These cattle are on heavy feed diet and all vaccinated . Equal split on steers to heifers . No problem loading tractor trailer. Call or text for more information 607 329 2301
It is possible that the two cows may be pregnant because they both went into heat and the bull is very active. They consist of the following: two well conformed Angus cows, one Angus mix bull and one two month old bull calf.
As of early April these bulls were 24 months old, weighting an average of 1,250 lbs, polled, vaccinated with 7-way and Invomectin, and have been raised on native pasture. These bulls will produce very low birth-weight and high weaning weight calves.
Third stage heifers 2500.00 Obo 90 exposed 2175.00 obo Bulls are son of SAV Iron Mountain 8066 And son of Connealy Consensus 7229 Call Tyler at 1(479)841-4597 62 bred black Angus cross heifers.
Vaccinated and boostered pre-breeding with: 7way Blackleg/Somnus, Bovishield Gold FP5L5HB, and poured in the spring and fall with Ivomec. Heifers have originated from one farm in Aberdeen, SD.
The Sire KM Obligation 259 belonged to KM Cattle Company and the Dams were purchased from Mill Coulee Angus. Both bulls are very docile and have great frames. Selling two yearling registered angus bulls.
$2,400 a pair 405-203-5140. You will not be disappointed. Calves where born between 2-2-18 and 2-16-18. 10 Super nice set of red angus Hereford cross 2 year old cows with calves by their side of northern origin.
Call (828) 592-4801 They have been confirmed bred by our vet and we have documentation.$1200 per head if you buy all 500. Deliver can be arranged for the 500 head. 500 head of Angus and black baldy cows bred to a registered low birth weight Angus bull.
$1350.00 a head. Bangs vaccinated. Parker an 44Farm Genetic. Weight range 600-650. Current on all vaccinations. Very nice Gentle Heifers Will make Great Momma cows.
3 Registered Angus Bulls For Sale $1,900-2,500. Genetics stem from some of the top Angus breeders including Trowbridge Angus and Whitestone Angus. Bulls sired by Schiefelbien HS 1241 and Trowbridge SWF 401.
Pictures were taken 2/20/17 47 head of 300 - 400lbs steers and heifers Weaned 60 days Been on hay, stocker 10 and pasture Been worked twice 12/21/16 had covexin 8,bovishield gold 5,and safeguard 2/9/17 bovishield gold 5, multi mineral,branded These calves...
Call for information. All Vaccines current. 75 day calving period. 25 Head of Black Angus Cross Bred Heifers Weigh 900 - 1000 lbs., bred to low-birth weight Red or Black Angus Bulls.
Weaned, vaccinated and wormed, 10/1/17. 2 are Conealy Confidence grand-daughters. 3 Heifers born April 2017. 1 is SAF Focus of ER daughter. With any questions Call Roger six-0-8, 482- three, zero 72.
5 of the 6 cows are under 5 years old and are in excellent condition. All 8 are bred to our excellent Angus cross bull, Prometheus II, also listed on Cattle Exchange and pictured below.
Insight, Style, Stockman 365, Lookout, Saugahatchie, and other great bloodlines . Reasonably priced. Champion Dallas State Fair 2010. This herd has produced hundreds of Champions at both county, state, and major Texas shows.
All of our cattle are on fed high quality hay in the winter and are rotational grazed in the summer.Our cattle know how to put the pounds on with grass. Easy going and has a great disposition.
If you have any questions please call 678-588-1383 or 770-550-3303.. Bred to a Harvey Lemmon Black Angus Bull (with papers). Would like to sell the whole herd as a group. Bull was put in with them on March 8.
These heifers took with the first round of AI. May 1 to June 1 delivery with 20% down. Docility of these heifers is great. Average weight is 1100 lbs. Calving starts Aug 15 through Sep 15.
We trust that you will find a lot of Quality in our Angus Cattle produced during 45 years as an Angus breeder in the Triad of North Carolina. This Bull should mature siring calves with Angus Avg area birth weight, high weaning weight, extra high Yearly...
Average birthweight was 75lbs and average weaning weight was 785lbs. They are all calving ease and growth type bulls that still had a phenomenal phenotype. Yearling Registered Angus bulls for sale.
If needed for more information and details Text at (513) 657-0229 thanks for your interest We want to make sure you're getting an honest deal! . Cows have been aged and pregged by a vet and most cows will be pregged again before they are loaded out for...
50 Black Angus/Angus Cross Pairs for sale. Cows are 2 & 3 Yr Olds Very Calm Cattle! Spring Calves by Side Located at Nickels Farms Raymondville, MO Price: $2,650 ALL or $2,700 per groups of 10 If you call Please leave a Voicemail as we're in and out of...