He is docile and easy to handle and backed by the maternal foundation of the Enchantress Cow Family out of the N Bar. Liberty Rito Revolution AAA 18220021 Age: 2.5 yrs Sire: SAV Rito 9969 Dam: Sinclair Enchantress 5PV22 This fella I kept back to use on...
All raised on farm and most are calving ease bulls. Bulls have passed a breeding soundness evaluation or is a proven breeder and ultrasound data has been submitted. Prices are $2,000 and up.
These young herd sires will add performance to any herd while also making productive replacement females to build upon for the next generation. Yearling registered Millcreek Angus bulls.
Mostly AI'd sired and bred back the same. Multiple registered cows and bred heifers for sale. This is an elite group of females that are bred for calving ease and curvebending growth, without sacrificing carcass or phenotype.
Average birthweight was 75lbs and average weaning weight was 785lbs. Yearling Registered Angus bulls for sale. They are all calving ease and growth type bulls that still had a phenomenal phenotype.
(Pedroangus.com) This bull was roughly a year old when we bought him, and has been pasturing with a herd ever since. Great young bull, about to turn 4 years old. We purchased this bull from Pedro's Angus Farm, that specializes in Registered Angus bull...
Average birthweight was 75lbs and average weaning weight was 785lbs. Yearling Registered Angus bulls for sale. They are all calving ease and growth type bulls that still had a phenomenal phenotype.
All bulls have passed a breeding soundness evaluation or is a proven breeder. Most are calving ease bulls. Registered Black Angus Bulls 12-18 months old. Please give Steve a call at 304-659-3076 with any questions.
Six year old been with registered Angus bull for 3 months, five year old been with registered Angus bull for over 7 months. August 2018: Downsizing! Purebred / registered Angus cows for sale.
Mostly AI'd sired and bred back the same. Multiple registered cows, pairs, calves and bred heifers for sale. This is an elite group of females that are bred for calving ease and curvebending growth, without sacrificing carcass orphenotype.
Two calves are steers, one is a heifer. Raised in our natural, grass-fed herd. Three Angus cow/calf pairs for sale. Two of 3 pairs shown here. Cows may be bred back. Docile, easy to work, good leaders for a young herd.
**Group 4 of 6** Registered Red Angus Females For Sale Ozark Hills Genetics Located in West Plains, Missouri: 2 Year Old 1st Calf Red Fall Heifers Bred Dec 1 - Jan 15 - Start Calving September 1 30 Heifers in this group Sired by bulls in group A, some...
**Group 6 of 6** Registered Red Angus Females For Sale Ozark Hills Genetics Located in West Plains, Missouri: 2-9 Year Old Spring Calving Red Angus Cows Pasture Exposed to PCC OH Care Free 5501B Reg #1746674 April 27 - June 27 51 Cows in this group
Black Angus-calvin ease Not registered 14 month old $1100 wt 1100 Black angus- calvin ease Not registered-out of registered cattle $1000 wt 1000 Black angus- calvin ease Not registered-out of registered cattle $1000 wt 1000 lack Angus Registered $2500...
$2200 per head Health papers available. 2 rounds modified live vaccines. Bred to LBW registered angus bull. Vet checked and confirmed pregnant. Due to calve end of February through end of April.
**Group 3 of 6** Registered Red Angus Females For Sale Ozark Hills Genetics Located in West Plains, Missouri: 7-12 Year Old Fall Calving Cows All calved every year in 45 day breeding season Bred Dec 1 - Jan 15 - Start Calving September 1 36 Cows in this...
**Group 5 of 6** Registered Red Angus Females For Sale Ozark Hills Genetics Located in West Plains, Missouri: 2-11 Year Old Fall Calving Black Hided Red Angus Cows Category 2 Registered Red Angus Black/Red Carriers 50/50 Chance of calves being red or...
**Group 1 of 6** 3-6 Year Old Fall Calving Cows Bred Dec 1 - Jan 15 - Start Calving September 1 72 Cows in this group Multi-sired by Red Angus Herd Bulls (list in photos)
Several 4 year olds as well. Bred to Angus and Charolais bulls. I have 35 Fall cows with mixed age range. Would like to sell as a group. $65,000 for all Good set of angus cross cows.