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Are Carnations Perennials

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Making the Most of Supermarket Bouquets
Tulips used to be a bargain as well, though I notice that their price has gone up.I purchased a $5 bunch of mini-carnations for myself recently, and was careful to re-cut the stems, strip off the lower leaves, and add the packet of flower food to the...
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Peaceful Plants: Yarrow
Then I dig an even larger hole in which to place the huge plug of yarrow. For the time being, The pink yarrow is content to live at the base of a few other trees and in the sunny patches out front; however, the maturing trees continually compete for sunshine...
El Segundo
Not Quite Dead: Regrowing from the Root Up
Many gardeners havea designated "hospital corner" or "first aid station" for plants needing extra attention. Did a favorite perennial fail to return on schedule this spring? Repot in moist potting mix, choosing a container just a little larger than the...
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Perennial Plant Association selects Baptisia australis as the 2010 Perennial of the Year
Baptisia dies back to the ground in winter, but you'll get plenty of showiness from bloom time in spring to snowfall and dieback in winter.Propagating principles - asexual and seed are the means of reproduction looked at by the selection committee, the...
El Segundo
More Plants for Less Money 2: Dividing Your Perennials
It's good for the plant, costs nothing but time, andke a large plant and make several smaller ones, calledEssentially, you pull apart clumps into pieces that will continue to that each one needs some green top growth attached to some roots.Roughly...
El Segundo
Mexican Oregano - A Dependable Perennial
Although the clump is now large enough to dig and divide, I have never felt the need to do this because the clump is mannerly and very slow-spreading.Growth and habit of the plant depend on where it is grown.
El Segundo
Gotta Have Gaura in the Garden
Gaura has long been a favorite perennial for gardeners in USDA Zones 5-10. If soil is very poor or needs more porosity, a bit of peat moss, cow manure, or other organic matter will be beneficial.
El Segundo
Fireworks in the Garden
Many sparklers, firecrackers, and other aptly named plants are available to add sizzle, pop, snap, and crackle to your garden. Fireworks are plentiful this time of year, but not only in the night sky.
El Segundo
Purple Coneflowers? or Red, Yellow, -- or Tangerine?
Other growers recommend dividing every three or four years, so I suppose we'll have to make our own decisions about whether to divide or not to divide. Much has happened in recent years to the lowly purple coneflower.
El Segundo
Gopher Apple
Cuttings do not root well, and most of the literature indicates that transplanting often results in failure. Few choices are better as a stabilizer for poor, dry, sandy soils found along roadsides in the Deep South or in sandy soils near the Gulf Coast...
El Segundo
Daylilies: A Plant With Many Options
But there are thousands of cultivars and the vast majority is quite affordable on most gardeners' budgets. No matter what type of garden you have, these versatile plants are nearly always a good choice if there's a sunny, well-drained spot available.
El Segundo
Divide Your Daylilies - (Then Share Them With Me)
With a few minutes in the garden, you can have a like-new plant to give to a special friend or exchange for a different garden specimen. Two garden forks can be used to pry the clump apart.
El Segundo
The Story of Iris Part 6 - Why Grow Iris?
Some have stood there for one hundred years and more holding their silent watch and they are still there. If given time it will take over its area and if left to its own will bully out other plants around it.
El Segundo
Hot New Heucheras will Sizzle in your Garden!
'' is an extremely robust grower with extra large leaves of lime-green in the shade or a chartreuse color if given a location with more sun.The last of Thierry Delabroye's introductions for 2008, ', will more than likely be my favorite for the garden...
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Hardy Hibiscus--Hardier Than You Think
And they come back. Many people can't believe they can grow here. I don't even fertilize them. Hibiscus moscheutos. The stems are red. He didn't, deciding to stay in the air-conditioned comfort of the van.Back to the hibiscus at hand.
El Segundo
Ligularia - Big, Bold and Beautiful!
Few garden perennials offer such decorative foliage and striking flower displays. Palmatiloba, P. Some other Ligularia species/selections include L. If large imposing perennials are your thing, then you must grow Ligularia.
El Segundo
Have a Party in your Garden with Balloon Flowers!
Any and all are wonderful, carefree plants with few disease or pest problems. These plants are more compact and bushy than some of the older varieties, reaching 40 to 50 cm (15 to 20 inches).
El Segundo
A Phlox for Every Garden
Hairy rounded leaves stay attractive throughout the summer. More information about moss phlox is available on Growing up to 5 feet tall, it puts on a colorful show with its fragrant, dome-shaped flower clusters from mid to late summer.Deadhead to prevent...
El Segundo
Japanese Sedge -- An Easy-Care Groundcover
Nothing ventured, nothing gained, I always say. If I lose it, I won't worry because not too much money was invested.The venture with the Japanese sedge was successful. Sedges are grasslike plants with triangular stems belonging to the Cyperaceae family...
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Lungworts and Bellflowers from the Genus Mertensia
All are herbaceous perennials. The specifics will be revealed shortly! They are relatively small to mid-sized plants; the largest reaches about 100 cm or 3 feet in height. (Editor's Note: This article was originally published on August 4, 2009.
El Segundo
Agapanthus, the Beautiful African Lily
In cooler climates African lilies are grown in containers that can be moved indoors in winter. New plants can also be startedfrom seed which should be sowed when seeds are fresh in well drained seedling mix, placed in semi-shade, and kept damp.
El Segundo
Speedwells for the Border
The speedwells exhibit considerable variation in size and form, from low and creeping to tall and narrow. Spicata are 'Foxy Lady', 'Royal Candles', 'Red Fox' and 'White Icicles'Often considered as hybrids are the cultivars 'Sunny Border Blue', 'Pink Damask'...
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The Story of Iris Part 8 - Pearls of Wisdom
If you don't grow them--not just plant and forget but really grow them--you will never see the wonderful plants they can become. Is money an issue? That means that every three years you need to plan to dig up and divide most iris.
El Segundo
How to Grow Perennial Seedlings
Some varieties, however, are particularly easy to grow from seeds. Once the seedlings germinate, which typically occurs within three weeks, remove the carton from the plastic bag and place the carton in a sunny location until the seedlings have grown...
El Segundo
Ever Run Through a Field of Wild Daisies? Here\'s the best hybrid, Shasta!
I have read that the word ‘Daisy' came from ‘Dad's Eye' and morphed into ‘Day's Eye' for the similarity of a daisy to the yellow sun with its white ‘rays'.Shasta Daisies are hardy in zones 4-9 and often characterized by an unusual and somewhat...
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Meadow Cranesbill - Standing the Test of Time
Such a plant would be a HOT seller for sure. Let me introduce you to this tried and true ornamental! S-bill, bassinets, Loving Andrews (after Saint Andrews, the Patron Saint of Scotland), Gratia Dei (Grace of God) and OdinThe plant was valued for its...
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The Story of Iris Part 3 -Tone, Growth, and Bloom
Give them too much light and they will not bloom – or, if they do, it will be faded and blotchy--not the look most people want in the garden.You need to know how much you will need to stake your iris in the yard.
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