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Angus F1 Angus For Sale In Columbus

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For Sale: 60 Angus Cross, Angus F1 Cows
Price : CALL

  • Number of Head: 60
For Sale: 270 Angus F1 Open Heifers
Price : CALL

Cattle are running in a 6 acre lot. Also were giving an oral wormer. 270 F1 BWF hfrs homeraised and purchased in western South Dakota. All have been checked to be breedable and are bangs vaccinated.
  • Number of Head: 270
For Sale: 10 Angus, Angus Cross, Angus F1, Red Angus, Red Angus Cross Cow/Calf Pairs
Price : CALL

$2,400 a pair 405-203-5140. Calves where born between 2-2-18 and 2-16-18. 10 Super nice set of red angus Hereford cross 2 year old cows with calves by their side of northern origin.
  • Number of Head: 10
For Sale: 1 Angus F1 Bulls
Price : CALL

Our asking price is 3000 please contact me for more info at 303 578 7424. Looking for a good home for her she will be a great momma cow someday. She is registered and will be sold with papers.
  • Number of Head: 1
For Sale: 6 Angus Cross, Angus F1, Hereford Open Heifers
Price : CALL

Two pure breed Hereford out of son DR World one angus/ Hereford, three out of either of World or Bismark bull. The 3 in photo are the youngest was a year in February
  • Number of Head: 6
For Sale: 1 Angus F1 Bulls
Price : CALL

If you prefer to pick up, we can work on the price. Will improve bloodline and increase marbling of any herd. 20 month old F-1 Wagyu virgin bull for sale. $3500 includes transportation in the southwest region.
  • Number of Head: 1
For Sale: 25 Angus, Brangus, Hereford F1 Bred Heifers
Price : CALL

25 head of fancy heifers half f-1s Brangus and angus cross. In with a great low birthweight angus bull.
  • Number of Head: 25
For Sale: 15 Angus F1 Bulls
Price : CALL

$2,500.00 Roy at 479-890-1276 come pick one out. They are registered with papers. I have Black Angus and Tiger stripped F-1's for sale.
  • Number of Head: 15
For Sale: 66 Angus F1 Bred Heifers
Price : CALL

Heifers tested negative for BVD-Pi. 29 head cleaned up with sons of Connealy Courage to calve January 26th to March 12th. 66 BWF Angus Hereford cross bred heifers for sale. All heifers off one ranch, full vaccination program.
  • Number of Head: 66
For Sale: 10 Angus F1 Open Heifers
Price : CALL

Vaccinations, and long-range wormer Ready for anything Registered wagyu sire Quality Angus momma cows. Born Last spring heifers.
  • Number of Head: 10
For Sale: 25 Angus Cross, Angus F1, Brahman Cross, Brahman F1, Charloais F1, Charolais Cross, Hereford Cross, Hereford F1 Bred Heifers
Price : CALL

A really nice set of 1/2 - 3/4 Brahman heifers that have been running with Express Ranch Angus bulls for 60+ days. They're going to make an extremely nice set of cows! We had them all checked by a vet and are sound to breed and are current on their vaccinations!...
  • Number of Head: 25
For Sale: 11 Amerifax, Angus Cross, Angus F1 Open Heifers
Price : CALL

Selling as a group. Approximate weight 550 to 600 lbs. 11 black baldie F-1 heifers. Price - $950.00 per head. Off of pure bred Hereford Cows and Angus bull.
  • Number of Head: 11
For Sale: 5 Angus, Angus Cross, Angus F1 Bulls
Price : CALL

Prices $5000 If you are looking to improve the genetics of your herd, or are just starting out, start with the best. Email or call for more information. Delivery will take place beginning of September and heifers will be preg checked before.
  • Number of Head: 5
For Sale: 106 Angus F1, Brahman Cross, Holstein, Jersey Open Heifers
Price : CALL

Our breed includes Holsteins, jerseys,Angus beef master, Charolais, hereford and Brown swiss. Our entire herd is registered and our livestock very healthy .Call or text (706)541-6776
  • Number of Head: 106
For Sale: 20 Angus, Angus Cross, Angus F1, Angus Plus, Aubrac Bulls
Price : CALL

We also have; •Pregnant Holstein Heifers Cattle •Fattening Beef Bulls •Hereford •Charolais •Limousin •Belgian Blue •Aberdeen Angus •Simmental beef cattles pygmy goat saanen goat jersey cow hereford cow simmental cow agnus cow limousin...
  • Number of Head: 20
For Sale: 7 Angus, Angus Cross, Angus Plus, Black Angus Bulls
Price : CALL

Thank you Landwehr Land & Cattle Matt, Angela & McCoy Landwehr 1515 Indian Dam Rd. Lahoma, OK 73754 580-747-0007 We focus on outstanding growth, high performance, top maternal behavior, extremely docile attitudes and require our cows to do this in a normal...
  • Number of Head: 7
For Sale: 15 Angus F1 Bulls
Price : CALL

106 head of our 2016 born steer group were harvested in early July of 2017 with 97% grading Choice or Prime with 44% qualifying as CAB. Bulls have been developed on a high forage diet to ensure soundness and longevity.
  • Number of Head: 15
For Sale: 104 Angus, Angus F1, Red Angus Bred Heifers
Price : CALL

They carry EID bangs tags. Bred to calve February 20th 2019, ultra sound preg checked July 11th, safe with calf: • 75 black • 5 black baldy • 26 red Sires were chosen with multiple aspects in mind, including low birth weight/calving ease, Calving...
  • Number of Head: 104
For Sale: 18 Angus, Angus Cross, Red Angus Cow/Calf Pairs
Price : CALL

6 angus/angus-cross bred or with calf, 1 red angus first time heifer with heifer calf, 1 red angus cow heavy bred, 1 registered 3 year old angus bull-halter broke, 3 yearling heifers, 3 yearling steer calves.
  • Number of Head: 18
For Sale: 300 Amerifax, Angus, Angus Cross, Angus F1, Angus Plus Bred Heifers
Price : CALL

We also have; -Pregnant Holstein Heifers Cattle -Fattening Beef Bulls -Hereford -Charolais -Limousin -Belgian Blue -Aberdeen Angus -Simmental beef cattles ,Please Contact for more information if interested
  • Number of Head: 300
For Sale: 32 Angus, Balancer, Gelbvieh, Gelbvieh Cross, Gelbvieh F1 Open Heifers
Price : CALL

Angus/Gelbvieh f1 Balancer Open Heifers; Weaned, wormed, vaccinated, Very Gentle, 650-700lbs, ready to breed this fall. Price break on volume. The kind of cattle you can be proud of and profitable.
  • Number of Head: 32
For Sale: 120 Angus, Angus Cross, Hereford F1, Red Angus Cross, SimAngus, Simmental Bred Heifers
Price : CALL

Most of the heifers are Angus or AngusX. There are several F1 baldies (HerefordxAngus), some Simmental, SimAngus, and Red Angus x Simmental. Majority of the heifers are A.I. bred to sires such as SydGen Multi Tool, Hoover Dam, Discovery, VAR Upfront,...
  • Number of Head: 120
For Sale: 12 Angus, Black Angus Bulls
Price : CALL

3 registered black angus bulls Two born nov 2014 AI sire bulls out of SAV Brave and Silveiras style **show prospects One born dec 2014 Grandsire SAV Bismarck AAA# 17954060 AAA# 17954202 AAA# 18155174 $2800 each for older bulls $2300 younger bull Pictures...
  • Number of Head: 12
For Sale: 90 Angus, Black Angus Bred Heifers
Price : CALL

Heifers are located in southwest Montana. These girls are medium frame and will weigh 1100 pounds. These are the right kind! Outstanding one iron 100% Black Angus bred females to start calving March 1 for 45 days.
  • Number of Head: 90
For Sale: 1 Angus, Angus Cross, Angus F1, Angus Plus, Chianina, Maine-Anjou Bulls
Price : CALL

September 2014 Yearling Bull Angus-Maine-Chi Sire: RCAE Man of War (Chill Factor/Full Flush) Dam: New Design 208 Price: $5,000 *For use on cows
  • Number of Head: 1
For Sale: 18 Angus, Angus Cross Cows
Price : CALL

Good bags and no vices. Call 563-451-8865 $2550 each They have been confirmed bred 5-7 months. They are 4&5 year old cows. 18 black and black white face cows for sale , all are bred to a black angus bull with a low birth weight epd.
  • Number of Head: 18
For Sale: 22 Angus F1 Cow/Calf Pairs
Price : CALL

Front pasture 1st calf hfr pairs All one iron brand Calves were born feb 5th-25th Cows have very good feet and utters on them Calves are about a 50/50 split on bulls and Hfrs Calves tag to match cows Cows are on a full mineral program
  • Number of Head: 22