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Angus F1 Cattle For Sale In San Diego

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For Sale: 11 Amerifax, Angus Cross, Angus F1 Open Heifers
Price : CALL

Off of pure bred Hereford Cows and Angus bull. Approximate weight 550 to 600 lbs. 11 black baldie F-1 heifers. Price - $950.00 per head. Selling as a group.
  • Number of Head: 11
San Diego
For Sale: 12 Angus F1, Devon Cow/Calf Pairs
Price : CALL

Gourmet grassfed beef is the hallmark of Red Devons worldwide. No hormones, no antibiotics, no grains, vaccinated for Brucellosis and ViraShield 6. Raised at 5000' elevation. HERD PACKAGE: 5 Devon/Angus pairs, 3/4 Devon Heifer, 7/8 Devon yearling bull...
  • Number of Head: 12
San Diego
For Sale: 3 Angus, Angus Cross, Angus F1, Angus Plus Open Heifers
Price : CALL

3 super gentle Angus plus heifers for sale as a set of 3, $1150 a head. Estimated weight about 700 lbs/head. Call or text 979-571-6097
  • Number of Head: 3
San Diego
For Sale: 120 Angus, Angus Cross, Angus F1, Angus Plus Cow/Calf Pairs
Price : CALL

Delivery options are available at the buyer's expense and these cows can remain on this graze out wheat until June 1st. You should be able to click or copy and paste the link below into your browser.
  • Number of Head: 120
San Diego
For Sale: 5 Angus, Angus Cross, Angus F1 Bulls
Price : CALL

Prices $5000 If you are looking to improve the genetics of your herd, or are just starting out, start with the best. These genetics have won multiple National Angus Carcass Challenges all while being extremely efficient.
  • Number of Head: 5
San Diego
For Sale: 150 Angus, Angus F1 Bred Heifers
Price : CALL

150 bred Angus and F1 baldy heifers Homraised, gentle bred to LBW Angus Bulls Weigh 1050-1100 Will begin calving March 1st Ultrasound pregtested into two 21 days intervals (March 1st-21st)(March 22nd-April 11th) Vaccinations: Pregguard 10, Anthrax in...
  • Number of Head: 150
San Diego
For Sale: 30 Angus, Angus Cross, Angus F1, Angus Plus, Aubrac Open Heifers
Price : CALL

We also have; •Pregnant Holstein Heifers Cattle •Fattening Beef Bulls •Hereford •Charolais •Limousin •Belgian Blue •Aberdeen Angus •Simmental beef cattles pygmy goat saanen goat jersey cow hereford cow simmental cow agnus cow limousin...
  • Number of Head: 30
San Diego
For Sale: 50 Angus F1, Brahman Cross, Brahman F1, Tigerstripe Open Heifers
Price : CALL

Several tiger stripe. Out of very good Bulls. Make some good cows All out of brahma Bulls. They are weaned and ready to go. Around 50 heifers. Some out of Hereford cows and others out of angus cows.
  • Number of Head: 50
San Diego
For Sale: 120 Angus, Angus Cross, Hereford F1, Red Angus Cross, SimAngus, Simmental Bred Heifers
Price : CALL

Most of the heifers are Angus or AngusX. This year, we have 120 head for sale that are due to calve from late January to late April 2017. The program is a nationally recognized educational program that helps producers develop and market productive females...
  • Number of Head: 120
San Diego
For Sale: 65 Angus F1, Hereford F1 Open Heifers
Price : CALL

Good disposition, no cow here gets a second chance on disposition Spring shots, fall shots, and boosters. All homeraised, weigh 750-850 lbs, bangs vaccinated, and checked to be breedable.
  • Number of Head: 65
San Diego
For Sale: 16 Brahman F1 Open Heifers
Price : CALL

Golden certified & certied F1bradford heifers very fancy 12 months old.
  • Number of Head: 16
San Diego
For Sale: 6 Angus Cross, Angus F1, Hereford, Hereford Cross Open Heifers
Price : CALL

Don't know why the pictures are up side down, but you can copy image and paste in word to look at the heifers. Asking 1200 each. Six heifers two pure Hereford out of Wave World Class Vic son of DR World Class, one F1 cross with Hereford and Angus registered...
  • Number of Head: 6
San Diego
For Sale: 1 Braunvieh F1 Bulls
Price : CALL

Branvieh Black Angus Cross Bull for sale 70.9 % Braunvieh 29.1% Angus Born Jan 15, 2015 Birth weight 87 lbs Dyana 304-710-7887 304-458-1717
  • Number of Head: 1
San Diego
For Sale: 160 Angus, Angus Cross, Angus F1, Red Angus, Red Angus Cross Feeders
Price : CALL

Implanted with ralgro first if August. First load weighing 750-775. Mostly black and bwf with a few red. Preconditioned with bovishield gold one shot and boostered with bovishield gold 5 and a vision 7.
  • Number of Head: 160
San Diego
For Sale: 15 Angus F1 Bulls
Price : CALL

I have Black Angus and Tiger stripped F-1's for sale. They are registered with papers. $2,500.00 Roy at 479-890-1276 come pick one out.
  • Number of Head: 15
San Diego
For Sale: 1 Angus F1 Bulls
Price : CALL

Red bull with white face. Mother is a pure breed Hereford and sire is registered black Angus Bismarck bull Dam is from DR World Class
  • Number of Head: 1
San Diego
For Sale: 58 Angus, Angus Cross, Angus F1, Angus Plus, Red Angus Cross Bred Heifers
Price : CALL

Delivery Date: Available Now Sell Part/All: Any Number Price: BWF @ $2,495.00 Solid Black or Reds $235 per head Subject to change per market. Bovi shield gold FP5+VL5, Ultrabac 8, MultiMin 90, & pour-on in Spring Vira-Shield 6+ VL5 HB, Ultrabac 8, MultiMin...
  • Number of Head: 58
San Diego
For Sale: 106 Angus F1, Brahman Cross, Holstein, Jersey Open Heifers
Price : CALL

Our breed includes Holsteins, jerseys,Angus beef master, Charolais, hereford and Brown swiss. All cattale are insured and healthy . Each cattle is registered and have thier paper work .
  • Number of Head: 106
San Diego
For Sale: 1 Brahman Cross, Brahman F1, Hereford Cross, Hereford F1, Shorthorn F1 Open Heifers
Price : CALL

All her brothers and sisters have been born red and changed to chocolate/ or black by weaning, should cross well with Angus, Charolis, Hereford etc... This cross is drought tolerant, feed efficient, heat tolerant, disease and pest resistant, great feet...
  • Number of Head: 1
San Diego
For Sale: 32 Black Angus, Brahman, Brahman F1, Brangus Cow/Calf Pairs
Price : CALL

21 Heifer Calves. Herd was inspected by Chris Shivers, President American Brahman Breeders Association. 32 1st Calf Angus Pairs w / ABBA Certified F-1 Brangus Calves. 11 Bull Calves.
  • Number of Head: 32
San Diego
For Sale: 8 Angus F1 Cow/Calf Pairs
Price : CALL

8 Black Baldies for Sale. All bred to Black Angus bull. Other 7 are between 3-7 months bred. Ages are between 2-5yrs old. Call or text me at 256-302-1724 1 Has already calved.
  • Number of Head: 8
San Diego
For Sale: 1 Angus F1, Crossbred, Lowline Bulls
Price : CALL

Calving ease 3 year old bull, semen tested excellent--BW 61# Ready to serve any breed of cattle. Gentle temperament, easy keeper with stacked pedigree. Fed only hay, pasture and soyhulls.
  • Number of Head: 1
San Diego
For Sale: 1 Angus, Black Angus Bulls
Price : CALL

Call or text for more pictures. Looks good and is very gentle. Moving towards Red Angus and dont want to waste this really good bull. Selling below what I think he is worth at $2800.
  • Number of Head: 1
San Diego
For Sale: 1 Charloais F1 Bulls
Price : CALL

  • Number of Head: 1
San Diego
For Sale: 130 Angus, Angus Cross Bred Heifers
Price : CALL

Premium Farm Raised Bred Heifers. Our clean up bulls are registered Angus low birth weight. They are fully vaccinated and ready to ship. The heifers are due Nov 15. Price 1850$ per head Contact Matthew Bixler at 4785506276
  • Number of Head: 130
San Diego
For Sale: 1 Angus Bulls
Price : CALL

Angus bull for sale. Three years old. Not registered. Excellent temperament. Not fertility tested, but I have calves here sired by him. Would consider trade for another bull, if it is what I am looking for.
  • Number of Head: 1
San Diego
For Sale: 60 Angus Cows
Price : CALL

Purebred Angus cows. We are getting out of the cattle business and are pricing the cattle to sell. Easy calving herd. Will sell groups of ten. Asking 1300 per cow. The ages range from 3-7 years old.
  • Number of Head: 60
San Diego