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Wanted Achimenes Bulbs
Price : CALL

Looking for any color of achimenes bulbs Red, Purple, Pink, Blue, Yellow, or any combination of colors Looking for any color of achimenes bulbs Red, Purple, Pink, Blue, Yellow, or any combination of color
United States
Wanted achimenes bulbs
Price : CALL

Would like at least 50 bulbs? Looking for all colors of achimenes. Looking for all colors of achimenes bulbs, dont know if they are called a bulb or what? Of each color, if the price is right!!
United States
Achimenes Bulbs
Price : CALL

Looking for achimenes bulbs as well as oxalis bulbs.Would also like to find starts of scented geraniums and fancy type allium bulbs. I would likewidows tear bulbs in pink and purple.Also looking for rare varieties of oxalis bulbs.Also looking for scented...
United States
Gloxinia Is No Longer Called Gloxinia
My Mom didn't know their names, but I NEEDED to know, it's my hobby to know all my plant's names. If you didn't know, you are about to find out now. What is the New World names? They were sinningia, episcia and achimenes, as I thought I recognized them...
El Segundo
Rotate Your Pots
Are you wondering how to arrange your pots so all the plants would get enough light? I'll tell you what I'm doing: rotate, rotate and, again, rotate my pots, all year long! As much as I've tried, no other place in my house is better than the conservatory...
El Segundo