Practical, well balanced, strongly made galvanized steel scoop for feeds, seeds, grains, fertilizers, barn lime and more. Includes steel braces and handle. Scoop weighs 1.5 lb.
Bucket hooks on any 2X board or similar structure in the field, pasture, trailer or stall and has a twelve quart capacity. The 12 Qt. Hook-Over Feed Bucket is ideal for feeding livestock of all types.
500 watts, 120V. Heater is thermostatically controlled and carries a one-year guarantee. 3" wide X 3" high X 10" long. Non-immersible Utility Heater has a variety of uses. Set a metal bucket or pan atop to heat water, use in the enclosure of a hog or...
Click Here To View Detailed Parts List & "Installed View" Measures 7" x 5 1/2" x 2". The Gravity Flow Barrel Pig Waterer easily installs on tank or barrel and perfect in locations where no water line is available.
Great for feed, water, and outdoor use. It is rodent proof, durable, and industrial strength. Tuff Stuff Tuff Bucket is a heavy duty storage drum with a 3 point snap-top locking lid.
Looks like a tiny livestock water bowl, but for chickens. Do not connect to a pressure water supply! Use a gravity flow system. To install, drill a 3/8" hole in water source and screw in cup.
✓ Chickens will typically train themselves to use in minutes
11" tall x 18" wide x 17" deep. Top folds down for easy transportation. Folds flat for convenient storage. The Professional's Choice Folding Combo Feeder is designed for the horseman who either feeds hay or pellets.
Jars and Bases are sold separately. The Little Giant Poultry Waterer Plastic Jar and Base is a 1 quart screw-on jar that can be used as a waterer or feed for baby chicks and birds.
Use hay nets with holes no larger than 2" x 2". Available with and without net. For Hay Feeder Only: Use hay net without rings, simply remove the drawstring and attach excess loops in back.
✓ Sepse
✓ Qlba will all work with the hay hoops collapsible wall hay feeder.
(Due to the oversized nature of this item shipping discounts cannot be applied.) Flat rate: $55. Lighter weight than other materials FDA approved, food-grade safe. On orders of over 5 units please call for shipping quote.
Weight: 63 lbs
Color Choices: Light Blue, Black, Burgundy, Dark Blue, Dark Green, Granite, Grey, Light Green, Purple, Tan, White
Dimensions: May be combined with Little Giant 1-Quart Screw-On Feeder/Waterer Jar (ITEM #: M3P4) Jar sold separately The 1 quart plastic feeder base is the perfect base for baby chicks and small birds.
✓ When attached to 1 quart screw-on feeder/waterer jar it comes a gravity-feeder
Probe is insulated except for two contact bands at the tip, so only the hay at the contact point is measured. This 10" long probe threads directly onto the Delmhorst Digital Hay Moisture Detector, yielding a handy self-contained unit for testing hay in...
Universal secure mounts on wire livestock panels or 2-by board. The 9 Qt. Hook-Over Goat Trough Feeder has an unique design to help reduce feed waste while promoting animal safety and improved health.
Dimensions: 5.75" L x 4.25" W x 5.75" H. Built-in hooks allow this waterer to hang off the ground to reduce spillage and soiling of water. The Little Giant Round Hanging Waterer is the perfect solution to a cluttered coop.
✓ Sturdy galvanized steel has rolled edges for safety
✓ 1 pint capacity
✓ Gravity-feed design is easy to fill and clean
✓ Economical and perfect for a small flock of adult birds
Multiple thermostats provide efficient temperature control so the water is not excessively heated. A sturdy aluminum base with large surface area allows this 250 watt unit to run cooler than conventional de-icers.
Comes complete with a metal guard that makes it safe for rubber, plastic, or structural foam tanks and features a fail-safe shut-off system, should the tank run dry, as well as built-in thermostatic control.