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Weight: 150 lbs
Please choose a 7' or a 5' Panel & Holding Frame: 7' Panel & Holding Frame, 5' Panel & Holding Frame
Kow Kant Kick fits any size animal and is now improved with a black powder-coated finish. The arms are rubber-tipped to protect the animal. It works on either side of the pin bone.
Kick-Stop has an easy, pushbutton adjustment that allows it to fit any size animal. Scientifically built for long, hard usage, it will be welcomed by every stock owner who handles or treats cattle.
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Model 4400 Low Impedance Fencer shocks through long fences, up to 100 miles of clean fence, through heavy wet weeds for shorter distances, and controls all types of animals even predators.
Color is molded into product. Can be easily detached and reinstalled in various locations. Color lasts throughout product's life. Corrosion free. Our molding process provides greater rigidity and body strength.
Weight: 25 lbs
Color Choices: Burgundy, Black, Light Blue, Dark Blue, Dark Green, Granite, Grey, Light Green, Purple, Tan, White
Separate replacement handle for Magrath's heavy duty yellow Stock Shock prod is well-designed for balance and is molded of tough structural grade plastic. Grooves and finger guide allow safe comfortable grip even with gloved hands.
When properly placed on hind legs, this hobble prevents slipping and splaying of legs and is especially useful when hindquarters have been weakened by calving. This Cow Hobble is made of sturdy 1-1/2" strapping with generous stitched-on strips of hook-and-loop...
Power Pack handle is well-designed for balance and is molded of tough structural grade plastic. Solid state electronics assure long battery life and high energy shocking power. Power Pack sold separately.
The long sharp point of the self-piercing ring cuts a clean hole--no other attachments or tools are necessary. Bull rings, made of pure copper and bronze, provide maximum service and safety.
Safety Top'r, Yellow poly. Holders face front or back and accept any wire, polyrope or tape. Insulating Top-r snaps onto T-post or may be nailed to wood post. Protect valuable horses and other animals from sharp T-post tops.
We also offer the FX22 shaft (for 22” overall prod length), FX32 (for 32” overall prod length) and FX52 (for 52” overall prod length) Flexible Lexan Shafts may be used with any Hot Shot Handle.