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All-America Selections for 2008
Plants are tested for disease resistance and hardiness. Only the best receive the coveted AAS mark of excellence.Total number of varieties introduced as AAS winners: 668Flower class with most winners: petunia (65 winners)Vegetable class with most winners:...
El Segundo
What Are Crane Flies: Information On Crane Flies And Lawn Damage
They feed on the roots below turf grass lawns, killing crowns and causing brown patches that mar otherwise perfect seas of green grass. Crane fly larvae may also emerge to feed on crowns and grass blades on warm nights, further damaging lawns.
All Herbs, All the Time
Using these smaller amounts, you can experiment with fresh-cut herbs to see what you like, and then plan on growing them yourself next spring. Homemade herb mustard is burning hot to start so mix it up a few weeks before you use or gift it away.
From All Sides
Even the neighbors seem pleased—a sweet couple down the road stopped to offer their praise of the progress, which was a welcome encouragement on our remodeling path. Ultimately, we opted to go with vinyl—not only for its relative cost savings but...
All About Squash
The term “squash” is an abbreviation of the Native American Narragansett word askutasquash, which translates as “eaten raw or uncooked,” apparently a reference to zucchini.
All About Dahlias
A 5-20-20 or similar fertilizer is good for dahlias.• Dig the planting hole about six inches deep and backfill it with peat moss and soil so that the tuber is just about two to four inches below the soil surface.
El Segundo
All-Terrain Farming
ATVs offer benefits to farmers; ongoing farm tasks are no match for an ATVs versatility When I moved my family to the country, I expected a tractor would be a near-term investment.
All About Pack Goats
There are a lot of advantages to using goats as packers that horses and mules can't offer. “Pack goats are easy to handle and they don't break your toes when they step on you!” she says.
Carpenter Bees: All Bluff
First, the good news--as bold and buzzy as they seem, those big black bees that challenge you will not hurt you! Despite the nuisance of buzzing you or producing a little sawdust here and there,
El Segundo
Using All Workshop Space
<< More Shop Talk >> Tags Jim Ruen , workshop This provided room for the 1/2-inch plywood to seat between the pipe and the rafters. It occurred to me that they would provide ideal space for saws , squares and measuring devices, as well as clamps and other...
Calling All Home Chefs
IStockphoto/Thinkstock Starting in April, Organic Creamery's cheese recipe contest will give home chefs the opportunity to win eco-friendly prizes for their kitchens. DCI Cheese Company recently announced its Pure Ingredients, Purely Delicious recipe...
Food Justice for All
“Some of the communities that are considered by the public to be in the most need of help are the ones that are doing some of the most exciting and dynamic work,” says Chrisman.
Simple Citrus All-Purpose Cleaner
Not only do they help to get the house clean, but my favorites have great uplifting scents that always seem to help the cleaning process. This cleaner is great for use on non-porous surfaces, such as kitchen counters and bathtubs.
Soon We\'ll All Know GMOs
What does their “national solution” entail—a voluntary label or mandatory reporting? My hope is that Vermont's effort will go well and we'll quickly be able to put a national standard in place based on its success.
Thanksgiving, the All-American Holiday
When it comes to our late November holiday traditions and foods, however, Americans owe more to a New Hampshire writer named Sarah Josepha Hale than to the Plymouth Puritans. An early 20th-century depiction of the 1621 Plymouth feastCornbread stuffing,...
El Segundo
Do Azaleas Bloom All Summer?
Without this cold weather they will bloom for a longer time, but sporadically, instead of simultaneously. However, azaleas must have four to eight weeks of temperatures below 50 degrees Fahrenheit in the winter to bloom well.
Santa Monica
Locavore Recipe: All-Purpose Casserole
Photo by Judith Hausman This all-purpose casserole will make delicious use of your extra crops. Let soak for 10 minutes or so. Gently fold the cooked greens into the softened bread.
Low-cost compost for all
Go slow with animal parts or you'll have every dog and cat for miles turning your compost pile for you.Cabinet shops and custom wood shops usually have lots of sawdust free for the taking, just be sure they aren't cedar or walnut (both contain growth...
El Segundo
Chickens: Where It All Began
Since then, my farm has flourished. Today, the list of livestock includes chickens, turkey, game birds and goats. I also grow a half-acre of vegetables; tend a miniature orchard of fruit, berries and nuts; operate a goat micro-dairy; and make my own fresh...
It all starts in a seed
Now open the bean; the two fleshy parts are the cotyledons or stockpiles very rich in starch and which will supply the energy to the plantlet until it will be able to produce its own by the mean of photosynthesis.
El Segundo
Daylilies That Bloom All Summer Long
This cultivar is hardy in USDA zones 3 through 10."Happy Returns") is a descendent of the "Stella de Oro." This everblooming daylily, which produces lemon-yellow flowers that reach 3 inches wide, is hardy in USDA zones 3 through 9.
Santa Monica
Shrubs That Stay Green All Winter
Formosa grows 6 to 8 feet high and 4 to 6 feet wide. It grows in zones 6 to 9. Evergreen shrubs play an important role in the landscape, according to the University of Minnesota's Sustainable Urban Landscape Information Series.
Santa Monica
Stinging Nettles are Not All Bad
Stinging Nettles are not popular plants, I have received many stings from them over the years. I thought it had started to pupate, so I left it in the plastic bag and by the evening when I next looked it had formed itself into this lovely chrysalis, which...
El Segundo
Snapdragons Delight Gardeners of All Ages
Place your finished bouquet in a room away from air conditioning or heating vents, and change water daily.With just a bit of care in selecting the proper type for the garden and providing cultural conditions to their liking, almost anyone can have snapdragons...
El Segundo
Goldie and the Heal All Plant
Goldie wasn't as anxious to change the subject: "Well, Lawdy mercy, Bettie Ann, that chile sure can talk, it'll get her in big trouble one day. I sure hoped it wasn't me.Goldie hemmed and hawed around a bit, and finally she gave Aunt Bett her phone number,...
El Segundo
Weeds: A Curse To All Gardeners
Dicamba and 2-4-D are the preferred products. Hand pulling is virtually impossible, as the plant has an extensive root system, and if any part of the root is broken off it will continue to grow.
El Segundo
What Shrubs Keep Leaves All Winter?
Mid-size shrub options include blue holly (Ilex × meserveae), with rich, blue-green leaves and red berry clusters on a 15 foot-tall by 10-feet wide shrub, and inkberry holly (Ilex glabra), 10 feet in both directions with slender, spineless leaves and...
Santa Monica