There are two Red Heifers in the herd, 36 total. His BW-77, CED EPD- 10, BW EPD - 0.4. Were asking 1,650 head. The bulls were turned in on the 3rd of May for 60 days. They averaged 1,000 pounds at their weigh in on the 2nd of October.
The oldest cow is 7-8 years old. I also have 2 bred heifers 17 months old. 5 bulls and 2 hiefers, they are 3 to 6 months old. All will calve next spring. Text or call (208) 965 5027 if I don't pick up leave a message or text me.
Call or come look anytime. These are well made, stout, attractive bulls. Free Delivery withing 150 Miles. These bulls all have 50K EPD numbers available. Prices Range from 2,000-3,500.
These are replacement heifers for sure . A trailer load of Black Yearling Angus heifers. Come look , take one Take all ! Some are Registered others are Commercial .
These cows are in excellent health and in their prime. Asking $2500 a pair for the registered and $1800 a pair for the commercial. These cows all have their second caves at their sides and are being exposed to a registered bull currently.
Carcass ultrasound tested. Telford Angus Ranch Jared and Jenna (208) 431 3072 I calve in the summer so these females are not late calves. These are top quality registered summer calving heifers that will be perfect for a summer or fall program.
One heifer bull that is a grandson of upward 307R out of a Sitz bred cow. Top quality bulls with great EPD's and proven pedigrees. Sitz and Riverbend genetics. Developed correctly on forage and Mommas milk no creep or grain.
We have two registered black angus bulls. They both tested 95% on semen tests. They are both gentle cows. The dam to the 4339 bull is Basin Primroselady 4339. The dam to the 1002 bull is Basin Lucy 1002.
Sons of Tour of Duty and Final Answer. Prices $2000 - $2800. Multiple bull discounts, repeat buyer discounts and delivery available! We will hold bulls until October for fall breeders! Our bulls are grown on tough mountain pasture, with harsh winters,...
Spring calving - February or March. We focus on progressive blood lines out of top AI sires and balanced trait EPD's for real solid cattle. Our prices are $2000-3000 per cow depending on age and EPD's.
Maternal genetics include Sitz Angus and Riverbend. Forage developed, range ready. Sired by SAV Angus Valley, Hoover Dam, and more. Prices range from $2500-$3500 Heifer and herd bulls available.
BW 95 Ibs, 205 WT 750, PAP Score 35, CED 11, BW EPD 1.4, WW EPD 88, YW 126, MK 39, ST 10,CEM 6, RE 0.4, MB -.020. If your interested in any of these three bulls give us a call! We also have a very nice pure bred Gelbvieh bull.
Also 5 18 month Bulls. Bulls that fit YOUR budget! Call or text (208)596-9727 RB Cattle Ranch Andres Medina Semen tested and Tric tested . Calving ease and Growth bulls . Bulls are Gentle.
All of the cows and heifers are carrying calves out of registered Angus bulls by Final Product, Ten X, and Game Day. These are quality young cows in good body condition that are ready to go to work.
Valli Hi Angus Ranch William Jenkins - 208-573-9525 Chelsea J DeFriez - 208-965-9733 We also have bulls for sale. Call for more details. Our cattle have great EPD's and progressive blood lines out of top AI sires; Baldridge Colonel C251, Baldridge Bronc,...
55 steers and 35 heifers. Will pre-condition October 15 with Ultrabac 8, Bovi-shield Gold 5, and de-wormer. Estimated weight will be around 500-525 for heifers and around 550-600 for steers.
Very maternal and moderately framed females that will have nice udder and teat quality. Selection for easy calving/fleshing/fertile/longevity in the cowherd are what we select for in our program.
She was born 2003 and weighs about 1800 lbs., has had 2 bull calves and 1 heifer 1 bull sold for 1000.oo at 6 months and the other is my bull and i have been offered 5000.00 for him this spring and the heifer i was going to keep but sold it for a good...