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Angus F1 Cattle For Sale In Louisville Jefferson County

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For Sale: 65 Angus F1, Hereford F1 Open Heifers
Price : CALL

Spring shots, fall shots, and boosters. All homeraised, weigh 750-850 lbs, bangs vaccinated, and checked to be breedable. Are in a 6 acre field that goes into a 30 acre pasture. Good disposition, no cow here gets a second chance on disposition
  • Number of Head: 65
Louisville/Jefferson County
For Sale: 56 Amerifax, Angus, Angus Cross, Angus F1 Bred Heifers
Price : CALL

  • Number of Head: 56
Louisville/Jefferson County
For Sale: 3 Angus, Angus Cross, Angus F1, Angus Plus Open Heifers
Price : CALL

3 super gentle Angus plus heifers for sale as a set of 3, $1150 a head. Call or text 979-571-6097 Estimated weight about 700 lbs/head.
  • Number of Head: 3
Louisville/Jefferson County
For Sale: 3 Angus, Angus Cross, Angus F1, Angus Plus Open Heifers
Price : CALL

3 super gentle Angus plus heifers for sale as a set of 3, $1150 a head. Call or text 979-571-6097 Estimated weight about 700 lbs/head.
  • Number of Head: 3
Louisville/Jefferson County
For Sale: 160 Angus, Angus Cross, Angus F1, Red Angus, Red Angus Cross Feeders
Price : CALL

Selling at Atkinson livestock market October 4th. Second load weighing 650-700. Mostly black and bwf with a few red. Preconditioned with bovishield gold one shot and boostered with bovishield gold 5 and a vision 7.
  • Number of Head: 160
Louisville/Jefferson County
For Sale: 10 Angus F1 Open Heifers
Price : CALL

Born Last spring heifers. Vaccinations, and long-range wormer Ready for anything Registered wagyu sire Quality Angus momma cows.
  • Number of Head: 10
Louisville/Jefferson County
For Sale: 8 Angus F1 Cow/Calf Pairs
Price : CALL

Other 7 are between 3-7 months bred. Ages are between 2-5yrs old. 1 Has already calved. All bred to Black Angus bull. 8 Black Baldies for Sale. Call or text me at 256-302-1724
  • Number of Head: 8
Louisville/Jefferson County
For Sale: 120 Angus, Angus Cross, Angus F1, Angus Plus Cow/Calf Pairs
Price : CALL

There is a video available of these cows. Cattle are located in Earth, TX. Please call if you have any trouble viewing this video or would like more information. You should be able to click or copy and paste the link below into your browser.
  • Number of Head: 120
Louisville/Jefferson County
For Sale: 30 Angus, Angus Cross, Angus F1 Open Heifers
Price : CALL

We also have; •Pregnant Holstein Heifers Cattle •Fattening Beef Bulls •Hereford •Charolais •Limousin •Belgian Blue •Aberdeen Angus •Simmental beef cattles pygmy goat saanen goat jersey cow hereford cow simmental cow agnus cow limousin...
  • Number of Head: 30
Louisville/Jefferson County
For Sale: 35 Angus F1 Stockers
Price : CALL

May and June calving. 26 Red angus charlois calves a few red angus calves 9 others mostly black. Exceptional calves. 22 steers 13 heifers
  • Number of Head: 35
Louisville/Jefferson County
For Sale: 160 Angus, Angus Cross, Angus F1, Red Angus, Red Angus Cross Feeders
Price : CALL

Selling at Atkinson livestock market October 4th. Second load weighing 650-700. Mostly black and bwf with a few red. Preconditioned with bovishield gold one shot and boostered with bovishield gold 5 and a vision 7.
  • Number of Head: 160
Louisville/Jefferson County
For Sale: 300 Amerifax, Angus, Angus Cross, Angus F1, Angus Plus Bred Heifers
Price : CALL

We are the largest beef livestock exporter and wholesaler company in HU, giving service for the biggest fattening farms and food Pregnant Holstein Heifers and Other Dairy Cattle For sale We are the largest beef livestock exporter and wholesaler company...
  • Number of Head: 300
Louisville/Jefferson County
For Sale: 160 Angus, Angus Cross, Angus F1, Red Angus, Red Angus Cross Feeders
Price : CALL

Selling at Atkinson livestock market October 4th. Second load weighing 650-700. Mostly black and bwf with a few red. Preconditioned with bovishield gold one shot and boostered with bovishield gold 5 and a vision 7.
  • Number of Head: 160
Louisville/Jefferson County
For Sale: 25 Angus, Brangus, Hereford F1 Bred Heifers
Price : CALL

25 head of fancy heifers half f-1s Brangus and angus cross. In with a great low birthweight angus bull.
  • Number of Head: 25
Louisville/Jefferson County
For Sale: 6 Angus Cross, Angus F1, Hereford, Hereford Cross Open Heifers
Price : CALL

Asking 1200 each. Six heifers two pure Hereford out of Wave World Class Vic son of DR World Class, one F1 cross with Hereford and Angus registered bulls, other three are out of Wave World Class and mother cows are more Angus who are out of Bon Vue New...
  • Number of Head: 6
Louisville/Jefferson County
For Sale: 426 Angus, Angus Cross, Angus F1, Black Angus, Black Hereford, Hereford Cross, Hereford F1 Bred Heifers
Price : CALL

; Calving date: March 25 - April 25; Bred natural service to calving ease sires: 21 Angus Ranch, sons of Really Windy 1205, OCC Plains 943, Conneally Capitalist; Delivery date: October 1 - 10.
  • Number of Head: 426
Louisville/Jefferson County
For Sale: 20 Angus F1, Braford Bred Heifers
Price : CALL

Old and 2 calf-crops - heifers are at peak performance and the best selection for breeding herd. Bred to Gardiner Pure Black Angus x Braford Cross LBW Bull. 1100-1300 lbs, 2 mo. Black Baldies, F1 Angus x Braford cross - 20 Fancy hand picked heifers for...
  • Number of Head: 20
Louisville/Jefferson County
For Sale: 15 Angus F1 Bulls
Price : CALL

106 head of our 2016 born steer group were harvested in early July of 2017 with 97% grading Choice or Prime with 44% qualifying as CAB. Bulls have been developed on a high forage diet to ensure soundness and longevity.
  • Number of Head: 15
Louisville/Jefferson County
For Sale: 25 Angus Cross, Angus F1, Brahman Cross, Brahman F1, Charloais F1, Charolais Cross, Hereford Cross, Hereford F1 Bred Heifers
Price : CALL

A really nice set of 1/2 - 3/4 Brahman heifers that have been running with Express Ranch Angus bulls for 60+ days. They're going to make an extremely nice set of cows! We had them all checked by a vet and are sound to breed and are current on their vaccinations!...
  • Number of Head: 25
Louisville/Jefferson County
For Sale: 270 Angus F1 Open Heifers
Price : CALL

Cattle are running in a 6 acre lot. Also were giving an oral wormer. 270 F1 BWF hfrs homeraised and purchased in western South Dakota. All have been checked to be breedable and are bangs vaccinated.
  • Number of Head: 270
Louisville/Jefferson County
For Sale: 12 Angus, Hereford Cross, Hereford F1, SimAngus Bulls
Price : CALL

Low birthweight easy calving,fertility exam done,good growth,gentle easy to handle
  • Number of Head: 12
Louisville/Jefferson County
For Sale: 1 Angus F1, Crossbred, Lowline Bulls
Price : CALL

Fed only hay, pasture and soyhulls. Registered Angus dam sired by Sitz Traveler 9929, produced to age 18. Plenty of thickness over the top and down the rump. Gentle temperament, easy keeper with stacked pedigree.
  • Number of Head: 1
Louisville/Jefferson County
For Sale: 1 Braunvieh F1 Bulls
Price : CALL

Braunvieh Hereford Angus cross Heifer Born 1/24/15 47.9 % Braunvieh 26.1 % Hereford 26% Angus $1000.00 Text if interested so we get it rolling303 578 7424
  • Number of Head: 1
Louisville/Jefferson County
For Sale: 1 Brahman Cross, Brahman F1, Hereford Cross, Hereford F1, Shorthorn F1 Open Heifers
Price : CALL

Nice calm Black Brindle F-1 heifer $1400 obo born June 2015 Cow is shorthornxherford cross and Sire is purebred American grey Brahman out of championship lines. This heifer comes from a hardy self sufficient female line, good mothers easy calvers, who...
  • Number of Head: 1
Louisville/Jefferson County
For Sale: 10 Brahman F1 Bred Heifers
Price : CALL

They are out of Brahman cows and angus Bulls. These Heifers are coming three year olds. There is six pairs and four heavy breads.
  • Number of Head: 10
Louisville/Jefferson County
For Sale: 310 Angus F1, Hereford, Hereford F1 Open Heifers
Price : CALL

Also an oral wormer and poured with dectomax this fall. All have been checked breedable and bangs vaccinated. 270 F1 BWF & 40 Herford and F1 reference heifers. All have had spring shots, fall shots, and boosters.
  • Number of Head: 310
Louisville/Jefferson County
For Sale: 10 Angus, Angus Cross, Angus F1, Red Angus, Red Angus Cross Cow/Calf Pairs
Price : CALL

$2,400 a pair 405-203-5140. Calves where born between 2-2-18 and 2-16-18. 10 Super nice set of red angus Hereford cross 2 year old cows with calves by their side of northern origin.
  • Number of Head: 10
Louisville/Jefferson County