This kit tests tap water and aquarium water for five different parameters that affect the health of freshwater fish: pH, High Range pH, Ammonia, Nitrite and Nitrate. Kit includes computer-calibrated and laminated color cards, 4 glass test tubes and holding...
The System also contains aloe vera that helps to repair fins and tissues damaged from handling and disease and also stimulated the natural protective slime coating on bettas. Complete Water Conditioner 1.25oz Treats 15 US Gallons Complete Water Conditioner...
Designed specifically for aquarium waters that contain marine life. Nitrosomonas oxidize ammonia to nitrite and Nitrobacter and Nitrospira oxidize nitrite to nitrate. Microbe-Lift Nite-Out II Microbe-Lift Nite-Out II, if you are not 100% satisfied our...
Also cures parasitic diseases when fish appear to be healthy, but swim in lazy circles near the surface. Then on Day 3 (48 hours later) you must do a 25% water change and add the correct amount according to the size of your aquarium again.
Place directly into filter. Selevtively removes phosphate and silicate, two common chemicals found in both freshwater and saltwater aquariums. Do not open pouch. One 150 gram pouch treats 55 U.S. gallons of water.
Allow additional time for delivery. Fishbiotic Amoxicillin Fishbiotic Amoxicillin in stock and ready to ship. Used for infected eyes fins or tail rot skin ulcerations pop-eye columnaris disease and gill disease.
Use two drops per gallon weekly, or use one teaspoon for every 50 U.S. gallons of water. Clumps together tiny floating particles to be removed by the filter. Improves filter effectiveness.
Liquid biological filter starter containing live nitrifying bacteria (nitrosomonas and nitrobacter). Enables the ability to add fish to a new tank at start up. Use when starting a new aquarium, adding new fish, changing water or filter media, or when...
Elive Betta Tea Tree Health Carded All Natural, Herbal Treatment For Bacterial and Fungal Infections Regular Additive To Prevent Health Issues Formulated For Bowls and Small Aquariums
Pillow may be placed in aquarium directly but the softening process will take longer. Large pillow treats up to 20 U.S. gallons. Allow additional time for delivery. Resins remove calcium, magnesium, and soluble heavy metals, including iron and copper.
This is a great aid for cleaning acrylic aquariums. Do not use extreme pressure, or breakage may result. Long plastic handle heat-bonded to pad for easy use and to avoid getting your hands wet.
Used with ornamental fish and ornamental organisms. Durvet Fishbiotic Ampicillin Durvet Fishbiotic Ampicillin comes with our 100% Satisfaction Guarantee! Bacterial antibiotic effective against gram-positive, gram-negative bacteria, and other pathogenic...
Allow additional time for delivery. API Aquarium Pharmaceuticals Algaefix API Aquarium Pharmaceuticals Algaefix in stock and ready to ship. Effectively controls green water algae blooms.
Conasan Triple Action 20 Concentrate Conasan Triple Action 20 Concentrate in stock and ready to ship. Allow additional time for delivery. Multi-purpose disinfectant for the control of fungal, bacterial and viral ornamental plant pathogens, slime-forming...
One 12 gram packet will treat 10 U.S. gallons. Proper pH 7.0 Adjusts pH level to 7.0, an appropriate level for community aquariums. Package of two. This product contains aloe vera.
Not for fish intended for human consumption. When adding, handling, or netting fish: One teaspoon per 50 U.S. gallons. Natural botanical remedy made from pimenta racemosa oil, a West Indian Bay oil.
Easy-to-install replacement scrub pads are sold seperately. Bowed bottom weight allows the scrub pad to rest above gravel. Aqueon Algae Cleaning Magnet The easiest solution to effectively remove algae from your glass or acrylic aquarium.
Allow additional time for delivery. Will not encourage algae growth. Repeat as necessary until pH reaches desired level. Fast-acting, colorless, easy to use, will not cloud or color aquarium water.
Also features computer analyzed laminated color cards, instruction booklet, four test tubes, holding tray for test solutions, and test tube rack. Includes tests for high range pH, ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate.
Allow additional time for delivery. Color: Grey Size: Large, 3 1/4x 2 1/2x 1 All products are backed by our 100% Satisfaction Guarantee. Check out our Deals and Sales - Unbeatable prices everyday.
API Aquarium Pharmaceuticals Pond Care Simply Clear Bacterial based pond clarifier quickly clears murky, cloudy water and keeps it clear through natural bacterial action.
Aquapure Instant Water Conditioner Aquapure Instant Water Conditioner, if you are not 100% satisfied our excellent customer service is standing by to help.
✓ Stabilizes pH
✓ Removes ammonia and helps prevent its accumulation
✓ For all fresh and saltwater aquariums and paludariums