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African Violet Plants – How To Grow African Violets
Growing African violets takes little indoor space; grow them in small pot groupings for a showy display.freestar.queue.push(function() { googletag.display("div-gpt-ad-300x250-ATF-1"); });– Pot the plant into the right soil for easiest African violet...
Crown Rot On African Violets: Learn About African Violet Crown Rot Treatment
One very common problem is crown rot. The best way to avoid this is to pay attention to soil moisture.Don't let the soil dry out completely, but let it become dry to the touch between waterings.
Reasons African Violets Are Leggy: Fixing Leggy African Violets
Just as age changes our bodies, age can change a plant's shape and structure as well. Fill a pot with a well-draining soil mix, and cut the African violet stems at the soil level. Then plant the African violet cutting in its new pot.
African Violet Diseases: What Causes Ring Spot On African Violet
Whichever method you prefer, remember that these plants are also prone to root rot, so without special hardware, like fancy pots or wicking systems, you'll need to be careful to remove any standing water that comes in direct contact with the soil once...
Tips For Easy African Violet Propagation
They are remindful of spring and summer, even when it is cold and dreary outside in the middle of winter. Temperature for the soil should be between 65 and 75 F. (18-24 C).Most of the time, however, rooting African violets is done by leaf cuttings.
Dividing An African Violet Plant – How To Separate African Violet Suckers
Don't use a larger pot; too much damp potting mix can rot the pup.Slide the mother plant carefully out of the pot. Pups, also known as suckers, are miniature plants that grow from the base of the mother plant.
Trailing African Violets: Grooming, Pruning and Propagating
As a bonus, grooming your plant generally provides leaves and cuttings for propagation.Not all plants of trailing varieties sucker readily at first.You want to encourage your plant to produce suckers, because the suckers turn into desirable additional...
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Growing African Violets for Foliage: Variegated African Violet Plants
Too much light or too much fertilizer may also “green up” a variegated plant. Trading leaves and plantlets with other forum enthusiasts is also an excellent way to try new varieties.I love variegated African violet plants, whether or not they are...
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Trailing African Violets: Flowing Foliage and Bountiful Blooms
Seek out one or two trailing African violets to add to your houseplant collection. The "large" mature plant in the center photo above was less than four inches across. You can find them in a wide range of leaf shapes, foliage types, and blossom colors,...
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African Violets - You Can Grow Them!
First, you have to keep the soil not too wet or the roots will rot and not too dry or the roots will stop growing. They don't like their water to be too warm or too cold.Lukewarm water is the only way to go.
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Running Out of Room for Houseplants? Try Miniature African Violets
Little embroidery scissors are useful for trimming away flower stalks and leaf stubs. When the roots fill the cup, pot up into a slightly larger container.Some hybridizers specialize in miniature AVs. Dr. Ralph Robinson (of Rob's Violet Barn) introduces...
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African Violets with GIRL foliage, what sweethearts!
"Girl" foliage doesn't get its name by being frilly or pretty (although it's both!) but from the history of hybrid African violets. You can grow them without treating them at all differently from other African violets.With just a little additional attention,...
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Watering African Violets 101: Different Strokes for Different Folks
With any watering method, keep in mind that African violets hate "wet feet." Letting the soil go dry for a few days every so often will help keep the roots healthy.Too much water and too little water can produce the same symptoms- a wilted looking plant...
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African Violets 101: Getting Started with Your New Plant
Since your mix is moist, the plant has enough water for the week.Now you need to find a good spot to grow and enjoy your new plant. I use a ratio of 2 parts perlite to one part potting mix in self watering pots.
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Dividing African Violets
Or, maybe I will be lucky enough and my "survivor" will develop one or more suckers which will be better. African violets were the first plants I got to know as a child. Either way, now I have high hopes that I will still have the semi-double purple African...
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Add a Little Leprechaun Magic to Your Houseplants: Celebrate St. Patrick\'s Day with a GREEN blooming African Violet
Some enthusiasts make a point of collecting African violets with green-accented blooms.Green is an uncommon color for African violet blooms. Whether we accept them as a genetic quirk or attribute them to Leprechaun antics, green blooming plants are fun!For...
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Gesneriads: The Blooming-est Houseplants
Suffering under the delusion that all flowering plants needed lots of light, I frequently allowed the poor things to sunburn. I hate to admit that I wasn't originally very good at gesneriads--despite their reputation as some of the easiest plants on the...
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Hardy \'African Violets\' - Ramonda, Haberlea and Jankaea
That is just a fantasy...or is it? And like African violets, they may also be grown from leaf cuttings. Kamstra for the use of the pictures of Jankaea. These hardy African violets are not easy to find.
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Aquarium to Terrarium
Your newly created paradise will not need to be watered as often as your other houseplants. The first thing you need to do is give it a good bath. Sphagnum moss is next, a small layer of finely cut sphagnum helps keep the soil from sifting down into the...
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House Plants as Decor: From Jumbled to Just Right
As a result, indoor gardeners often end up with a plant on every surface, sill and shelf in their homes. Decorative plant stands are a good choice to keep clutter at a minimum if you can find one that fits your room's style.If you must put multiple plants...
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Party Favors From the Heart: African Violets and Handmade Containers
On the inside I photo copied different quotes that my husband and I liked. Sticking to my thrifty roots, I started in the places I knew best: the "save me" shelf at big box stores, my wonderful Dave's Garden friends, and my knowledge of propagation.I...
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African Violets 101: Make More Plants by Propagating African Violets from Leaf Cuttings
Using leaves pruned from the fifth or sixth row of leaves can work, but older leaves often take longer to produce plantlets.variety, try to use leaves with as much green as possible for propagating.A solid green leaf from a variegated plant will still...
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Growing Flame Violets: Information For Episcia Flame Violet Care
North and South American natives, foliage of Episcia flame violet houseplants is green to bronze, red or even chocolate. Episcia flame violet care isn't complicated when you understand the basics.
What Is A Persian Violet: Care Of Persian Violet Houseplants
A good thought to have with this plant is to enjoy it while you can!freestar.queue.push(function() { googletag.display("div-gpt-ad-300x250-ATF-1"); });The care of Persian violet houseplants is relatively easy.
What Is African Gardenia: Tips On Caring For African Gardenias
What is African gardenia? It is not widely available in nursery catalogues, but if you do run into someone with the plant, you can start your own with summer cuttings or ripe fruit seeds.Collect seeds from orange healthy fruits and plant them immediately...
Welcome to my toxic, painful garden
But do not ignore this toxin!); supplement found in pet store with garlic in it- just because it's for sale doesn't mean its safeI realize this is potentially a huge category, but I have very few flowering plants, so for me, it is a small one.(super-toxic!),...
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Varieties Of Violets: Different Types Of Violets
Violets are one of the cheeriest little flowers to grace the landscape. With so many choices, it can be hard to decide which of these endlessly charming flowers to choose for your landscape.