40 cows bred to calve this fall 2nd 3rd period they will weigh around 1300 lbs average Dewormed vaccinated and pregnancy checked 4 to 7 years old We will sell any number to fit your needs and we do have more cows available for sale
40 cows bred in 2nd and 3rd stages bred to calve this fall 6 , 7 , ss and a few bm all big nice 1350 lb average weight cows Gentle come to feed they will all be Dewormed with cydectin and vaccinated with vira shield 6 way , cows will be sonogram pregnancy...
80 head of 3 to 6 year olds 3rd period bred for 90 day calving Good big deep bodied kind with lots of look All cows will leave are ranch with a preg check exam on each cow by my vet .
65hd Angus & Angus Plus Cows 3-5yr olds with a few 6s on them 5-8 Months Bred & they will be Guaranteed on the Age & Pregnancy Check by a Licensed Vet!!! $1400 a head buys these cattle they are Located in Wister Oklahoma & Trucking is available give me...
Our steers are sold as yearlings weighing 1000lb.+w/o creep feed & top the market annually. Our heifer bulls are SimAngus & rank in the top 2% of the breed for calving ease & the top 1% in All Purpose Index.
We have been shipping animals for over 25 years now , with us you are secured . Regularly vaccinated, wormed and feet trimmed. We are reliable,competent , safe , fast and 100% gauranteed ..
2 Cows have got calves on the ground now!! Cattle will be Guaranteed on Age & Pregnancy Check Licensed Vet!! They have been worked , wormed, ear tagged and are updated on their vaccinations!! Gentle, Quality, Cattle Located in Hayden Alabama.
120 head of really good commercial cows 4 to 7 years old 12 to 1300 lbs mainly angus influence with Hereford and Simmental cross good gentle cows there is several new calves on the ground with several cows getting close dewormed ,vaccinated and preg checked...
Good solid set of calf raising cows 40 pairs with fall calves on them 4 to 8 years old dewormed and vaccinated Trucking is available we will sell any number and will have more for sale For more information and pricing call 660 619 5190
This set of 18 to 20 month old heifers have been on an excellent vitamin and mineral program.These sweet little mamas are grazing quality pasture grass.They are AVG 950/1000lb and gaining.
45 good cows 4 to 7 years old we will sell any number 2nd and 3rd period 1250 to 1300 lbs All dewormed and vaccinated Priced at 1650 each Trucking available For more information call 660 619 5190
40 Head of black and black baldy bred cows, 3-5 years old, 3rd period, $1575/head Ogdencattle.com **More pictures of this listing and others!** Lockwood, MO Trevon Ogden 417-366-0363
Angus cows bred to balancer bull w/ one black white face heifer. 6 head-2 steers 4 heifers born December and January. Calves weigh 500-750. Weaned for 3 weeks vaccines vision-7 bovishield and ivomec pour on also heifers ocv vaccinated
55 hd of 3-4 yr old fall calvers,25 are red Angus,balance are black,14 have calves on the ground,great disposition,easy keepers,no bad bags or feet.$1650 take reds or black or both.
Bred to brangus bull. Colorado native, medium flesh, weighing 1000-1100 pounds. 19 long bred heifers for sale. Palipated 9/12/15 by Trey Richter D.V.M. Due to calve out starting December 2015- February 2016.
40 head for sale 3 to 7 years old 1250 lbs average weight 2nd and 3rd period bred to composite bulls Trucking can be arranged For more information call or text 660 619 5190
Call Scott to schedule a time view the remaining Bulls located at Oak Hill Angus Farm in Anderson County, SC! Registered Black Angus Bulls for sale: LBW, Gentle, excellent bloodlines to choose from.
Most are moderate to medium frame. Many calving ease bulls and some higher growth bulls also. Bred to produce top end replacements. 3 year old registered Angus bulls raised & developed on bermuda grass & bahia.
These are all guesstimates because I am new to this business. For all or $1.300. There are two cows, one has dropped two calves so far. The one that is a year o0ld is in great shape maybe around 5/6 hundred pounds.