Please contact us for item location & availability. It is set up on 30" rows. Shipping is available for most items. This sprayer is nice and field ready. You are welcome to come, look at any item or pick up a purchase.
20% down of $17,700 WAC with tracks. After hours call 515-338-0081. TRACKS for the price of Duals!! 120' boom - ISO Height Control, Steerable Hitch, Inductor, Elec Command, more...
60' BOOM, 20" SPACING, HYD ACE PUMP, Call, email, or visit for the current location of this item. Other websites show the location as Assumption, IL or Monroe, WI, while it may be at any of Sloan's 20 stores.
Redball 12 row 30” hooded sprayer. Has a boom across the rear for broadcast spraying also. Needs a few curtains across the back. Folding bar some hyd hoses need replaced. Hoods look good.
1200 gal stainless steel tank (1100 product/100 fresh). NO PAYMENT FOR 1 YEAR! Chemical inductor, 90' booms, 15" centers, 2 fence rows. GPS ready sprayer. Raven 460 Controller with Outback S3 and Auto Boom Shutoff.