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Alder Lumber

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Bamboo / Maple / Alder Flat Cut Engineered Veneer
Price : CALL

2855 x 550 x 1.0 mm, about 1700 m2 Ayous on wym. I have to sell Ayous, Alder, Oak, Maple, Bamboo, Oakwood Ayous on wym. 2855 x 650 x 0.6 mm about 2500 m2 Natural alder, various dimensions, about 1150 m2 Rosewood with dimensions 2800 x 680x 0.6 mm about...
  • Sliced veneer type: Engineered Veneer
  • Surface area: 3000 m2 (sqm)
  • Cut: Flat cut, plain
  • Volume: 500 m2 (sqm) Spot - 1 time
Alder lumber
Price : CALL

Alder Lumber Hi: we are looking for Alder lumber Quality:3# com Length:8-10 thickness:4/4 price? Alder Lumber Hi: we are looking for Alder lumber Quality:3# com Length:8-10 thickness:4/4 price?
United States
I would buy Alder sawdusts or chips
Price : CALL

Waiting for your offers !!! Hello, I need few big bags of Alder sawdust, it could be about 50kg, probably would by all year around, just for start want be sure its good product.
United Kingdom
8/4 knotty alder lumber
Price : CALL

In addition to 8/4 we will need other sizes. Will need material for production run in late summer. B or c face is OK Furniture manufacturer looking for 8/4 knotty alder with varied widths for use in table tops and other furniture
United States
600 acres of red alder ready to mill
Price : CALL

Open to joint ventures. I can produce a million board feet per year but not immediately. This property is capable of producing between 1 and 2 million board feet forever if 40 acres per year is logged.
British Columbia
Prince Rupert
Wanted Alder Lumber
Price : CALL

Continuous basis. Truckloads and pallets. Alder Lumber Clears, S&B and FAS, large & small quantities.
British Columbia
Alder Sawdust Wanted
Price : CALL

The alder sawdust/chips will be used to mulch blueberries. The delivery costs should be included in price. Would like to purchase 2 units (15 yards) of alder sawdust/chips delivered to farm in Sheridan, Oregon.
United States
Wanted alder 5/4  balister blank
Price : CALL

I need alder 5/4 square lumber s4s kiln dried ready to turn on a lathe for balisters. Alder 3 1/4\" square lumber suitable for newel posts Also need 3 1/4\" square s4s kiln dried lumber for newel posts
United States
Wanted Alder Lumber
Price : CALL

I'm looking for a supplier of Alder hardwood in the following sizes 4 1/4" x 4 1/4" x 31" Quantity Approx. 200 per month to start with. I need these solid stock (not glued up) Please call or email.
United States
Alder woodwanted for guitar body
Price : CALL

This is for a guitar building project, so a nicer looking piece of alder with no knots is I don't have anything else to say about it really, the buyer is willing to pay the average price it costs for one piece, and the sooner, the better, thanks!
Fence posts/smelter poles
Price : CALL

We have a variety of posts from 2' to 20' by 1/2\\" to 5\\" tops very affordale prices on these.. This process helps save our forest floors from fire hazards and fires. So call to find what you need thanks and have a wonderful day
Alder lumber
Price : CALL

By FCL container. Please quote price : CIF HCM port. Payment: L/C or TT & other to be agreed . Please quote Alder lumber Grade #1COM; Cabinet Require the lumber for production of cabinet & other fine furniture.
Long An
Ben Luc
What Is An Alder Tree: Information About Alder Trees
The leaves on a red alder are tightly rolled under along the edges, while those on a white alder are more flat.Sitka and thinleaf alders reach heights of no more than 25 feet. The catkins persist into winter.
Black Alder Tree Info: Tips On Planting Black Alder In The Landscape
They grow to 50' tall and have a pyramidal shape. They have appealing glossy leaves. Read on to learn more.There are many black alder facts that should be of interest to homeowners and landscapers.
Care Of Speckled Alder Trees: Learn How To Grow A Speckled Alder Tree
If you want to start growing speckled alders from seeds, it's easy to collect them from the tree in autumn. The common name comes from the fact that the stems, heavily lined with horizontally borne lenticels, appear speckled.Both male and female alder...
Lumber of brazil -  woods brazil
Price : CALL

Wood of the brazil and you move rustic in wood works with wood legal many types wooden we have itauba cedar garapera ipe cambara and many others. Wood of the brazil and you move rustic in wood works with wood legal many types wooden
Mato Grosso
Alder lumber for sale
Price : CALL

Prefer buyers who are willing to take full production run but will consider others. We are a small-medium production mill looking for new customers. Please contact Matt Loken. Mill is located in Victoria, British Columbia, Canada.
British Columbia
Alder Lumber For Sale
Price : CALL

We have an alder mill that produces about 50 mbf per shift of alder lumber that we are interested in selling. We would like to work with you to determine exactly what your needs and and then fulfull those needs.
Alder Lumber BC Vancouver
Price : CALL

Alder works and turns easily. The lumber is of fairly straight grain, uniform texture and little distinctive figuring. Red Alder (Alnus rubra) is the most plentiful hardwood on the Pacific Coast.
British Columbia
Maple Ridge District Municipality
Alder lumber
Price : CALL

Alder lumber can be milled to your specification, from 8' to 20' Green rough sawn lumber
Camas Valley
Wanted alder lumber
Price : CALL

Needs to be #1 grade. If the relationship works out will purchase that much about every other month. Also needs to be ripped 1 edge. Please supply quotes. If you can supply us we might also be interested in purchasing soft maple from you in the future.
United States
New Jersey
Alder Lumber Wanted
Price : CALL

This will be ongoing business. Interested in purchasing approx a truck load per month of mixed Superior and Custom Shop Grade 4/4 KD RWRL Alder.
United States
Wanted: Alder Lumber
Price : CALL

Looking to purchase truckload (T/L) quantities of alder, specifically interested in clear material as well as rustic/knotty material. This is a long established company with an excellent credit history.
United States
Wanted alder and oak lumber
Price : CALL

Will pick up at mill Prefer 4/4 #1 common rough or surfaced, kiln or well air dried (5-6%). Will pick up at mill, Oregon or Washington. Need 4/4 air or kiln dried alder and oak, 1000bf each, to replenish small shop inventory.
United States
Alder, Oak Sawdust Wanted
Price : CALL

I need oak or alder sawdust approx 10 yards more or less for mushroom cultivation. Delivered to McMimnnville, Oregon I need oak or alder sawdust approx 10 yards more or less for mushroom cultivation
United States
Birch / Oak / Grey Alder Cleaved Firewood 30 cm
Price : CALL

  • Main type: Firewood Cleaved - Not Cleaved
  • Type: Firewood/Woodlogs Cleaved
  • Volume: 6 - 8 truckload per month
  • Incoterm: DAP – Delivered at Place (named place of destination)
  • Length: 30 cm
Roughcut Hackberry
Price : CALL

I will sell all for one money. It has been drying indoors over the last 5 years. All the edges are uncut and natural. If you are interested you can contact me and I will send you some pictures.