Here are some tips for healthy anthurium pruning:Take a close look at your anthurium plant, then begin pruning from the top down. Pruning can be done any time of year. If possible, remove older leaves first.Remove suckers from the base of anthurium; otherwise,...
Rising above the spathe is the spadix, a tall, narrow spike in varying colors that is the actual flower.Watering anthuriums is easy, though a little counterintuitive. Once the topsoil is dry to the touch, give it a good watering and leave it alone until...
The best way to achieve this is to soak the seed several times, swirling the liquid to help wash off the pulp. If too much moisture builds up, take the cover off for a bit to allow excess moisture to evaporate and the seedlings to breathe.Once germination...
Streaks of green begin to appear and the overall base color will become paler.Eventually, the spathe will die and you can cut it off and grow the plant on as a lovely and novel foliage houseplant or start the process to force more blooms.
As tropical understory plants, they thrive in dappled to medium light. On occasion,and other insects might attack the plant, but these cases are rare.Start with a visual inspection of the plant and then proceed to evaluate your cultivation methods if...
Dividing it into more reasonable sizes will keep all plants healthier and will promote more flowering.Simply take the plant out of the pot and separate some of the roots. Your anthurium needs to be either repotted or divided when you start to see roots...
Only water your anthurium when the soil is dry to the touch. It grows best in bright, indirect light.Anthurium care also requires that the soil be free draining but hold some water.
I didn't have time to go for a walk in the park to see the colored leaves, but maybe a trip to the supermarket would have been just as good. I was thinking that it was the end of the season, but I was wrong.
Many plants have parts so similar that, without specialized terms to distinguish them, a poisonous plant can be mistaken for a harmless or edible one. Leaves might appear to be simple, but the closer you look, the more you realize that distinctions must...
The velvety look and silver veins were muted and the bloom, while colorful, was nowhere near the size of the cut flower type of bloom. Here you'll find diminutive creepers, vines and even huge-leaved behemoths that remind one of the larger Alocasia plants...
In fact, some of these plants are ones that may be the end results of my current hybrid research work. Not all plants on Aroidia are strange or unfamiliar, as my imagination soon revealed to me.
I thought I knew a lot about spices until I began to research these articles. Let boil for 3 minutes then remove the pot from the heat and let the tea steep for 4 minutes.Strain and drink or sweeten to suit your taste.
Lightly cover seeds. 3,600 seeds/oz.; 14-21 days, 72°F. Needs even moisture with warm water. They are tolerant of heat and humidity and perform beautifully in containers and window boxes.
In tropical garden zones, many Copperleaf varieties grow to five feet tall or more. I'm sure you can guess what I said to the offer of more Copperleaf plants...Note: Don't confuse these with Chenille plant, a close cousin.
Among retailers selling plants with tags promoting their air-cleaning abilities are Lowe's and Home Depot.jode, tashmoore, jnana, sandpiper, monochromatico, and gabro14 for the contributions to PlantFiles used in this article.
But I've fallen in love with the look of these ruffled, cupped, light-centered leaves. Be sure to blot water carefully from the leaves with the end of a paper towel or a microfiber cloth, especially if water collects on the crown of the plant.
The result would be a leaf or branch showing up unexpectedly variegated on an otherwise green plant. Here is the explanation for why we see colors such as these on some of our plants .
My grandsons will know about this only from my stories, since I don't have enough left to pass them down to them.[2] - Beyond that, it is said laurel leaves will no longer have the same fragrance.However,...
We also ready to supply you in bulk quantity. 800 to 1200 gr., 3. 600 to 800 gr., 2. Also we interested to supply regularly with grade A quality. We are supplier of aloe vera in three categories; 1.
But will he have some friends to play with? I remember many fun games I played with my friends when we were children, in our old neighborhood in Bucharest. Children are so funny when they are playing! And I don't mean the computer games they're playing...
The way nature changes from season to season. Some years will be better than others for color. It has been twenty or more years.Air temperature, rainfall amounts, food storage and the length of time the sun is in the sky every day, all play a part in...
What does "going green" really mean to those of us who love to garden? "To be mindful and sensitive to the natural environment of your daily life" would seem to be a perfect description.
Thetrees become a peachy shade. She settled for a juicyOctober will surely bring frosts, when the temperatures overnight dip down just below the freezing point and blacken the tenderest plants.
Click on photos to enlarge.Typical South Amana residence with expansive lawn and gardenBrick granary converted to residence, studio, and galleryThanks to Robin Street-Morris for permission to use her beautiful work thatcaptures perfectly the mood of my...
The huge Canadian geese are queing up and taking a rest stop at some of the larger lakes here. He sprinkles grass seeds and then rakes them in. I can smell the warm sun and the sweet fragrance of the clover blossoms in it.I wonder when the flies and the...
Perhaps he was a good engineer, but he was not a good observer of nature. Years ago, when I first moved to California, I asked one of my co-workers if the leaves here change color in the fall.
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