Comes with adapter clip and red blunt pin to be installed when applying Allflex Global or Tamperproof tags. Grip is designed to ease hand fatigue from repeated use. If using to apply Allflex EID tags, the clip needs to be removed and the red blunt pin...
Hardened stainless steel blade is molded directly into the handle. Blade resists rust and corrosion while maintaining a razor sharp edge. The applicator handle is molded into a pistol grip style design, which is both comfortable to use and requires minimum...
The Y-Tex UltraTagger Plus for EID and TamperProof tags applies Y-Tex Electronic ID and Tamperproof Tags. Ultra light, ultra fast, and ultra durable. Applies all Y-TEX RFID and Tamper Evident tags.
The Z tag ear tag marker with black ink includes interchangeable broad and fine tips. Designed for use with Z Tag ear tags. Ink penetrates deeply into the ear tags.
When properly applied to Y-Tex tags, Y-Tex tag ink is guaranteed legible for four years. The Y-Tex ear tag marker with black ink includes interchangeable broad and fine tips.
Each box contains ten TSUs which are pre-marked with ten consecutive Test ID numbers. Requires Allflex Tissue Sampling Applicator (sold separately). Each TSU is designed for a single use; do not re-use any portion.
Double-action handle moves pin vertically, insuring accurate placement. Use the Y-Tex UltraTagger Plus to apply Y-Tex All-American ear tags, Y-Tex RFID tags, and Y-Tex insecticide tags.
Single speed rotary tool includes 7 accessories. 2-year warranty. Lets you mark Ritchey tags permanently in seconds. The Dremel 100 Series Ear Tag Engraving Tool is an efficient hand held engraving tool.