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Amaryllis Bulbs Canada

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Red Pearl Amaryllis
Prices start at : 14.99 USD / each

This very special and rare Amaryllis produces massive flowers that can measure up to 8" across. Plant Amaryllis bulbs by leaving about 1/3 of the bulb out of the soil. The bulbs can be held after delivery and planted later to bloom closer to the...
  • Max Height (feet): 20-24"
  • Colors: Dark Red
  • Season Color: Fall, Winter
Exotic Star Amaryllis Bulb
Prices start at : 28.98 USD / Single Bulb

Sophisticated amaryllis aficionados will love this one. (Do not use pine bark.) Place bulb so top inch or so of bulb sticks up out of the soil. Watering: Water sparingly until the sprout is well out of the bulb.
  • Foliage: Long, slender, strap-shaped leaves.
  • Botanical Name: Hippeastrum Exotic Star
  • Forcing: Yes
  • Planting Depth: Place bulb so top inch or so of bulb sticks up out of the soil.
  • Foliage Color: Green
  • Zones: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10
Giant Amadeus Amaryllis Bulb
Prices start at : 30.98 USD / Single Bulb

Full, double blooms open to reveal a soft green center. (Do not use pine bark.) Place bulb so top inch or so of bulb sticks up out of the soil. Watering: Water sparingly until the sprout is well out of the bulb.
  •  Forcing
  •  Containers
  • Flower Size: Up to 8" flowers
  • Additional Information: Hardy in zones 9-11.
  • Foliage Color: Green
  • Days to Bloom: 6-12 weeks after planting.
Red Lion Amaryllis Bulb
Prices start at : 26.98 USD / Single Bulb

Recommended by Dutch growers as one of the most foolproof varieties, Red Lion is enjoyed by more Americans for winter bloom than any other bulb. Whenever you choose to plant your Red Lion amaryllis, you can expect to see blooms in 6-12 weeks.
  • Bulb Size: 34 cm
  • Zones: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10
  • Common Name: Amaryllis Red Lion
  • Flower Color: Red
  • Containers: Yes
  • Mature Plant Size: 20-24" tall
Christmas Gift Amaryllis Bulb
Prices start at : 28.98 USD / Single Bulb

As the name implies, these cheerful wintertime flowers make a lovely holiday gift for all. It can be enjoyed anytime throughout winter months, when it feels especially wonderful to have a live flower blooming indoors.
  •  Easy to Grow
  •  Forcing
  • Advantages: Easy to Grow, Containers, Forcing
  • Foliage Color: Green
  • Foliage: Long, slender, strap-shaped leaves.
  • Days to Bloom: 6-12 weeks after planting.
Red Pearl Amaryllis Bulb
Prices start at : 30.98 USD / Single Bulb

A closer look reveals delicate striping on each petal, in shades of wine, berry, and mahogany. (Do not use pine bark.) Place bulb so top inch or so of bulb sticks up out of the soil.
  • Foliage Color: Green
  • Days to Bloom: 6-12 weeks after planting.
  • Planting Time: Fall, Winter
  • Zones: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10
  • Advantages: Easy to Grow, Containers, Winter Interest, Forcing
  • Flower Size: Up to 8" flowers
Charisma Amaryllis Bulb
Prices start at : 32.98 USD / Single Bulb

Expect numerous blooms to appear on multiple stalks. Your grandmother never saw one like this! You can expect to see blooms in 6-12 weeks, after planting your Charisma amaryllis bulb.
  • Days to Bloom: 6-12 weeks after planting.
  • Advantages: Easy to Grow, Containers, Forcing
  • Flower Size: Up to 8" flowers
  • Zones: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10
  • Mature Height: 20-24" tall
  • Additional Information: Hardy in zones 9-11.
Samba Amaryllis Bulb
Prices start at : 32.98 USD / Single Bulb

All other red and white bi-colors, watch out -- here comes Samba! You can expect to see blooms in 6-12 weeks, after planting your Samba amaryllis bulb. Amaryllis How-To: Ever grown an amaryllis inside the house?
  • Bloom Time: Winter: 6-12 weeks after planting.
  • Planting Depth: Place bulb so top inch or so of bulb sticks up out of the soil.
  • Mature Plant Size: 20-24" tall
  • Common Name: Amaryllis Samba
  • Foliage: Long, slender, strap-shaped leaves.
  • Advantages: Easy to Grow, Containers, Forcing
Gervase Amaryllis Bulb
Prices start at : 30.98 USD / Single Bulb

White flowers lend the backdrop for this artful display, offering the perfect winter holiday color palette. (Do not use pine bark.) Place bulb so top inch or so of bulb sticks up out of the soil.
  •  Easy to Grow
  •  Containers
  •  Cut Flowers
  • Days to Bloom: 6-12 weeks after planting.
  • Foliage: Long, slender, strap-shaped leaves.
  • Mature Height: 20-24" tall
Rosy Star Amaryllis Bulb
Prices start at : 30.98 USD / Single Bulb

1" around sides and at bottom. Remember to keep turning the pot regularly to make the stalk grow straight, as they have a tendency to grow and bend towards the light. Your amaryllis will grow quickly and produce its spectacular huge flowers.

20-24" tall

    • Easy to Grow: Yes
    • Common Name: Amaryllis Rosy Star
    • Mature Plant Size: 20-24" tall
    • Mature Height: 20-24" tall
    • Foliage: Long, slender, strap-shaped leaves.
    • Foliage Color: Green
    Papilio Amaryllis Bulb
    Prices start at : 39.98 USD / Single Bulb

    1" around sides and at bottom. Remember to keep turning the pot regularly to make the stalk grow straight, as they have a tendency to grow and bend towards the light. Your amaryllis will grow quickly and produce its spectacular huge flowers.
    • Mature Height: 18-24" tall
    • Common Name: Butterfly Amaryllis Papilio
    • Bulb Size: 20-22 cm
    • Forcing: Yes
    • Zones: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10
    • Additional Information: Hardy in zones 9-11.
    Daphne Amaryllis Bulb
    Prices start at : 30.98 USD / Single Bulb

    Large blooms sit atop sturdy stocks and make excellent cut flowers. (Do not use pine bark.) Place bulb so top inch or so of bulb sticks up out of the soil. Watering: Water sparingly until the sprout is well out of the bulb.
    •  Forcing
    •  Cut Flowers
    • Foliage: Long, slender, strap-shaped leaves.
    • Flower Color: Red
    • Planting Time: Fall, Winter
    • Days to Bloom: 6-12 weeks after planting.
    Cherry Nymph Amaryllis Bulb
    Prices start at : 32.98 USD / Single Bulb

    Whatever you think, you're sure to fall in love with them, and your friends will be amazed You can expect to see blooms in 6-12 weeks, after planting your Cherry Nymph amaryllis bulb.
    •  Containers
    •  Forcing
    • Common Name: Amaryllis Cherry Nymph
    • Flower Color: Red
    • Additional Information: Hardy in zones 9-11.
    • Mature Height: 20-24" tall
    Full House Amaryllis Bulb
    Prices start at : 28.98 USD / Single Bulb

    "Full House" is not only a specialty amaryllis bred to open more flowers, it also has a magnificent new design. (Do not use pine bark.) Place bulb so top inch or so of bulb sticks up out of the soil.
    • Containers: Yes
    • Zones: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10
    • Mature Plant Size: 20-24" tall
    • Foliage: Long, slender, strap-shaped leaves.
    • Bulb Size: 26 cm
    • Planting Time: Fall, Winter
    Striped Amadeus Amaryllis Bulb
    Prices start at : 30.98 USD / Single Bulb

    You can expect to see blooms in 6-12 weeks, after planting your Striped Amadeus amaryllis bulb. Amaryllis How-To: Ever grown an amaryllis inside the house? Your amaryllis will grow quickly and produce its spectacular huge flowers.
    •  Forcing
    •  Easy to Grow
    • Botanical Name: Hippeastrum Striped Amadeus
    • Bloom Time: Winter: 6-12 weeks after planting.
    • Planting Depth: Place bulb so top inch or so of bulb sticks up out of the soil.
    • Additional Information: Hardy in zones 9-11.
    Spotlight Amaryllis Bulb
    Prices start at : 28.98 USD / Single Bulb

    Sturdy green stems and flax-yellow centers fill out the color palette as this jumbo-sized bulbs comes into bloom, 6-10 weeks after planting. (Do not use pine bark.) Place bulb so top inch or so of bulb sticks up out of the soil.
    • Zones: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10
    • Flower Size: Up to 8" flowers
    • Foliage: Long, slender, strap-shaped leaves.
    • Bulb Size: 34 cm
    • Additional Information: Hardy in zones 9-11.
    • Common Name: Amaryllis Spotlight
    Sweet Star Amaryllis Bulb
    Prices start at : 28.98 USD / Single Bulb

    Simply remove each flower as it begins to pale. Your amaryllis will grow quickly and produce its spectacular huge flowers. Aftercare: When all flowers are gone, cut off the tubular flower stems near the top of the bulb, leaving the foliage to continue...
    • Bulb Size: 32-34 cm
    • Advantages: Easy to Grow, Containers, Winter Interest, Forcing
    • Easy to Grow: Yes
    • Botanical Name: Hippeastrum Sweet Star
    • Days to Bloom: 6-12 weeks after planting.
    • Planting Depth: Place bulb so top inch or so of bulb sticks up out of the soil.
    Nymph Amaryllis Bulb
    Prices start at : 30.98 USD / Single Bulb

    Planting Amaryllis: Choose a standard size flower pot, so the large bulb has approx. Cut off the dry leaves, and in about six weeks repot your bulb in fresh potting soil and start the growing cycle all over again.
    • Foliage Color: Green
    • Foliage: Long, slender, strap-shaped leaves.
    • Containers: Yes
    • Planting Time: Fall, Winter
    • Bloom Time: Winter: 6-12 weeks after planting.
    • Flower Size: Up to 8" flowers
    Lagoon Amaryllis Bulb
    Prices start at : 32.98 USD / Single Bulb

    Simply remove each flower as it begins to pale. Your amaryllis will grow quickly and produce its spectacular huge flowers. Aftercare: When all flowers are gone, cut off the tubular flower stems near the top of the bulb, leaving the foliage to continue...
    • Zones: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10
    • Forcing: Yes
    • Planting Depth: Place bulb so top inch or so of bulb sticks up out of the soil.
    • Bloom Time: Winter: 6-12 weeks after planting.
    • Foliage: Long, slender, strap-shaped leaves.
    • Flower Size: Up to 8" flowers
    Red Peacock Amaryllis Bulb
    Prices start at : 30.98 USD / Single Bulb

    Expect multiple blooms on multiple stalks from this jumbo-sized amaryllis bulb. You can expect to see blooms in 6-12 weeks, after planting your Red Peacock amaryllis bulb. Water as usual and apply water-soluble fertilizer every four weeks.
    • Containers: Yes
    • Common Name: Amaryllis Red Peacock
    • Foliage Color: Green
    • Advantages: Easy to Grow, Containers, Forcing
    • Bloom Time: Winter: 6-12 weeks after planting.
    • Mature Plant Size: 20-24" tall
    Wanted Amaryllis Bulbs
    Price : CALL

    I require 30 to 40 bulbs. Finding Double, Single and New Amaryllis Bulbs at Wholesale Prices. For this Month.
    United States
    Needs orange tone amaryllis bulb
    Price : CALL

    They are needed as quickly as possible. The cost, availablility and shipping cost would be appreciated.Thank you. I require 30-36 orange tone amaryllis bulbds that can be forced grown for a wedding in August 2007.
    Amaryllis Care After Flowering: Learn About Post Bloom Care Of Amaryllis
    This prevents new leaves from forming, which will just tax the bulb when it should be saving energy.Most bulbs require a dormant period to bloom. Gradually, leave it outside longer and longer over the course of a week.Continue to water and feed the amaryllis...
    Amaryllis Seed Propagation: How To Plant An Amaryllis Seed
    Amaryllis plants can self-pollinate, but you'll have better results and more interesting cross-breeding if you use two different plants.As the flower fades, the little green nub at its base should swell into a seed pod.
    Amaryllis Forcing Indoors: How To Force Amaryllis Bulbs In Soil
    Choose large bulbs without blemish or mold. That is one virtue some of us lack when it comes to. Amaryllis forcing indoors is easy and allows you to watch the tall stems grow right before your eyes.
    Staking An Amaryllis: Types Of Amaryllis Support Stakes
    This is especially likely if you are growing a cultivar that offers large, double blossoms, like ‘Double Dragon.'The idea behind staking amaryllis plants is to provide them with amaryllis support stakes that are stronger and sturdier than the stems...
    Soil For Amaryllis Plants – What Kind Of Soil Does Amaryllis Need
    This makes for a nice balance of organic and draining amaryllis soil requirements.Another recommended mix is one part loam, one part sand, and one part well rotted and broken up by enough gritty material to allow water to drain easily.