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Acid Loving Plant Edible Fruit Or Nut Plant For Sale In Santa Clarita

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Yumberry, Yang-mei Myrica rubra
Prices start at : 5.95 USD / 1 packet

* Significant progress has been reported on polyphenols, particularly ellagic acid, tannins and anthocyanins, antioxidant activity, anti-cancer and anti-viral properties. * An extract from fruit called myricerone blocks a receptor for the peptide, endothelin,...
  • Genus: Myrica
  • Height: 30-60 feet
  • Botanical Name: Myrica rubra
  • Purity: 99%
  • Family: MYRICACEAE
  • Minimum Hardiness Zone: 8
Santa Clarita
White-leaf Manzanita, Whiteleaf Manzanita, Sticky Whiteleaf Manzanita, Sticky Manzanita Arctostaphylos viscida
Prices start at : 39.50 USD / 10 g

* Arctostaphylos viscida is a species of manzanita known by the common names whiteleaf manzanita and sticky manzanita . This is a treelike shrub reaching up to five meters in height.
  • Seeds Per Pound: 34,054
  • Minimum Hardiness Zone: 7
  • Family: Ericaceae
  • Average Viable Seeds/Packet: 26
  • Species: viscida
  • Quantity: 0.09 lb
Santa Clarita
Sword Jackbean Canavalia gladiata
Prices start at : 9.95 USD / 1 packet

* Canavalia gladiata, usually called Sword Bean, is a domesticated plant species in the legume (Fabaceae) family. * The legume is a used as a vegetable in interiors of central and south central India, though not commercially farmed.
  • Germination: 98%
  • Genus: Canavalia
  • Purity: 99%
  • Seeds Per Pound: 224
  • Common Name: Sword Jackbean
  • Family: Fabaceae
Santa Clarita
Cranberry, American Cranberry Vaccinium macrocarpon
Price : CALL

* Cranberries are a group of evergreen dwarf shrubs or trailing vines in the genus Vaccinium subgenus Oxycoccos , or in some treatments, in the distinct genus Oxycoccos . They are found in acidic bogs throughout the cooler parts of the Northern Hemisphere...
  • Botanical Name: Vaccinium macrocarpon clean seed
  • Family: Ericaceae
  • Genus: Vaccinium
  • Common Name: Cranberry, American Cranberry
Santa Clarita
Coulter\'s Pine, Coulter Pine Pinus coulteri
Prices start at : 8.95 USD / 1 packet

* The outstanding characteristic of this tree is the large, spiny cones which are 20–40 cm (7.9–15.7 in) long, and weigh 2–5 kg (4.4–11.0 lb) when fresh. The Coulter pine has gained the Royal Horticultural Society's Award of Garden Merit.
  • Crop Year: 2018
  • Seeds Per Pound: 1,405
  • Common Name: Coulter's Pine, Coulter Pine
  • Purity: 99%
  • Species: coulteri
  • Germination: 98%
Santa Clarita
Big Huckleberry, Thinleaf Huckleberry Vaccinium membranaceum
Prices start at : 8.95 USD / 1 packet

* Vaccinium membranaceum is a species within the group of Vaccinium commonly referred to as huckleberry. This particular species is known by the common names thinleaf huckleberry, tall huckleberry, big huckleberry, mountain huckleberry, square-twig blueberry,...
  • Minimum Hardiness Zone: 4
  • Quantity: 0.13 lb
  • Species: membranaceum
  • Crop Year: 2017
  • Botanical Name: Vaccinium membranaceum
  • Germination: 40%
Santa Clarita
Juneberry Amelanchier lamarckii
Prices start at : 4.95 USD / 1 packet

* The plants are covered with one inch wide white flowers in spring, followed by edible black berries. * A decidious Shrub growing to 6 m. This form is presumed to be of hybrid origin ( A.
  • Family: Rosaceae
  • Germination: 98%
  • Species: lamarckii
  • Minimum Hardiness Zone: 4
  • Botanical Name: Amelanchier lamarckii
  • Common Name: Juneberry
Santa Clarita
Carolina Silverbell Halesia carolina
Prices start at : 4.95 USD / 1 packet

* A Southeast U.S. native, small understory tree with a broad, rounded crown or a large shrub. * Few trees flower more elegantly-- white, bell-shaped, 3/4" blooms dangling like raindrops in rows along year-old branches; spring flowering; the limbs arch...
  • Family: Styracaceae
  • Average Viable Seeds/Packet: 25
  • Common Name: Carolina Silverbell
  • Genus: Halesia
  • Purity: 99%
  • Species: carolina
Santa Clarita
Highbush Blueberry Vaccinium corymbosum
Price : CALL

* The most important of the edible blueberries, but also a good ornamental; dark green or blue-green leaves, turning yellow, orange, red, and bronzy in fall; masses of white or pinkish flowers with the new leaves; blue-black berries to 1/2" starting in...
  • Height: 6-12 feet
  • Botanical Name: Vaccinium corymbosum
  • Minimum Hardiness Zone: 4
  • Genus: Vaccinium
Santa Clarita
Bush Chinquapin, Dwarf Golden Chinquapin Chrysolepis sempervirens
Prices start at : 29.95 USD / 1 packet

Plants can only be grown in oceanic and Mediterranean climates, thriving in Britain. Prefers a sheltered semi-shaded position and a light deep moist soil. * Requires a lime-free soil.
  • Genus: Chrysolepis
  • Family: Fagaceae
  • Height: 5-7 feet
  • Germination: 63%
  • Common Name: Bush Chinquapin, Dwarf Golden Chinquapin
  • Minimum Hardiness Zone: 5
Santa Clarita
Lowbush Blueberry Vaccinium angustifolium
Prices start at : 5.95 USD / 1 packet

* This plant grows best in wooded or open areas with well-drained acidic soils. * In 2006, production of wild blueberries in Quebec has reached 70 million pounds. * The Vaccinium angustifolium plant is fire-tolerant and its numbers often increase in an...
  • Botanical Name: Vaccinium angustifolium
  • Crop Year: 2018
  • Germination: 30%
  • Genus: Vaccinium
  • Species: angustifolium
  • Height: 6 inches to 2 feet
Santa Clarita
Russian Almond, Dwarf Russian Almond Prunus tenella
Price : CALL

* Prunus tenella Batsch, Dwarf Russian Almond , is a species of deciduous shrubs in the genus Prunus , native to steppes of Eastern Europe and Western Siberia , as well as dry open sites of Caucasus , Western and Central Asia .
  • Genus: Prunus
  • Species: tenella
  • Common Name: Russian Almond, Dwarf Russian Almond
  • Height: 5 feet
Santa Clarita
Early Jalapeno Pepper Capsicum annuum   Early Jalapeno
Prices start at : 1.95 USD / 1 packet

* This ia a very early maturing, hot Jalapeno Pepper. * he fruit will mature in about 70 days from transplanting. * This variety is very heavy yielding over a long season. * The fruits are dark green maturing to red.
  • Genus: Capsicum
  • Minimum Hardiness Zone: annual
  • Height: 20-60 inches
  • Germination Test Type: estimate
  • Species: annuum
  • Cultivar: Early Jalapeno
Santa Clarita
Three-leaf Akebia, Chocolate Vine Akebia trifoliata
Prices start at : 5.95 USD / 1 packet

The fruit is 7 - 13cm long. * Valued more as a novelty, the fruit looks somewhat like a deep-purple coloured sausage. The flavour can be enhanced by the addition of a little lemon juice.
  • Botanical Name: Akebia trifoliata
  • Common Name: Three-leaf Akebia, Chocolate Vine
  • Average Viable Seeds/Packet: 20
  • Seeds Per Pound: 18,968
  • Genus: Akebia
  • Species: trifoliata
Santa Clarita
Winter Cherry, Chinese Lantern, Strawberry Groundcherry Physalis alkekengi
Price : CALL

* A perennial grown for its 2" bright red-orange inflated husk in fall, which encloses an edible red berry; the plant itself is rather lax and weedy, spreading by underground stems; nodding white flowers; native from southeast Europe to Japan.
  • Germination Test Type: estimate
  • Purity: 99%
  • Botanical Name: Physalis alkekengi
  • Species: alkekengi
  • Genus: Physalis
  • Minimum Hardiness Zone: 3
Santa Clarita
Carolina Buckthorn, Indian Cherry Rhamnus caroliniana     - Frangula caroliniana
Prices start at : 3.95 USD / 1 packet

Frangula caroliniana ), the Carolina Buckthorn , is an upright shrub or small tree native to the Southeastern United States . * Rhamnus caroliniana ( syn. In Missouri, it is typically found along woodland streams, open wooded hillsides, upland ridges,...
  • Common Name: Carolina Buckthorn, Indian Cherry
  • Collection Locale: Louisiana
  • Minimum Hardiness Zone: 6
  • Seeds Per Pound: 11,804
  • Quantity: 0.58 lb
  • Purity: 99%
Santa Clarita
Virginia Strawberry, Wild Strawberry, Common Strawberry Fragaria virginiana
Prices start at : 17.95 USD / 1 packet

They are held in the mouth, or rubbed over the teeth, to remove tartar. Small but delicious, up to 20mm in diameter. The dried leaves are a very pleasant tea substitute. * Its natural range is confined to North America, in the United States (including...
  • Collection Locale: Houston CO, MN
  • Purity: 95%
  • Common Name: Virginia Strawberry, Wild Strawberry, Common Strawberry
  • Germination: 75%
  • Species: virginiana
  • Crop Year: 2018
Santa Clarita
Prairie Rose, Arkansas Rose Rosa arkansana
Prices start at : 4.95 USD / 1 packet

* A low shrub found on dry slopes and prairies. * The name Rosa arkansana comes from the Arkansas River in Colorado. * Wild Prairie Rose is the state flower of the U.S. states of Iowa and North Dakota.
  • Crop Year: 2013
  • Species: arkansana
  • Quantity: 1.7 lb
  • Minimum Hardiness Zone: 5
  • Botanical Name: Rosa arkansana
  • Average Viable Seeds/Packet: 39
Santa Clarita
California Huckleberry, Evergreen Huckleberry Vaccinium ovatum
Prices start at : 7.95 USD / 1 packet

* The plant is successful in natural landscape and native plant palette style, and habitat gardens and public sustainable landscape and restoration projects that are similar to its habitat conditions.
  • Family: Ericaceae
  • Species: ovatum
  • Germination Test Type: estimate
  • Genus: Vaccinium
  • Crop Year: 2017
  • Average Viable Seeds/Packet: 75
Santa Clarita
Sugar Pine Pinus lambertiana
Prices start at : 7.95 USD / 1 packet

Conservation Plant Characteristics Pinus lambertiana Douglas sugar pine PILA Summary Duration Perennial Growth Habit Tree Native Status L48 (N) Federal T/E Status National Wetland Indicator Morphology/Physiology Active Growth Period Spring, Summer, Fall...
  • Species: lambertiana
  • Genus: Pinus
  • Botanical Name: Pinus lambertiana
  • Germination Test Type: cut
  • Minimum Hardiness Zone: 6
  • Height: 130-200 feet
Santa Clarita
Big Huckleberry, Thinleaf Huckleberry Vaccinium membranaceum
Prices start at : 8.95 USD / 1 packet

* Vaccinium membranaceum is a species within the group of Vaccinium commonly referred to as huckleberry. This particular species is known by the common names thinleaf huckleberry, tall huckleberry, big huckleberry, mountain huckleberry, square-twig blueberry,...
  • Seeds Per Pound: 2,264,800
  • Quantity: 0.13 lb
  • Family: Ericaceae
  • Botanical Name: Vaccinium membranaceum
  • Minimum Hardiness Zone: 4
  • Genus: Vaccinium
Santa Clarita
Hops, Beer Hops, Common Hops Humulus lupulus
Prices start at : 7.95 USD / 1 packet

They are also medicinal. * Humulus lupulus (common hop or hop) is a species of flowering plant in the Cannabaceae family, native to Europe, western Asia and North America. The fragrant flower cones impart bitterness and flavor, and also have preservative...
  • Crop Year: 2017
  • Collection Locale: Russia
  • Common Name: Hops, Beer Hops, Common Hops
  • Average Viable Seeds/Packet: 28
  • Family: Cannabaceae
  • Minimum Hardiness Zone: 4
Santa Clarita
Sweet Banana Pepper Capsicum annuum   Sweet Banana
Prices start at : 1.95 USD / 1 packet

* Produces an abundance of long yellow sweet peppers from mid summer until frost.
  • Common Name: Sweet Banana Pepper
  • Collection Locale: Oregon
  • Cultivar: Sweet Banana
  • Family: SOLANACEAE
  • Quantity: 1.53 lb
  • Average Viable Seeds/Packet: 135
Santa Clarita
Dog Rose, Brier Rose, Dog Brier Rosa canina
Prices start at : 3.95 USD / 1 packet

* During World War II in the United States Rosa canina was planted in victory gardens. * The plant is high in certain antioxidants. * The dog rose was the stylized rose of medieval European heraldry, and is still used today.
  • Collection Locale: Hungary
  • Purity: 98%
  • Height: 7-9 feet
  • Botanical Name: Rosa canina
  • Germination Test Type: cut
  • Species: canina
Santa Clarita
Torrey Pine  Pinus torreyana
Prices start at : 8.95 USD / 1 packet

* Pinus torreyana has been considered as a plantation tree for forestry use in Australia, New Zealand and Kenya. * The Torrey pine, Pinus torreyana, is a rare pine species in the United States.
  • Germination: 98%
  • Crop Year: 2018
  • Species: torreyana
  • Germination Test Type: cut
  • Botanical Name: Pinus torreyana
  • Quantity: 1.04 lb
Santa Clarita
Digger Pine, California Foothill Pine, Gray Pine, Foothills Pine, Sabine Pine, Bull Pine, Grayleaf Pine Pinus sabiniana
Prices start at : 11.95 USD / 1 packet

The needles of the Gray Pine are in fascicles (bundles) of three, distinctively pale gray-green, sparse and drooping, and grow to 20-30 cm in length. * Pale blue-green needles to 12", cones to 10"; of loose, open habit; edible seeds; native to California.
  • Seeds Per Pound: 595
  • Genus: Pinus
  • Common Name: Digger Pine, California Foothill Pine, Gray Pine, Foothills Pine, Sabine Pine, Bull Pine, Grayleaf Pine
  • Height: 40-70 feet
  • Species: sabiniana
  • Germination Test Type: cut
Santa Clarita
Aji, Ghost Pepper, Bhut jolokia Capsicum chinense   Bhut jolokia
Price : CALL

* It is used in both fresh and dried forms, to not only "heat up" curries, pickles and chutneys, but also to impart two distinct flavours to them. * In 2007, Guinness World Records certified that the Ghost Pepper (Bhut Jolokia) was the world's hottest...
  • Height: 2-3 feet
  • Common Name: Aji, Ghost Pepper, Bhut jolokia
  • Family: Solanaceae
  • Genus: Capsicum
  • Minimum Hardiness Zone: annual
Santa Clarita