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Mobile Processing Units Help Small Farmers Find Profit in Poultry
You can also purchase kits online for DIY defeathers, and I've seen converted washing machines do the trick as well. A couple of them even process birds that they give to the senior citizens' home.” In addition to running the MPU, Skelton is a staunch...
Poultry Science: What Chicken Breeds Should You Choose?
This overview covers traits of several common chicken breeds. If you don't have the option of letting your chickens roam on pasture and you live in a colder region, this bird is worth considering.
6 Reasons Why Market Farmers Should Sell Duck Eggs
They Are Not Chicken Eggs Customers allergic to chicken eggs can often eat duck eggs and will seek them for this reason. This is a small but existing population who will become dedicated customers.
Consider Artificial Insemination for Your Livestock
The names of some of these sires can be pretty amusing; I get a kick out of Swagger, Hotshot and Corvette. Because of the practice's extended use in dairy, the cattle industry has made huge strides using artificial insemination.
Get Eggs From Your Chickens All Year Round
The remedy for this problem is usually as simple as moving the automatic door light sensor to a location where it doesn't recognize that a light has come on inside the coop. A chicken needs approximately 14 hours of daylight to stimulate her pituitary...
Lessons of the Fall: The Benefits of Raising Chicks Later in the Year
Seed at 2 pounds per acre using a seed drill. At this point, the garden is overrun with pesky weeds and bugs, so they clean it up nicely.” Broody Hens in Fall Shutterstock Although most hens have the good sense to become broody in the spring and summer,...
How to Start a Premium Beef Business
With the increase in GMO corn, there is a growing market for all-natural grassfed beef. Your customer then pays the butcher for cutting and packaging separately. Tags beef cattle , butcher
Start A Successful Egg Business that Makes You Money
Gaston says that she does take into account the number of eggs each hen lays but that the end product is most important for her, when considering her income versus the cost ratio. Brown also feeds his chickens his garden leftovers, like the bushels of...
A Guide to Deciphering a Butcher\'s Pork Cut Card
They're smaller and easier to sell whole, or you can slice them into ham steaks. If you want it as bacon, though, call and ask—a processor can do this for you. Because bacon is the first item to sell out at market, it's good to have as much available...
Should I Keep Old Hens Around? When & How to Cull
After that, production slows a bit until a hen molts, when laying stops. Many egg farmers order a batch of same-breed chickens every spring, taking care to introduce a not-present breed each year.
How Do You Make Money Farming? Raise Meat Goats
Goats are intelligent, friendly and just plain fun to have around. Some producers specialize in show wethers (the meat goat division is the fastest growing segment of many states' 4-H programs); Others show purebred bucks and percentage does (a commercial...
Farming Pigs: A Guide From Piglets To Farmers Market
Recently, my wife turned to me and said, “I think we're hog farmers .” So, it seems, we are. Raising pigs is a pretty hands-off endeavor, but farmers should monitor the herd for illness.
Q&A With Rent The Chicken
Years ago everyone either had chickens of their own or knew someone who had chickens. We've had both urban folks, as well as people with 10-plus acres of land. Who participates in chicken rental?
Turkeys: Not Just For Thanksgiving
To keep poults safe, keep them in a brooder until they are at least 8 weeks old. “Once you get the hang of it, it's worth it.” This article originally appeared in the March/April 2016 issue of Hobby Farms .
7 Tips for Marketing Goat Meat
Provide Recipes Providing good goat meat recipes is essential in encouraging your customers to try goat. However, because of goat meat's extremely low fat content, recipes that include a lot of moisture, such as braises and stews, are most desirable when...
Hair Sheep: The Perfect First Livestock
We avoid this because it would be pretty rough on the mama and lambs, but it's technically possible. As for handling facilities, we will just use a couple steel fences against a barn.
Breeds You Need: Finding the Right Livestock for Small Farms
Rams weigh just 90 to 125 pounds, and ewes weigh 75 to 100 pounds. Highlands are small and compact, docile, extremely cold-hardy, and adaptable to any climate conditions, disease resistant and adaptable.
Learn Your State\'s Right-to-Farm Law: You Might Need It
We were beside ourselves. For starters, our farm didn't smell, unless you stuck your nose in our compost pile, which was located more than two acres away from the Smiths' house. Within minutes of receiving that notice, I was on the phone with our state's...
Used Egg Cartons: What You Should & Should NOT Do With Them
This threat is so serious that the Israel Health Ministry banned the donation of used egg cartons at nursery schools, kindergartens and elementary schools. Plant your choice of seeds, and keep the egg carton watered and in a sunny, safe spot.
From Flock To Farm: A Chicken-Keeper\'s Guide To Adding Livestock
They really mean that goats eat every type of plant, from poison ivy to roses and hedges. Like goats, sheep can get sick from eating too much grain, so you must keep the chickens' feed in an area they can't access.
10 Vegetable Farms to Follow on Instagram in 2018
The Culinary Gardener is an exceedingly fun farm to watch grow, and it's a great source for learning to grow plants as diverse as edible flowers to loads of radicchio. Rose Creek Farm Tennessee Guided by a dedication to his faith and his family, Ray Tyler...
Launch Your Food Business Now! 4 Tips from Landmark Creamery
“I hear from so many people when doing tasting demos that they've never had sheep milk cheese, so there really is a need to educate customers.” To Landmark, it boils down to getting more sheep milk cheese on the shelves so people are exposed to it,...
When & How Farmers Should Consider Retail Consignment
Verify that everyone understands the goals and expectations. So, lettuce that would have gone to waste turned into money for both parties. Whatever doesn't sell comes back to you, but the consignment seller pays you for what did sell.
WFAN Helps Women In Agriculture & Food \
Leigh explains that Practical Farmers of Iowa has partnered with the university to engage local farmers in research projects. The women-only groups that WFAN hosts provide a safe, nonjudgmental space for questions to be answered.
Fermenting Success: California Farmers Create Artisan Vinegar
Growing the Business The business growth happened organically and slowly for the first few years. They design all their vinegars to be used while cooking, as marinades, reductions and finishing flavors.
About Livestock Farming
In addition, access to sunshine is a basic tenet of free-ranging. One change at a time is, well, more sustainable! Free-Ranging Livestock Most people associate the term “ free range ” with chickens.
The Real Costs of Starting a Small Organic Vegetable Farm
Start your farm, build your business, establish your growing chops, then consider buying land. You will probably want a seeder and bed rake. You can plant carrots without having a flame weeder, for example, but you cannot keep carrots without having a...