Looking for a good home for her she will be a great momma cow someday. We have her as a show heifer and is very tame and follows easy. She is registered and will be sold with papers.
270 F1 BWF hfrs homeraised and purchased in western South Dakota. Cattle are running in a 6 acre lot. Also were giving an oral wormer. They have all had spring shots, fall shots, and their boosters.
Ages are between 2-5yrs old. 1 Has already calved. All bred to Black Angus bull. 8 Black Baldies for Sale. Call or text me at 256-302-1724 Other 7 are between 3-7 months bred.
270 F1 BWF & 40 Herford and F1 reference heifers. Also an oral wormer and poured with dectomax this fall. All have been checked breedable and bangs vaccinated. Homeraised and Western South Dakota origin.
10 Super nice set of red angus Hereford cross 2 year old cows with calves by their side of northern origin. $2,400 a pair 405-203-5140. Calves where born between 2-2-18 and 2-16-18.
The 3 in photo are the youngest was a year in February Two pure breed Hereford out of son DR World one angus/ Hereford, three out of either of World or Bismark bull.
All had full series of spring, fall and booster vaccinations. Will sell any part or all $1175. Heifers weigh 750-800lbs. Majority off 1 ranch from Montana and balance from 2 ranches in Western South Dakota.
Cow ration throughout the year consists of… 2.5 pounds of ground hay 6.5 pounds of wet distillers 2.0 pounds of corn .4 oz. 2 Fall Breds: Breed: Angus Price: $3,500 Pictured in Cow Section 1 Bred Cow: Price: $3,500 Pictured in Cow Section Should you...
High altitude Est. Feed/Pasture: Native grass, Bermuda, & fescue Hay & protein supplement if weather dictates . Age: 2 years at calving Frame: Medium to Large Condition: Moderate Flesh .
You should be able to click or copy and paste the link below into your browser. Delivery options are available at the buyer's expense and these cows can remain on this graze out wheat until June 1st.
Age range from 22 months down to 16 months. Asking 1200 each. Six heifers two pure Hereford out of Wave World Class Vic son of DR World Class, one F1 cross with Hereford and Angus registered bulls, other three are out of Wave World Class and mother cows...
Front pasture 1st calf hfr pairs All one iron brand Calves were born feb 5th-25th Cows have very good feet and utters on them Calves are about a 50/50 split on bulls and Hfrs Calves tag to match cows Cows are on a full mineral program
We also have beautiful cow calf pair that are ready to go to their new home . Regards Shawn & Debra Angus F1 ,Brahman F1 and variety of brahman ,holstein crosses . Home of the very strong resistant cattles ; beautiful registered and very health .
35 3-4 year old Angus cross and Charolias cross heifers confirmed bred to lbw Angus and Murray Grey bull, 1850/hd. 7 pairs of braford cows with January calves at their side 1850/pair 5 sets of 3 in 1's Brafords 2500/set All cattle follow American Grassfed...
Chisum Trails has 8 F-1 bulls for sale. For more information you can call Roy Chisum at 479-284-2034 or 479-890-1276 They are tiger stripped and red, discount on buying more than one.
700 pounds $1,275 each or $1,200 each take all 45 head! Come out and take a look at these ladies you will be glad you did!! If you don't have time or are too far away we can send more pictures and deliver them to you if needed.