I may try that with one this winter, after first giving it a rest period in the fall.In USDA zones lower than 8, Aztec lily and Peruvian daffodil bulbs must be dug after the first killing fall frost and stashed away in the basement until after the last...
Is there a spot in your landscape that could use some color, perhaps an area that does not receive as much attention as your other gardens? Planting these two annuals might very well fill that spot without the work it typically takes to plant other annual...
They are wonderful companion plants for ferns, mayapples, woodland anemones, hepatica and jack-in-the-pulpits. In the garden, provide these plants with dappled sunlight and a rich, organic soil that remains reasonably moist.
We crossed tiny one-lane bridges and watched birds I did not know at the water's edge. I do not recommend that anyone experiment with Cow Parsnip or anything that resembles it unless they are fully acquainted with Cicuta maculata (Water Hemlock) and could...
No. I do not think so.You know, that front yard holly has served my landscape faithfully over the years, and yet I have often regarded it as a nuisance due to its spiky leaves. It is mostly known as a food source for a variety of birds, especially after...
I don't remember that it had much flavor, but I was always happy to taste anything that was mixed with honey. But goodness, the smell of one of those tiny bags just increased in intensity with every day that went by.
She also wanted to provide food for butterfly and moth caterpillars. Did you notice that not one of these trees is native? This spring may find me removing some crape myrtle trees and exotic azaleas and replacing them with native species.
If you wish to collect seeds, you must watch the ripening seedpods carefully. When the seeds are mature, they burst and send seeds flying all around the area. I will keep trying, and surely a place will be found in my garden that suits it to a tee.
The Texans I have had the pleasure of knowing in my lifetime have all had an endearing, never-say-quit spirit. In an environment of unrelenting heat and drought of historical proportions in much of the state, Texans have not only survived but have thrived.
What a show this Florida native plant puts on at this time of year! All summer firebush has bloomed showy terminal clusters (cymes) of reddish-orange flowers held on red stems and pedicels.
Once I did more reading on their climate, I was amazed to discover that the mean winter temperature is a mild -8 C (18 F) with the record cold being -26 C (-16 F)that makes them the equivalent to hardiness zone 5! However, it is the degree days that...
One of the most rewarding and giving of native plant gardens is the meadow garden. These gardens give year round color, wild life refuges, and a wonderful garden design that is the best of the native worldthe native prairie at one tip ran from near the...
Also known as Bay Star-Vine or Climbing Magnolia is one of the twenty five plants in the Schisandra genus of the family known asNorth Carolina and Tennessee, it is listed as threatened.Japanese honeysuckle choking the vine out of its natural habitat.
Though it is evergreen, there is a heavy drop of leaves in the fall. Is a broadleaf evergreen that grows up to 80 feet tall and 100 feet wide in the northern part of its range but stays smaller in the southern part of its range.
Soon I was headed for home with nine little frostweed babies to plant in my own garden.This plant is a wonderful plant that was only grown in areas where tobacco could not be grown.
A log jam formed, piles of jumbled wood that went for miles. A land of fallen giants, forever preserved in stone, thecaptured my imagination from the first time I heard of it as a child, as I fingered an odd piece of rock on my grandmother's treasure...
Although these North American natives cannot be the biblical lilies of the field, "even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these". If this is a reference to an exact species, the meaning has been lost.
In part three of this series, I will discuss micro climates and how you can create them.Thank you for reading now get out there and make something of your bit of earth! Once you find a site or two that offers a comprehensive list, start looking them up...
When dry, the pods explode and send seeds flying into the dirt around the plant.Seeds should be planted in late fall in Florida, allowing them to chill through the winter. The wonderful blue color of the blooms and the gray-green of the leaves, make it...
Give this plant the same care you would give bearded iris and it will grow with glee. This plant is not made of iron or colored black but it does have a tenacity to grow in places other plants have given up on.
These native peoples came and went. Very few people ever get the chance to visit Greenland. A small offshoot of the Gulf Stream reaches this region and the even today, the seas remain ice-free year-round and the climate is equivalent to USDA zone 2.
Most are native to North America, but a few hail from Europe, Korea, Turkey, and China. An internet search reveals that less than half that number can be found in the trade, but those that are available are superb additions to the garden.
Cultivation in pots is often an easier way to grow them. If growing in the open garden, nestle them between rocks facing north or northwest One of the symbol plants of the western American mountains are Lewisia.
In the meantime, whether you want a tree for decorative flowers, fruit or an attraction to wildlife, you can still enjoy the classical orange-red fruited species of mountain-ash commonly offered in our
Not so at Chico! The main pool was the temperature of a lovely, warm bath, and I immediately relaxed into it as if I were a born swimmer. I'd lurked happily on thehere on Dave's Garden, impressed with the ways in which the experienced gardeners encouraged...
There are a multitude of trails and surprises around every corner. I have seen poppies, lupine, owl clover and dozens more varieties at this location.Beyond our gardens, we look to nature to provide inspiration and motivation to work the difficult soil...
Seedlings can also be transplanted to other places in your own garden or in the edge of the woods where space allows.Propagation is easily accomplished by division of clumps or by sowing seeds.