, and take seven to 14 days to sprout. Coleus shouldn't be allowed to dry out completely, though. Cut a section of young stem at least 2 inches long at any time of the year, and peel...
Santa Monica
Peaceful Plants: Yarrow
It often happens that we visit our friends or relatives at that precise moment when a particular flower or plant in their garden is at its springtime or summertime best. Of course, this ended up being more like a three-toned or even four-toned splash...
El Segundo
The secret life of plants
The rest of my buddies join me over the next few hours, and we begin to look around at our new surroundings. A Norway maple, growing like a weed—more on weeds soon—and shading the other plants! There is a lot to learn in those first few days, for...
El Segundo
Not Quite Dead: Regrowing from the Root Up
After bringing it back from the brink, try harder to remember to water during hot, dry weather! An ounce of prevention, and all that.eep watering those "dead stick" plants, if Mother Nature isn't watering them for you.
El Segundo
Perennial Plant Association selects Baptisia australis as the 2010 Perennial of the Year
Gardeners take note: If you're not keeping up with the Perennial Plant Association's Perennial of the Year winners, you're missing out on a tremendous resource that lets you know the best plants to have in your garden.
El Segundo
More Plants for Less Money 2: Dividing Your Perennials
( I hope you got that plant cheap after reading my earlier article, More Plants for Less Money 1: Shopping for Clearance Plants!) Nicolaus, (critterologist). Here's a novice gardener's basic step-by-step guide to dividing a perennial plant.
El Segundo
Joy of Sex-ual Reproduction, or Why Plants Don\'t Look Just Like their Parents
The most exciting thing in the world is sexual reproduction. When you collect the seeds, you don't know which genes are dominant. If you want your new or nextBut when you save seeds from year to year, as Jill M.
El Segundo
Mexican Oregano - A Dependable Perennial
Pruning back to the base each winter can force more herbaceous growth. Each flower has five petals and forms a funnel-shaped tube about one and one-half inches long. Perhaps a suitable pollinator is not present, or maybe flowers on my plant are self incompatible.
El Segundo
Gotta Have Gaura in the Garden
This comes as no surprise to most gardeners. Choose a cultivar that fits in your garden, and then sit back and enjoy a summer-long show year after year. We gardeners appreciate gaura because it flowers from spring until frost.
El Segundo
Fireworks in the Garden
Why not include a few of these loud plants to your garden for an extra bit of sizzle? Fireworks are plentiful this time of year, but not only in the night sky. Many sparklers, firecrackers, and other aptly named plants are available to add sizzle, pop,...
El Segundo
Purple Coneflowers? or Red, Yellow, -- or Tangerine?
Purple coneflower is the 2014 "Perennial Plant of the Year" chosen by the National Garden Bureau. I follow my long-held rule to divide when plants begin to diminish in vigor or to outgrow their space.Purchase purple coneflowers from nurseries if the new...
El Segundo
Gopher Apple
A drive down most roads in the Deep South gives the driver and passengers a glimpse of gopher apple. Fruits start out white and ripen from slightly purplish to red in color. Gopher apple is best recognized by its one and a half to four inch long leaves...
El Segundo
Daylilies: A Plant With Many Options
Unless you have a large piece of property or a steep bank that needs stabilizing, the ‘ditch lily' forms might not work well for you. Daylilies are beloved garden plants world-wide and just about anyone with a patch of sun is able to grow them.
El Segundo
Divide Your Daylilies - (Then Share Them With Me)
You can put your clump or divisions into a bucket, add a little loose soil over the roots, and water just so its all moist. These four fans will likely make four flower stems and add several new fans next summer.Sometimes I share plants just so I can...
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