* This is an annual or biennial herb with one erect, mostly unbranched stem growing 20 to 100 centimeters tall. * It is native to China,and it is cultivated worldwide as an ornamental plant.
Colors range from pastel tints to bright colors or bicolors, including tints and tones of white, yellow, pink, red, orange, peach, and purple.Snaps, as they are often called, grow best in full sun and moist, well-drained soil.
The colorful bracts give the inflorescence its outstanding color, but butterflies and insects have no trouble finding the tiny white flowers.Globe amaranth is truly a plant with multiple uses, only one of which is to add color to a garden.
Vermicompost does not contain pathogenic microflora, helminth eggs, weed seeds and heavy metals. The fertilizer improves agrochemical characteristics, increases quality and yields of agricultural crops.
Its spider-like blooms are made up of delicate pale green petals that are shockingly different from your average warm-hued Amaryllis. Cultivars like 'Olive Garden', 'Green Wave' and 'Green Jungle' are three that exhibit unique, if not acquired tastes,...
They combine well with other dried flower materials, particularly grasses and seed pods.Plant bells-of-Ireland in moist, well-drained soil in a location where it will receive full to mostly full sun.
The foliage is typical of most Zinnias and can get pretty leggy, but the bloom is what makes this one interesting. *Don't forget to click on the images to go to the Plant Files entry on each plant!‘Envy' is an interesting newer cultivar of Zinnia that...
Both these varieties reach about 12 to 18 inches high. This American native's common name, coral bells, refers to the tiny bell-shaped flowers so relished by hummingbirds. Both reach between 12 and 18 inches tall.
Industrial hemp is differentiated frompsychoactive hemp by the percentage of THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) it contains: Industrial hemp contains less than 1% while psychoactive hemp contains as much as 20%.
I rushed them home to get them to my mom, and into water. After all, they were her favorite!Any flower that occurs in flocks of thousands is made for picking. You must toss it aside and quickly pick another one.As an adult, I still can't go past a stand...
It has been so widely cultivated in North America, the cornflower has escaped from gardens and become naturalized. My grandmother introduced me to her and as I raised my eyes from her yellow skirt to her face above me, she said very loudly: "Well, wouldja...
The blossoms are elegantly, yet strongly fragrant and generally come in white.As gardeners we already have a familiarity with most of these flowers. They are sometimes referred to as summer's bride because the blooms follow the path of the sun through...
Edible flowers add a unique taste to various dishes. Looking for something to spice up that romantic dinner for that special someone? They are also rich in nutrients: rose hips are very high in Vitamin C; marigolds and nasturtiums also contain Vitamin...
Rudbeckia blooms are also excellent for cutting because of their long vase life. The vigorousor “golden glow” was so widely planted that it was sometimes affectionately called “the outhouse plant.”Rudbeckias demand full sun if they are to bloom...
It is really a difficult time for those of us who dislike yellow. They are also traditionally yellow. From Agastache to Zinnia, yellow flowers are just easy to come by. There are certainly other yellow daylilies, but only Stella D'Oro (also called Stella...
Is your house filled with relics form days gone by? Glance over the neighbor's fence, and you are likely to see several antique flowers peeking back at you. Some flowers require more sun than others.
Refuse a specimen with anything fuzzy, slimy, or crawling on any part of the plant or its soil.Don't buy it if you can't care for it. Admittedly I am mesmerized by low-price tags. Just like shoes or books, plants are clearanced for several reasons.
From the tallest tree to the shortest stem. The truth is, not much can make a statement as silently, as boldly as "Red".rimson rains falls silently, pitter-pat-pitter-patting unapologetically, boldly forming pools of heartfelt thought.Drape your area...
Almost all salvia can be grown from simple cuttings. Salvia--when I first heard that word for the garden, the only salvia I knew were the simple and rather small annuals that I had planted year in and year out for the last few garden years.
Supplied with seed, I secretly took one of my mother's ceramic pots and brought it to school in anticipation of bringing her back a bouquet of orange marigolds. How does the passion for gardening take hold and follow us throughout our lives?
Peak performer with trailing stems is impressive in the front of the border, gilding a hanging basket or two, and mingling in a container. Height: 10-12” Spread: 10-12” Bloom season: Summer-Fall Light requirements: Full Sun to Part Shade Sowing Method:...
With types from a few inches to a few feet tall, you can find space for this plant in any garden. The flowers look like cats whiskers or giant spiders. These are many of the classic flowers that we remember from our childhood gardens and a few new friends...
This petunia, part of the Surfinia series, needs no pinching or pruning and will do well in containers or beds. The variegated foliage and large white flowers make this spreading, sun-tolerant impatiens ideal for sun, shade or moonlit gardens.
Wishbone flower prefers fertile soil, so add a bit of high potassium fertilizer every month or so to encourage abundant flowers. Although flowering may wane during the hottest part of the summer, this might be a good time to cut it back a bit and fertilize...
The best plant to have in the landscape bed around the house in fall and during the winter months. Perfect companion of spring flowering bulbs. They will burst in color early in the spring and keep color into early summer.
Most important for you is to cover the seed only as deep as specified, no deeper, and to keep the soil moist until tiny green sprouts emerge. Cut off or pull out the dead plants, fluff up the mulch and leave the bed to rest.Here are a few tips for gardening...