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6 joule, 115VAC , 60 cycle, 1 second pulsed DC output. Model 4400 Low Impedance Fencer shocks through long fences, up to 100 miles of clean fence, through heavy wet weeds for shorter distances, and controls all types of animals even predators.
14 gauge, 1/2 mile, wt. Aluminum electric fence wire never rusts and conducts electricity four times better than steel at one-third the weight. 16 gauge, 1/2 mile, wt. Wire is easy to respool and reuse.
In addition to fencers, use Electro-Gard with TV's, computers and solid state equipment of all types. Today's high-performance fencer electronics need protection against lightning and other high voltage transients.
One year warranty. The WASP is Bulldozer"s most powerful fencer, producing 2,000 volts across 200 miles of fence. UL-listed WASP features the Storm Guard lightening protection module, flashing lamp during operation and a weather-resistant, nonconductive...
Even holds bulls. Electric Drive-Thru Gate opening 13 to 19 ft. Satisfaction guaranteed. Holds all livestock like an electric fence to which it is connected. Animals learn quickly once they have experienced the harmless shock from the hanging cables.
Barbed Wire Carrier is a safe and efficient way to carry rolls of barbed wire. Carrier has comfortable D-handle. The carrier grips the inside of the roll then swivels so that you can unroll the wire without assistance.
Also available in following gauges and lengths: 14 gauge, 1/2 mile, wt. 16 gauge, 164 feet, wt. Aluminum electric fence wire never rusts and conducts electricity four times better than steel at one-third the weight.
"Old Ironsides" Deluxe Gate Handle. Large insulating grip made of flexible, unbreakable UV-stabilized material. Hook, rod and loop are fashioned from one piece of 7/8" steel pipe.
When you need complete head immobility, the Stronghold Headtable is the ideal option for treating pinkeye, tagging ears, ringing noses, dehorning or any other minor head operation.
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Parmak FM-220V Fieldmaster Fencer in 220V. Built-in operational light. Fieldmaster Fencer is an economically priced, solid state fencer for small to medium pastures and cow trainers.
Model 401F Low Impedance Fencer charges up to 25 miles of clean fence and will shock through wet weeds. Features fuseless design, weather-resistant cabinet and a flashing lamp indicating operation.
Even holds bulls. Electric Drive-Thru Gate opening 18 to 24 ft. Satisfaction guaranteed. Holds all livestock like an electric fence to which it is connected. Animals learn quickly once they have experienced the harmless shock from the hanging cables.
Bull rings, made of pure copper and bronze, provide maximum service and safety. 3/8" x 3" ring is packed with flathead screw for securing ring in place. The long sharp point of the self-piercing ring cuts a clean hole--no other attachments or tools are...