Housed Indoors. Used minimally over the past several years. Tires in good condition. In addition, have a International Disk, New Idea Brush Hog, and a Snow Plow available. 1972 Allis Chalmers 170, Total Hours 1,014.
Allis Chalmers Transport Disc, 9' 8" Wide, 16" Blades, Scrapers, Cyl And Hoses, 7.00-14 Tires, Couple Broke Blades, Good Condition, Not Sure On Correct Model
Allis Chalmers Transport Disc, 12 Ft Wide, 16" Blades, Scrapers, Cyl And Hoses, 7.00-14 Tires, Couple Broke Blades, Good Condition, Not Sure On Correct Model
Excellent condition, always housed, and housed here We have put this in our shop, ran and greased it, made sure everything works as it should We ship anywhere, Call or email us for a freight rate You can see everything we have at our website by clicking...