Bulls home raised on pasture. Red Angus sired by our registered herd bulls. Very calm bulls! Come to you when they see the truck! Bull A = $1850 (pure bred commercial Red Angus) Bull B = $2000 (pure bred commercial Red Angus) Bull C = $1500 (hy-bred commercial...
Bred to lbw black bulls, we have 2 crops of calves from theses bulls and they are currently on some fall cows, 12-26-17 poured for internal and external parasites,ultrasound,individual weights.
Heifers have had all there vaccinations and have been exposed to a bull for 90 days, calves have been worked and tagged to match. Ready to be turned out and make a living. Call Aaron Collins at 580-383-0473
Cows are broke to a feed truck and are easy to view as we drive you through them so you can make a sound decision based on your operation and needs. ***We have a vet preg check cows before delivery so you know they are bred when they leave the farm.***...
Mostly black and bwf with a few red. Second load weighing 650-700. Preconditioned with bovishield gold one shot and boostered with bovishield gold 5 and a vision 7. Selling at Atkinson livestock market October 4th.
We keep Cattlemax records on our entire herd. 4 steers, 3 good heifers. Fair offers considered. Vaccs: Vision 7 Somnus with SPUR; Triangle 10, Dectomax, Multimin 90. $950 for steers, $830 for heifers.
Fed fescue hay, 9 pounds of whole corn, barley and DDGS, and free choice UK preferred minerals. Heifers meet all cost share, OVC, PI-N, pelvic, pregnancy check, and vaccinations with health papers.
Pregnancy checked and wormed on May 28th. Hard to find a nicer group of heifers. Located just south of Madison. Very nice calm first calf heifers bred to a registered Angus bull. Start calving mid July and completed mid September.
Nice set of 7 open angus cross heifers ready to breed, preg checked 4-23-16 by Dr. Mike Sheets, DVM, complete vacination program, wormed 4-23-16 with cydectrin, weigh 725 lbs asking $1,285
25 black baldys and a few solid black heifers weight around 825 they have been with a young low birth weight registered black angus bull since the end of February very gentle set of heifers, going to be a profitable set of calves starting in the fall...
They are bred in their 2nd and 3rd trimester of pregnancy to a low birth weight bull. 18 head of Angus and angus cross cows for sale. Call 6783337310 Delivery is available at cost.
13 Black/Black White Face Heifer Calves, 9-head are out black angus cows and 4-out of red angus cows. All calves are out of red angus bulls. They are open and will weigh 450# Asking $875.00 per head
24 Ai bred angus cross heifers 12 hd bred to Solution angus bull 12 hd bred to Insure angus bull Half were ai'ed 11~14~16~14 balance Bred on 12~09~14 with blk lbw bull now Blood preg checked 2~07~15
I have a group of 5 AI ai sired Herford red angus cross calves steer avg close to 350-400# I am asking $1.85# these calves are weaned started on hay and grain bred to gain n grow call or text 715 307 0387
Summered at 1 ft. Big powerful angus cross bred heifers for sale. $2100.buyer can take them all or have option to hold back three. Can be seen at the ranch 25 miles south of La Junta.
These are nice big cows averaging over 1400 lbs each with a western origin. They will calve March 15-May 15. We are asking $1550 per cow. We have 140 cows for sale that are mostly all angus ranging in age from 6-9 years old.
Current on vaccinations and worming. Very easy to handle and even tempered. She is a bit small but growing nicely. $800 Twelve month old baldy heifer. She is a very sweet girl with a lot of potential.
I have a real good looking Black Angus Cross Bull for sale, he is out of our low birth weight bull that has 100% unassisted births. This is probably our best looking bull this year even though he is not pure bred.
Vaccinations: All OCV'ed... Weight: Average 1,100 lbs. Feed/Pasture: Native grass, Bermuda, & fescue Hay & protein supplement if weather dictates . Delivery Date: Available Now Sell Part/All: Any Number Price: BWF @ $2,495.00 Solid Black or Reds $235...