Very lovable, well socialized and make great family pets. Estimated weight 60-80lbs. Full AKC registration, up to date on vaccination and puppy care pack. Mom is standard Airedale and dad is Oorang Airedale.
Very lovable, well socialized and make great family pets. Estimated weight 60-80lbs. Full AKC registration, up to date on vaccination and puppy care pack. Mom is standard Airedale and dad is Oorang Airedale.
Very lovable, well socialized and make great family pets. Estimated weight 60-80lbs. Full AKC registration, up to date on vaccination and puppy care pack. Mom is standard Airedale and dad is Oorang Airedale.
Very lovable, well socialized and make great family pets. Estimated weight 60-80lbs. Full AKC registration, up to date on vaccination and puppy care pack. Mom is standard Airedale and dad is Oorang Airedale.
Very lovable, well socialized and make great family pets. Estimated weight 60-80lbs. Full AKC registration, up to date on vaccination and puppy care pack. Mom is standard Airedale and dad is Oorang Airedale.
Very lovable, well socialized and make great family pets. Estimated weight 60-80lbs. Full AKC registration, up to date on vaccination and puppy care pack. Mom is standard Airedale and dad is Oorang Airedale.
Very lovable, well socialized and make great family pets. Estimated weight 60-80lbs. Full AKC registration, up to date on vaccination and puppy care pack. Mom is standard Airedale and dad is Oorang Airedale.
Originally bred for hunting, they will do small and large game, tireless. Loyal family pet. AKC, ready for hunting training, Shots, dewclaws removed, tails docked, great ranch dog, guarding, livestock.
He is very sweet. I am selling him for $1,000 If you have anymore questions you can call or text or email. He is up-to-date on shots. He is going to be small, about 3.5 to 4 lbs when full grown.
Please call 405-249-4138 if you're interested in having a new family member. His charted weight at maturity is 4 lbs. This lil maleYorkshire Terrier is a little cuddle bug and has a very sweet personality.
He is very sweet. I am selling him for $750 If you have anymore questions you can call or text or email. He is up-to-date on shots. He is going to be about 5 lbs when full grown. Ben is a cute male Yorkie puppy.
Please call 405-249-4138 if you're interested in having a new family member. His charted weight at maturity is 3 lbs 4 oz. This lil maleYorkshire Terrier loves to play, cuddle and has a very sweet personality.
The puppies in this litter are from AKC Registered parents both are AKC champions and can also be registered with the AKC. Make sure to do research on this breed, and how it might fit your lifestyle before finding a responsible breeder with available...
Breed: Russell Terrier
Dam: CH Symphony's Just Keep Swimmming (RN27224403)
Heath screens have been performed on the sire and dam: Yes
Females: 1
Health: All puppy shots have been given. All worming has also been done.
Puppies are permanently identified and enrolled: No
This is a beautiful black and white male Boston terrier out of both black and white parents. I am USDA and AKC licensed and inspected. He will be up to date on vaccinations.
2803 are the last 4 numbers of his microchip. This little boy will be ready to meet his new family on November 23rd. We can ship ground to select areas for 250 dollars. He will be well socialized with people and other puppies.
1409 are the last 4 numbers of his microchip. This little boy will be ready to meet his new family on November 18th. We can ship ground to select areas for 250 dollars. He will be well socialized with people and other puppies.
They have been pre-spoiled & are being trained to use a doggy door. This puppy has a beautiful lilac & white coat, a blaze face & a full white collar. I don't like ground shipping my babies where it may take 3 – 4 days to reach their new home,...
New pictures are taken weekly and can also send videos. Dawson is ready to meet his new family. Shipping is available. He is current on shots and worming. Please contact me with any questions.
This little guy is adorable he has short legs, cobby body & a teddy bear face !! He's out of small parents so he will stay small around 3 Lb as adult he's up to date on all vaccinations & is also micro chipped he has a super sweet personality & loves...
Meet Teddy, he is 50% yorkie 50% Pomeranian but 100% adorable. His mom and dad both weigh about 5.5lbs-6lbs They are both full blood and registered BUT these pups will NOT come with papers.
New pictures are taken weekly and I can also send videos. Ryan is ready to meet his new family. I can have him shipped. He is current on shots and worming. Please contact me with any questions.
He is started on his puppy pad training. This beautiful little boy is ready for his new home. August weighs 3.9 August is current on his vaccinations and dewormings and has been micro chipped.
Parents are 20-23lbs. He will be microchipped, current on vaccinations, dewormed regularly & checked by a licensed vet before leaving. He is JHC & DM clear by parentage. Located in Vinita, Oklahoma.
I am AKC and USDA licensed and inspected. This is a pretty AKC Brindle,Black and White male out of a seal and white dad and black and white mom. I accept Paypal for 200.00 deposit on the puppy until ready to pick up.
Average weight between 15-20lbs. His name is bandit and he is very cute sweet and spunky. Had an oopsie litter of half welsh and rat terrier puppies. Contact about shipping or delivery options.