Our asking price is 3000 please contact me for more info at 303 578 7424. We have her as a show heifer and is very tame and follows easy. Selling my 2 year old virgin heifer. She is registered and will be sold with papers.
Delivery October 15th-30th. Ultra sounded to calve the 1st of March for 60 days. 100 hd of Red/RWF Angus 3-4 yr old Cows- A rare and young set of Red Angus cows that are bred to the best of Red Angus Bulls, sons of Boxed Beef.
Third stage heifers 2500.00 Obo 90 exposed 2175.00 obo Bulls are son of SAV Iron Mountain 8066 And son of Connealy Consensus 7229 Call Tyler at 1(479)841-4597 42 of which are 90 days exposed and will be tested pending sale...20 are bred and in third stage.
Hereford Bulls that are Low Birth Weight. 102 REAL NICE ANGUS/ANGUS CROSS COMMERCIAL HEIFERS For Commercial Heifers these are as good as you will find. These Heifers are approx.19 mo.
10 head nice red angus brrangus cross Heifers exposed 4 months to lbw coriente cross buck beautiful red heifers with little ear show lot brings traits cake broke come to horn prob weigh 900-950 1400$/head or 1500$ choice 9034642283
No antibiotics. Had shots and wormed. Hand raised, one owner, vita ferm mineral, gentle. Coming two year old heifer--grass fed--750-850 #. 660-277-6381, 660-277-4647 Randolph County, MO.
$1700 each can deliver. Closed herd, high quality material genetic, line breed for 10 years that can do it all on grass, old style Angus, the kind that makes money. 8 bred 100 % grass-fed cows all under 5 years old.
Based on purchase numbers and purchase dates -Over 700 Heifers all Bangs vaccinated; Pre-breeding they were BVD-PI tested negative, pelvic measured, and received Bovi-Shield Gold 5 V/L5 -Heifers are black, black/white faced, and red -Exposed to Gardiner...
We have salt and mineral in front of them at all times. Cows were exposed back to Registered Angus bulls starting May 20th. 70 Head of Black and Black Baldy Pairs. 3-6 years old, calves were born Feb-May.
Gate cut price $1800. Can customize orders @ extra cost if you want hi DNA for docility, CE, fertility or LBW. Preg will be re-confirmed prior to shipping. Calves born in Jan-Feb 2016-17 to heifers bred to these bulls sold in the Noble Research Institute's...
$2500 choice, $2400 gate cut, $2300 all to go. Please call with any questions or to come look at the heifers. There are roughly 35 heifers in the bunch that are homerased. Roughly 80 head of bangs vaccinated yearling bred heifers for fall delivery.
Mostly AI'd sired and bred back the same. You will look long and hard to find a better set of cows. Only planning to sell a few to make room for replacements but everything is for sale.
The cow and the two older heifers are currently located in Alabama. To see the cattle in Alabama, call. 1 heifer, 18 mos old, exposed to bull above for fall calf. Small group (5) of young registered Angus, $8500.
For more information or to schedule a time to come and view the heifers contact Dave at 435-469-1024, they are located in Mount Pleasant, Utah. We have been in the Angus seedstock business for decades, raising Registered Angus cattle that will excel in...
Call 580-304-4079 or 580-362-1224 Bulls are priced from $4000-$7000 with delivery available. All bulls are semen tested and guaranteed sound. All our bulls are Schaff Angus Valley based genetics.
Registration #s 18842048, 18814318, 18814300, 18814289, 18814285, 18175509, 18583196, 18427592 They are from AI sires such as AAR Ten X 7008, Plattemere Weigh Up, Baldridge Nebraska 901, TC Total 410.
If interested, call or test Three one eight, six 2 three, twenty ten 4.5 year old Black Angus bull, weighs 1500 pounds. I've owned the bull since he was 16 months old. I am asking $3500 cash only.
30 pairs alone priced at $1,900. 115 fall bred black Angus northern cows 3-5 years old. Cows bred to Express Ranches bulls from Dec. 85 Fall breds alone priced at $1,700. 85 preg checked Fall breds (not yet calved) 30 pairs (calves born between 7/15-8/26)...
We are changing our business to Wagyu. Very easy to work with and not aggressive. Registered Angus Bull (Consensus A374) with EXCELLENT numbers ( Milk/Ribeye/Scrotal Circumference)! He was 6 of 7 (85%) on his first small herd.
45 good solid calf raisers 1250 1300 lbs 3 to 7 years old bred for fall calving we will sell any number to fit your needs trucking is available angus and simangus priced at 1500 each call for more info 660-619-5190
These are the front pasture kind of heifers !! $2300.00 These are some really nice heifers with many calves ahead of them. Some calves from A-I Hoover Dam & some from Mr. Impression.
Call or text 641-340-0868 can send video They always had mineral available and are medium framed asking $1700, will split. Bred to lbw black bulls, we have 2 crops of calves from theses bulls and they are currently on some fall cows, 12-26-17 poured for...
Madill, OK - will deliver for a reasonable fee All animals have had shots: Bovi-Shield Gold 5 and Black Leg, wormed, and are worked regularly, and getting semen and trich tested 10/25/17.
They are currently on grower feed "stocker 10" and pasture. This is a very uniform set of steers, out of a very nice set of Angus and F1 Black Baldie Cows by Hales Big Ribeye bulls.