15' spacings, hyd modules w p/wheels row cleaning modules liquid systems kit fitted Simplicity hose kit fitted VG Cond , done little work. Ideal no till seeder and pasture renovation...
This seeder holds 1900lbs (40 cubic feet) and is a ground drive unit. This 3 point system Salford offers is the answer! Simply put the seeder between the tractor and the tillage tool for easy filling and easy connect/disconnect of the seeder.
18 FRONTIER CS1360 CONSERVATION SEEDER MLP $11,648 | John Deere Certified | John Deere Low Rate Financing | Cross Implement Your Local John Deere Dealer Serving You From Central Illinois | Contact: Brad 309.840.2949
Equipped with Salfords high out put metering system, you can be sure to achieve maximum rates for maximum profitability. Give us a call today to learn more! This 180 Bushel commodity cart is a great fit for banding nutrients or seeding cover crops.
This unit is perfect for towing behind a vertical tillage tool, maximizes capacity and efficiency. Comes with ground drive tire, 400' 1 1/4" hose hydraulic hoses to run the fan, deflectors, high output rollers.
The 9930 can also be set up for tow-between or tow-behind configurations. Choose the single-axle with duals Model 9930 for a total capacity of 525 bushels in three tanks — 175 in the front, 225 in the center and 125 in the rear tank.