Original book and original paint. No foreign deals! Asking $2000 or Best offer. Rebuilt with garden plow, dolly drawbar and buzzsaw. Good condition. Original book and paint Good condition.
Have done work to the PTO, but most of it is still in original condition. Please reply to the above email, and I would be happy to provide you with a contact phone number. It could be used for parts or scrapped out.
Also willing to pay good for front end weight, dual wheel adapters, etc. Want to buy 1954 allis chalmer \\" g \\" any condition, and implements for allis g.. Serial numbers for a 1954 are from #28036 - #29035.
This tractor has original paint and all parts are accounted for. 1941 Allis-Chalmers model B wheel tractor in original condition with power take off and rear hyd. It has been garaged for the past 20 years.
One with sickel bar. One tractor has been used for the past four years since rebuilt. Two (2) Model B tractors. I'm selling my property and would like to sell both tractors as soon as possible, $3,000 for everything.
Completely overhauled and professionally painted. Asking $10,500. Fully restored 1965 Series IV show quality tractor for sale. I have decided that since I am not going to actively show this piece of equipment, I will sell it to a collector who will be...
I'm looking for following Allis Chalmers tractors: a) B Model Asparagus b) D17 Wheatland If you have one of these models on sale, fair or restorable state, please contact me.
Tractor is in showrom condition. Totally restored...All new motor /paint Runs perfect , needs nothing. Looking to sell or trade for same size tractor...to use on hobby farm Blade & bucket a must.
1939 wc,allis chgalmers,good year tires,original rim's,front and rear,just given a tune-up,new plugs,rims painted,body need's paint and sand blasting,asking $1,800.00 obo. This 1939 wc is mechanically sound,but needs a paint job.
I accept paypal. $3,200.00 plus shipping. Fully restored Allis Chalmers Model B approx 1938-39 all excellent condition has been kept in garage after restoration this last summer This is a 1938-39 fully restored beautiful Allis Chalmers Model B it all...
Alice Chalmers parts d grader Alice Chalmers frame, blade and tracto tl-d loader tractomotive. Frame & loader for a Alice Chalmers d grader and other parts
Of Binghamton, N.Y. Asking $5000 OBO 1958 Tractomotive TL10 Serial # 393, made by Allis Chalmers, not many on the market This old machine with loader and forks is all in good working order, good rubber, runs great, 4cyl gas, located in Norwich, N.Y. 35...
It was good running any everthing worked. But has been setting for about 2 years. I never did any work on it. Run when parked 2 years ago has a mower under it and a plow on the back lift works and mower lift works.
The front rims have been painted Allis cream. This tractor has been partially restored. The front shroud, grill and hood have been painted persian orange. It has new glow plugs, new front rubber.
Used minimally over the past several years. 1972 Allis Chalmers 170, Total Hours 1,014. All have worked well with the Allis 170. Tires in good condition. In addition, have a International Disk, New Idea Brush Hog, and a Snow Plow available.
Seat in good condition, a very good 1st project tractor for the collector,have draw bar, parts are available, pictures available upon request, i've always kept it in the barn & not out side.
Has new manifold , new camshaft ,new seat cover, plugs and generator. Cranks and runs when parked under shelter last fall. Needs head gasket, rings and radiator, tires hold air but are weather checked ...
This is a D-17 allis tractor not sure what year model it is it is a high crop model. Tractor runs and drives i have used tractor for about 1 year sheet metal in fair condition engine runs strong .
Tractor also has a crank start. New generator and rebuilt starter. No fluid in tires. New front tires and good rear tires with good tread. 1954 Allis Chalmers WD-45 wide front, new paint, new generator, new batttery, rebuilt starter and good tires.
Corn planter is very rare. One complete tractor (engine stuck) and one parts tractor. Asking $2000 for the lot. Also lots of extra parts. Comes with mounted 2 row 80 series cultivator, 800a 2 row mounted corn planter (planter has never been used) and...
Also Hume finger reel for Allis Chalmers Model 72 Combine; also other combine parts. 1935 WC Allis Chalmers tractor - good paint & decals - good tires; also Hume finger reel for AC Model 72.
I have an old massey harris tractor for sale, i have no use for it and if someone is interested you can contac me. I have an old massey harris tractor for sale, i have no use for it and if someone is interested you can contact me.
The front window is ok with the rear window and side windows needing replacement. I am not sure if this is a factory cab or add on by the dealer. The main problem with the cab is broken windows that will need to be replaced.
I'm look for a pump for a 1966 ALLIS CHALMER HD6 .Please notify me if you have one , or if you know anyone who might. Pump for a 1966 Allis Chalmer HD 6 thats all i need