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Are Coconuts Good For You

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Coconut Tree Disease And Pests: Treatment Of Coconut Tree Issues
There is no chemical control for this disease, which will kill palms in three years or less.Leaf infestations called “leaf spots” can occur on coconut trees and are caused by both fungi and bacteria.
When Are Coconuts Ripe: Do Coconuts Ripen After They Are Picked
If the tree is tall, a pole pruner may be of assistance. This is how the palm reproduces, by dropping nuts that will eventually become new trees. The residual cake is then used to feed livestock.Coconut oil was the leading vegetable oil in use until 1962...
What Is Lethal Bole Rot: Learn About Lethal Bole Rot Disease
Also known as basal stem rot or ganoderma wilt, lethal bole rot is an extremely destructive fungal disease that affects various palms, including, arecanut palm and oil palm trees. You may notice a foul, rotted odor, primarily at the base of affected leaves.
Growing Coconut Palms – How To Grow A Coconut Plant
In the summer, grow it outdoors and make sure you place it in a very sunny and warm spot.Coconut trees that are grown in containers tend to be short lived. Growing a coconut palm tree is easy and fun.
Leeks: Good and Good For You
Insert a sharp knife through the leek about 2 inches from the root and slice down through the leaves. Because of this they make an excellent vegetable for a garden-grower.They grow easily from seeds, which have a high germination rate (germination time...
El Segundo
A most useful tropical plant: the coconut tree
Whenever a coconut tree falls because of cyclone or has to be felled for some reason, the terminal bud is used as palm cabbage. It is much appreciated for its delicate aroma, slightly sweet and very different flavor, compared to other palm species.
El Segundo
The Death of a Coconut Tree
The descending part of the rope will now be conducted through a friction device by my partner on the ground, for today we will use a simple figure-eight which allows the worker to lower a medium heavy load.
El Segundo
Gardening Is Good For You—Science Says So!
Next time you're fuming after a hard day, spend an hour in the garden! Sure, none of these findings are surprising to those of us who farm and garden on the regular, but it's nice to see some scientific proof to back up what we already know! And this...
Growing for Good
There is not one face of the urban farming movement, and what it is can't be summed up in one sentence. And hey, once all that's done, we may just start an urban farm of our own back in Omaha!” To learn more about Susman and Monbouquette's journey across...
Homemade Gifts from the Garden
The garden is a wonderful source of homemade gifts that are suitable for the holidays. Mix well and store in tightly sealed jars. I don't know a gardener who doesn't love to share what they grow.
El Segundo
Three Aralias for your indoor gardens
They are said to like some air circulation. Use your judgement, although I will say that my three children and a dog have never shown any interest in eating any of my indoor plants.
El Segundo
Gleaning for Good
Up to 2,100 people per week benefit from the gleaning efforts. Since its inception in 2007, the program has harvested thousands of pounds of unwanted produce from Oakland neighborhoods.
Yes, Joyce, there is a Money Tree (Pachira)
A minor point but one that some readers may find importantMoney Tree art at left by the incomparable "Inky" Used here with permission, Thank you! Inky Art not to be used elsewhere without express permission of the creator.
El Segundo
Garden Crafts: How-to Instructions For A Macrame\' Hanging Planter
It looks a bit like a Hangman's Noose, and that is what it's called. I always use a ring, as it reduces stress on the cords as they swing in the breeze and scissors to cut the cord.The first task is to measure out the cord into proper lengths.
El Segundo
Bad luck with houseplants? Try lucky bamboo
Insect complaints are few but if bugs bother your bamboo, try washing them off with warm soapy water, or treat them with insecticidal soap spray.Thanks go to to our administrator 'melody' who procured and photographed the lucky bamboos in the first picture!...
El Segundo
A Grapevine Christmas Tree
Then I stick a decorative label with the name of the seeds and planting directions on the outside of each envelope. I had been making grapevine wreaths for years, so making a grapevine tree shouldn't be an insurmountable task.At any rate, one of the most...
El Segundo
Warm and Cozy Buckwheat Seeds?
With the first frost came advice from friends far and wide.One of those friends from out west sent to me a list of foods that promised to raise one's internal temps, healthy foods, good-for-you foods.
El Segundo
My favorite, versatile, new gardening tool is my \
The sales pitch came from my husband. I'm not sure; I have only just begun to browse through the many apps available on my smart phone. Lt's taking my gardening proficiency to the next level.
El Segundo
Is Turmeric Good for Chickens?
Turmeric also aids in digestion and helps maintain healthy skin, eyes and brain functions. Add in some pepper, and then let it cool. It contains curcumin, which accounts for turmeric's bright orange-yellow color.
Beautiful, yummy, and good for you too, cranberries are not just for Thanksgiving any more!
I mean, Iare the three fruits that are native to our continent.From the earliest recorded use of Native Americans pounding cranberries with dried venison and other ingredients to make, or pemmican, a dried survival food, to Cape Cod resident and Revolutionary...
El Segundo
Hummers at your window - a great gift idea!
Imagine the delight on the face of a child! Any amateur birder or nature lover on your list would be pleased to open this gift.For more information on hummingbirds, please visit the
El Segundo
Snakes- Good for the Garden
Snakes are members of the reptile family, which also includes lizards, turtles, alligators and a few other odds and ends.They are also somewhat closely related to amphibians.These are poikilotherms, or cold-blooded vertebrates, meaning that they have...
El Segundo
Is Hackberry Good for Firewood?
The slight, pleasant fragrance adds a nice touch to the burn as well.In the all-important heat department, hackberry won't leave you lacking. But occasionally, the soft-wooded, rugged-barked tree becomes weakened by disease and branches give way in storms.
Santa Monica
Is Gatorade Good for Plants?
Moreover, the combination caused a moldy substance to coat the plant's soil, preventing absorption of any nutrients from the soil.Plants need a combination of light, water and soil that contains minerals such as nitrogen, phosphorous, potassium, magnesium,...
Santa Monica
Party Favors From the Heart: African Violets and Handmade Containers
I set up an inherited 55 gallon aquarium as aforum on Dave's Garden, mainly to boast of my undertaking and to gain some insight on how insane I really was in threads such as ", I found supportive friends who sent me countless African Violet leaves and...
El Segundo
Gardening Gifts A to Z
And kits are sold everywhere in December. It refers to a tropical group of plants. Maybe your gardener dreams big and hopes to nurture a future champion like the late greatof Maryland.
El Segundo
Diana\'s Anise Biscotti
Anise is an annual plant with white, umbel flowers and a long taproot. Accessed August 25, 2008.Save your money: Delicious cups of wonder from the world of COFFEE They store in cookie jars well when sealed in airtight baggies.
El Segundo