Will sell any part or all $1175. 130 Bwf, 72 Blk, & 18 Rwf. Are running out on 40 acre pasture and come into a yard to eat at bunk line. Heifers weigh 750-800lbs. All bangs vac and checked to be breadable.
Front pasture 1st calf hfr pairs All one iron brand Calves were born feb 5th-25th Cows have very good feet and utters on them Calves are about a 50/50 split on bulls and Hfrs Calves tag to match cows Cows are on a full mineral program
You take your pick. Price break on volume. They weigh 600-650 lbs, weaned, vaccinated, wormed, bunk broke, used to electric fence, and very gentle. Deep thick yet feminine cattle that you can be proud of and profitable.
Delivery options are available at the buyer's expense and these cows can remain on this graze out wheat until June 1st. There are also several Charolais cows along with crossbreds too.
Email or call for more information. These bulls come from one of the most efficient Registered Angus herds in the country. Prices $5000 If you are looking to improve the genetics of your herd, or are just starting out, start with the best.
Bred to Angus bulls on the property. Selling to buy a piece of equipment, otherwise wouldn't sell. Angus and Angus cross commercial herd. 8-10 Bred cows and cow-calf pairs for sale.
Text for more details at (301) 291-5270 We have 130 cross bred cows bred to a Charolais bull. $1,450 if you take them all, or we can price them individually. They were all palpated by the vet bred and should calve between November and January.
Regards Shawn & Debra We are the home of F1 cattles . Our prices range from $250-$900 : please contact us for specific details and sale procedure . Angus F1 ,Brahman F1 and variety of brahman ,holstein crosses .
Weight: Average 1,100 lbs. Delivery Date: Available Now Sell Part/All: Any Number Price: BWF @ $2,495.00 Solid Black or Reds $235 per head Subject to change per market. Vaccinations: All OCV'ed...
The perfect 3 way cross. This bull yearling is off of a golden certified Hereford/shorthorn bull and a purebred Brahman cow. He would make a great addition to any commercial cows especially to make those super baldies that are on the popular rise
62 bred black Angus cross heifers. Third stage heifers 2500.00 Obo 90 exposed 2175.00 obo Bulls are son of SAV Iron Mountain 8066 And son of Connealy Consensus 7229 Call Tyler at 1(479)841-4597
Thanks for looking. These heifers weigh around 550 pounds and are 10 months old.There are two brindle F1 Brahman/Hereford crosses and a yellow baldie and a red baldie out of tigerstripe cows- 1/4 Brahman.
All heifers are AI bred. Bred to calve February 20th 2019, ultra sound preg checked July 11th, safe with calf: • 75 black • 5 black baldy • 26 red They carry EID bangs tags. Sires were chosen with multiple aspects in mind, including low birth weight/calving...
Not registered. Angus bull for sale. Excellent temperament. Would consider trade for another bull, if it is what I am looking for. Not fertility tested, but I have calves here sired by him.
These bulls are available anytime. Bulls are bred out of SimAngus heifers that were AI'ed to the angus bull Absolute. Prices range: $3,000-$3,750 If interested please call or text.
Had shots and wormed. Coming two year old heifer--grass fed--750-850 #. Hand raised, one owner, vita ferm mineral, gentle. No antibiotics. 660-277-6381, 660-277-4647 Randolph County, MO.