Part #Seeder300 (Implement) 700lbs capacity fertilizer seeder/spreaders are suitable to spread chemical fertilizer as well as to sow wheat, rye and several other seeds along with sand.
Can I apply more than one product with the Edge? Cross tubes, mounts and take-up brackets made of 304 stainless steel provide maximum corrosion resistance on key high-wear components.
Contact drive available. Call for best price and options! Box material and gussets all stainless steel above the frame Adjustable single axle - 72" to 120" Hubs are heavy duty 8-bolt Dual spinner bolt on blades Jack - 5000# swivel The 2-speed conveyor...
Tires are average on the unit. Mechanics special. Reared had gotten new seals put in it 50hrs ago. Floater ran great and was in working shape till the torque went out. Torque convertor has gone bad in the machine so we are selling it for parts or fix...
Call, email, or visit for the current location of this item. Other websites show the location as Assumption, IL or Monroe, WI, while it may be at any of Sloan's 20 stores.
This is a 30' Unit designed to interseed cover crops usingYetter Incorporator Wheels. Sells as a complete unit with seeder. Valmar 2455 Rotary Hoe, Interseeder toolbar.