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Aquarium Cleaning Water Treatments Pet Supplies For Sale In Brownsville

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Melafix Marine anti-bacterial
Prices start at : 9.99 USD / each

Ingredients: Melaleuca Size: 16 Ounce Anti-bacterial fish & coral remedy. Disease or wound treatment: shake well. Rapidly repairs damaged fins, ulcers, & open wounds. An all natural fish & coral treatment w/tea tree extract.
Aquapure Instant Water Conditioner
Prices start at : 7.37 USD / each

Aquapure Instant Water Conditioner Aquapure Instant Water Conditioner, if you are not 100% satisfied our excellent customer service is standing by to help.
  •  For all fresh and saltwater aquariums and paludariums
  •  Instantly removes Chlorine and Chloramines
  •  Removes ammonia and helps prevent its accumulation
Tap Water Conditioner
Prices start at : 3.39 USD / each

Add one drop to each U.S. gallon of tap water being treated to detoxify heavy metals and remove chlorine. Heavy metals such as copper, lead, and zinc are found in most tap water supplies.
Dr. Tim\'s Aquatics Waste-Away Freshwater Aquarium Solution
Prices start at : 7.13 USD / each

Dissolves sludge and dirt. Unclogs gravel/coral beds and removes hidden wastes. Dr. Tim's Aquatics Waste-Away Freshwater Aquarium Solution Natural aquarium cleaner, treats 120 gallons.
Seachem Flourish Phosphorus
Prices start at : 6.40 USD / each

Seachem Flourish Phosphorus Seachem Flourish Phosphorus comes with our 100% Satisfaction Guarantee! Phosphorus Supplement For The Planted Aquarium A Safe 4500 Mg/L Solution Of Potassium Phosphate Takes The Guesswork Out Of Phosphate Dosing
Quick Start
Prices start at : 3.39 USD / each

Quick Start Quick Start, if you are not 100% satisfied our excellent customer service is standing by to help. Contains live nitrifying bacteria; all natural. Allows instant addition of fish.
Tap Water Conditioner
Prices start at : 40.19 USD / each

Add one drop to each U.S. gallon of tap water being treated to remove chlorine from chloramine. These metals are toxic to all tropical fish when tap water is used in the aquarium. Use whenever changing water or adding tap water to the aquarium.
Proper pH 6.5
Prices start at : 8.79 USD / each

This product contains aloe vera. Proper pH 6.5 Adjusts pH level to 6.5, the proper level for tetras, discus, angels, and other softwater fish. To use: Use enclosed measuring spoon to add one scoop for every 10 U.S. gallons.
Freshwater Deluxe Ph Kit For Aquariums
Prices start at : 8.29 USD / each

Tests pH levels from 6.0 to 7.6 and includes bottles of pH Up and pH Down to modify aquarium water pH to desired levels. Freshwater Deluxe Ph Kit For Aquariums A complete kit to measure and adjust pH.
General Cure Powder Packet
Prices start at : 12.29 USD / each

This product can not be shipped to the following Countries: CA Each package contains 10 foil packets. So, one package would be enough to treat a 50 gallon aquarium. The instructions indicate that you add the proper amount for the size of your aquarium...
Water Softener Pillow
Prices start at : 5.09 USD / each

Allow additional time for delivery. Activity lasts 48 hours when placed in the filter, after which recharging will be necessary. Pillow may be placed in aquarium directly but the softening process will take longer.
Liquid Super Ick Cure Ich
Prices start at : 4.51 USD / each

Allow additional time for delivery. One teaspoon per 5 gallons water. To use: Remove activated carbon from filter, continue aeration. Treats Freshwater Ich, also known as white spot disease, which is highly contagious to fish.
Ammo-Lock 2
Prices start at : 4.89 USD / each

Each dose will remove 3.0 ppm of ammonia, 7.0 ppm of chlorine, and 5.0 ppm of chloramine. If after seven days ammonia is still present, perform partial water change, service biological filter, and reduce feeding.
Calcium Test Kit
Prices start at : 9.99 USD / each

Add and count drops solution #2 until you reach the count on the directions. Calcium Test Kit Calcium Test Kit is an excellent product we know our customers will love. Rinse then fill test tube to line.
Accu-Clear Aquarium Treatment
Prices start at : 3.34 USD / each

Accu-Clear Aquarium Treatment This is a water clarifier that quickly clears cloudy aquarium water, eliminating clouds caused by suspended particles. Improves filter effectiveness. One ounce treats 300 U.S. gallons.
Proper pH 7.0
Prices start at : 8.29 USD / each

One 12 gram packet will treat 10 U.S. gallons. Empty one packet for every 10 U.S. gallons of water. Proper pH 7.0 Adjusts pH level to 7.0, an appropriate level for community aquariums.
PH Down Solution
Prices start at : 13.89 USD / each

Repeat as necessary until pH reaches desired level. Lowers pH and makes water more acidic. Use two drops for every U.S. gallon. Phosphate-free and nitrate-free. Fast-acting, colorless, easy to use, will not cloud or color aquarium water.
Aquarium Salt
Prices start at : 2.79 USD / each

Size: 16 Ounces Helps to reduce stress. Ingredients: An All-Natural Salt Made From Evaporated Sea Water. Used to improve the efficiency of medications. Reduces electrolyte loss. Reduce the harmful effects of nitrite.
Doc Wellfish\'s Algae Scraper
Prices start at : 6.59 USD / each

Long plastic handle heat-bonded to pad for easy use and to avoid getting your hands wet. Large indestructible pad for ease of use and control. Very durable algae scraper to use for cleaning aquarium walls.
Conasan Triple Action 20 Concentrate
Prices start at : 14.40 USD / each

Keep out of reach of children. Conasan Triple Action 20 Concentrate Conasan Triple Action 20 Concentrate in stock and ready to ship. Multi-purpose disinfectant for the control of fungal, bacterial and viral ornamental plant pathogens, slime-forming fungi.
Dr. Tim\'s Aquatics Clear-Up Freshwater Aquarium Solution
Prices start at : 7.83 USD / each

Dr. Tim's Aquatics Clear-Up Freshwater Aquarium Solution Dr. Tim's Aquatics Clear-Up Freshwater Aquarium Solution, if you are not 100% satisfied our excellent customer service is standing by to help.
Fishbiotics Penicillin Capsules
Prices start at : 29.99 USD / each

Fishbiotics Penicillin Capsules A bacterial antibiotic effective against gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria, as well as pathogenic bacteria, Used for infected eyes, fins or tail rot, skin ulcerations, pop-eye, columnaris disease and gill disease...
Seachem Purigen
Prices start at : 27.56 USD / each

Seachem Purigen Highest Organic Removal Capacity Possesses Enhanced Capacity Owing To Its Vast Surface Area; Both Spherical and Macroreticular Helps Control Ammonia/Nitrite/Nitrate Color Changes As It Exhausts; Easily Regenerated
Super Algae Scrub
Prices start at : 6.20 USD / each

Ingredients: Plastic Handle , Blue, Super Algae Scrub The long heavy-duty handle is easy to grasp and designed with the optimum angle to eliminate pressure on wrists and hands, f.
Carbonate KH Test Kit
Prices start at : 5.79 USD / each

Carbonate KH Test Kit Carbonate KH Test Kit, if you are not 100% satisfied our excellent customer service is standing by to help. Maintains correct buffering capacity in aquariums.
Flex Aquarium Tubing
Prices start at : 78.20 USD / each

Flex Aquarium Tubing Flex Aquarium Tubing, if you are not 100% satisfied our excellent customer service is standing by to help. Features slip fit for standard barbed fittings commonly used in pond applications.
Dr. Tim\'s Aquatics Eco-Balance Freshwater Aquarium Solution
Prices start at : 6.43 USD / each

Dr. Tim's Aquatics Eco-Balance Freshwater Aquarium Solution Dr. Tim's Aquatics Eco-Balance Freshwater Aquarium Solution in stock and ready to ship. Multi-strained probiotic bacteria, treats 120 gallons.