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Annual Perennial Flowers

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How peculiar: A green flower
The foliage is typical of most Zinnias and can get pretty leggy, but the bloom is what makes this one interesting. If you can find one to grow and then provide it with its particular growing conditions, you will surely love the interesting plant.
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A jaundiced view of yellow
They have a scheme to take over your land via underground stolons. They are also traditionally yellow. I know yellow is the color of sunshine, peace, love, happiness and all that, but I just don't care for it.
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Antiques of the Flower Garden
A formal antique garden would be a graceful addition to any landscape. And some would much prefer the shade. Amending a garden is an individual process. Arrange the flowers in waves of texture and color to appeal to the eye of the admirer.
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Birth Flowers
The blossoms are elegantly, yet strongly fragrant and generally come in white.As gardeners we already have a familiarity with most of these flowers. Daffodils are grown from bulbs and emerge in spring as a welcome harbinger of warmer weather.
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More Plants for Less Money 1- Shopping for Clearance Plants
Here's what I did with my- Indoor plants and tropicals come and go; you might find one suffering from mild mistreatment or leaf loss. Later, browse bulbs and check out the shrubs and trees before they get tossed to make way for Christmas merchandise.
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The Monochromatic Garden-Reds
As long as it has the same tone it will look absolutely divine!There truly is no other color as decadent and delicious as red. I must say, I AM partial to those Cape Blues up there, so lovely!Thanks to everyone for the use of their photos, and thanks...
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Salvia - How to Grow the Easiest Plant in the World
Starting with Mealy Sage and going on to Lyre Leaf Sage, Lady In Red, Hot Lips, and so many more, they are now key plants in my garden.Living in Texas you never know if the year will be feast or famine when it comes to water.
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Incredible Edible Flowers
Just looking for something a little different to dine on? During Queen Victoria's reign, edible flowers found their way to the new world where they are experiencing a resurgence today.Besides making the food look nice.
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Black-Eyed Susan and Other Rudbeckias
Keep rudbeckias dead-headed by pinching off flowering stems at their base. Commonly known as black-eyed susan, this family of American native plants includes perennials, biennials and annuals, all easy to cultivate and tolerant of a wide range of growing...
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First Flowers
Deciding to be content with just looking, I spent a considerable amount of time searching for them in the wide open field and that is where they found me when the game was over and the dinner bell had rung.
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Planning plants in your wedding day
Do you have any special memories of your wedding day? Just find an organization you trust.)Attach any dirt-filled objects to a secure item (like heavy furniture) to eliminate costly carpet clean-ups or embarrassing moments.Double check with the Church,...
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Salvia Delights Gardeners and Wildlife
The presence of flowers would indicate that it was past the stage for optimal use as a culinary herb.Thanks to Dave's Garden members for uploading photographs of Salvia to Dave's Garden.
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Off With Their Heads...Deadheads, That Is
Some plants, however, make deadheading fun. One of the easiest methods is a simple pinch with your finger and thumb. It's important to observe the plant so you can distinguish between a bud and a bloom that is going to seed, otherwise you'll remove future...
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Daisy-like Flowers In My Garden
It is amazing how so many of them have the same daisy-like shape! The field is cheerful when the wild chamomile, wild aster, helenium, and yellow chamomile are blooming, while in my garden gaillardias, rudbeckias, calendulas and zinnias are smiling for...
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Rocket Plants
In the world of edible salad herbs alone, there are at least 20 species that contain the name "Rocket," from Corn Rocket to Prairie Rocket, to Sea Rocket, to Wild Rocket.If you're looking for something unusual to do with one of your flower beds, why not...
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Can you identify the plant life?
I have not researched any of these, although I can identify quite a few of them (and I took pictures of some of the tags).With apologies to a famous New York telephone commercial starring Sid Caesar and Imogene Coca that we quoted as kids, I offer the...
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Candytuft: Fragrant Annuals and Perennials
While the flowers are white to purple-tinted, they are often highly fragrant. They are easily grown from seed. As small potted plants in 3- or 4-inch pots. Most germinate without aperiod but if germination does not occur within a couple of weeks, place...
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Wild and crazy plants: so much fun to grow and show. Part II
These buds look just like baby red birds enjoying a nap on a tree.I left this plant for last because it is an image that will stay with you. Okay, bad joke but cute plant. How many parrots do you see?
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Wild and crazy plants: so much fun to grow and show
However, many of these plants will not grow in the zone where I live. There are many shapes of gourds, including the following: snakes, swans, ladles, bird houses and bowling balls.
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Red, White and Blue: Pride on Display
Find the perfect spot for your display. If there is a nursery open in your area on holidays, all the better, they will have a more varied selection to choose from. The anniversary of the day our Declaration of Independence was signed.
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Grow Veggies Without a Veggie Garden
Since I buy most everything in the fall at reduced prices, the vegetable bed would be the only empty place in the yard. I'll put the vegetables in the gardens, with the, like I did years ago.
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Relax...Beauty In The Garden
Revive your tired soul with the capture of the beauty; synergy of lovely mass in space and time.In the mystery of the moment of how it all began; what master plan could turn nothing into tender beauty;Glancing beyond the fence of business and chores to...
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The Color and the Plant: What\'s not to Love about Lavender?
Lavender happens to be a color theme that runs through most of our beds and ties them all together.After our little lavender flower safari, I'll discuss the lavender plant briefly and connect you with articles about the plant that my fellow writers here...
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A Passing Glimpse - Identifying Plants at 60 MPH
This is especially helpful for flowers. Without a picture of the plant, you will need every descriptive characteristic that you can gather. There are dozens if not hundreds of species of lupines in the west.
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Last Ride of the Silver Sage
This plant deserves better. I am still grieving. Silver sage is pretty tough in that it is somewhat drought-tolerant and deer-resistant...but please, don't abuse yours like I did mine.
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Seed Snatchin\': The Art and Sport of Collecting Seeds
Then you discover where the tiny dark seeds of salvia and rose campion hide on the dried flower stalks in your neighbor's yard. Their tales inspired me! Soon, my husband was pretending not to know me as I nonchalantly helped myself to petunia seeds in...
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Contain Your Plants - Teach Your Plants to Live In Pots, and Like It
You can even put the whole pot on that layer of gravel .plants are suitable for planting in containers, at leastinto a window box? That's the real beauty of containers; you don't have to cut down a tree to get more sun, just move your container a few...
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