We have excellent dark Black Walnut trees with quick ship loading. Our offer is for Walnut sawlogs such as: 1/2/3SC grade logs, 0-1SC-10”+ & 6'+, 2SC 12”+ 7'+ and 3SC 12”+ 7'+.
Part of tree: Whole tree
Origin: USA
Product: Saw Logs
Grading system: US standard export rules
Diameter: 10”+ and 12” & up in
Incoterm: CFR - cost & freight (C&F, CNF) Country USA Region Midwest
We offer good quality logs in this grade. We are offering a steady supply of 0-1SC (zero to one side clear) logs in Black Walnut. This grade follows a USFS No. 3 log.
Diameter: 10”+ in
Origin: USA
Incoterm: EXW - ex-works (seller's), goods are at seller's place
Dear sirs we can offer black walnut saw logs from European forest good quality / price, we can supply approx 500 to 1000 m3 years Regards - Translated with google
Diameter: 25+ cm
Quality: Good saw logs ABC
Grading system: ABC , 2 to 4 side clean logs / good saw logs
Walnut (Junglans olancheana) AD lumber. Volume: 2-3 containers per month. Payment terms can be 45 days after shipping if accepted by US factoring. Sizes: 1" x 4-9" x 3-10´.
We have to cut lumber AD elements under special dimension in width between 70 to 100 mm in quality mix from 4 to side black mosaic. We cna then dry to 8% please contact us to f.brotto@latifoglia.it www.latifoglia.it - Translated with google
Dear sirs, we cna offer lumber EU black walnut from Hungary fresh cut unsteamed; or steamed Or steamed KD we can sell also logs contact me - Translated with google