Full mineral package & all shots. ; Calving date: March 5 - 25; Bred natural service to calving ease sires: 21 Angus Ranch, sons of Really Windy 1205, OCC Plains 943, Conneally Capitalist; Delivery date: October 1 - 10.
Will improve bloodline and increase marbling of any herd. Registration available, Dam is a tan balancer cow with Angus and Gelbvieh bloodlines; sire is full blood black Wagyu registered as JC Shigemichi 91 (ET), with prestigious bloodline- World K's Michfuku.
Also were giving an oral wormer. They have all had spring shots, fall shots, and their boosters. 270 F1 BWF hfrs homeraised and purchased in western South Dakota. Cattle are running in a 6 acre lot.
We also have; -Pregnant Holstein Heifers Cattle -Fattening Beef Bulls -Hereford -Charolais -Limousin -Belgian Blue -Aberdeen Angus -Simmental beef cattles ,Please Contact for more information if interested
29 head cleaned up with sons of Connealy Courage to calve January 26th to March 12th. 37 head A.I. bred to KCF Bennett Fortress for January 20th due date. 66 BWF Angus Hereford cross bred heifers for sale.
Calves where born between 2-2-18 and 2-16-18. They are hot wire and cake broke with a very gentle disposition. 10 Super nice set of red angus Hereford cross 2 year old cows with calves by their side of northern origin.
Haven't bred her due to lack of registered Hereford bulls in the area. Looking for a good home for her she will be a great momma cow someday. We have her as a show heifer and is very tame and follows easy.
All have been checked breedable and bangs vaccinated. Homeraised and Western South Dakota origin. 270 F1 BWF & 40 Herford and F1 reference heifers. Also an oral wormer and poured with dectomax this fall.
11 Bull Calves. 21 Heifer Calves. $2650 Take All. 32 1st Calf Angus Pairs w / ABBA Certified F-1 Brangus Calves. Herd was inspected by Chris Shivers, President American Brahman Breeders Association.
All heifers are AI bred. They carry EID bangs tags. The black females are bred to Black Angus sires Final Answer II and Effective. Bred to calve February 20th 2019, ultra sound preg checked July 11th, safe with calf: • 75 black • 5 black baldy •...
Bulls have been developed on a high forage diet to ensure soundness and longevity. 1/2 Angus-1/2 Maine Anjou or 3/4 Angus-1/4 Maine percentage bulls available. Yearling black Angus hybrid bulls for sale.
All cows bred to Angus calving ease bull-CAPITALIST bloodlines. Prices change if sold individually. 1200 a cow, 2000 a bull, 700 each of last year calves. 6 angus/angus-cross bred or with calf, 1 red angus first time heifer with heifer calf, 1 red angus...
Registered Angus dam sired by Sitz Traveler 9929, produced to age 18. Plenty of thickness over the top and down the rump. Price $3,500 includes delivery within 250 miles. Fed only hay, pasture and soyhulls.
Hand raised, one owner, vita ferm mineral, gentle. Ready for grass-fed finishing. 660-277-6381, 660-277-4647 Randolph County, MO. No antibiotics. Coming two year old heifer--grass fed--750-850 #.
Cows have been aged and pregged by a vet and most cows will be pregged again before they are loaded out for your farm/ranch. Cows are broke to a feed truck and are easy to view as we drive you through the herd(s) you are interested in.
If you can buy 18+ cows. All have good udders and no health concerns. They are bred in they're 2nd and 3rd trimester of pregnancy and are bred to Registered , low birth weight Angus Bulls .
Prices start at $1000.00. Prices vary and can be negotiated. Younger stock are from Registered Aberdeen Angus with excellent numbers Delivery also available, EPDs on many so we can help you grow your herd without the guess work, Young bulls also tested...
We call on all serious buyers to make their orders now and we shall gladly extend our business to your esteem ends . Regularly vaccinated, wormed and feet trimmed. Note : Make sure you include your email address in your message while contacting to ease...