$10,000.00 Longview,Tx. 17 ft. Bought for ranch project that fell through this year. New 17' folding finish mower WDFM1017RTMFM new 12' folding finish mower WDFM1012RTMFM This equipment is new and good paint.
The harrow, post hole drigger, and boom pole should be in good condition. Finishing mower should be in excellant shape. Mower is for caring for 5 acres, harrow is for a small garden.
Wanted: Mid mount belly mower for John Deere 850 small tractor in good operating condition within driving distance of eastern North Carolina. Wanted: Mid mount mower for John Deer 850 small tractor in good operating condition.
Less than 200 hours of cutting time. Practically brand new. Kuhn GC 353 Hydro Swing Disc Mower With finger conditioners, one owner, in excellent condition and very well maintained.
Less than 200 hours of cutting time. Practically brand new. Kuhn GC 353 Hydro Swing Disc Mower With finger conditioners, one owner, in excellent condition and very well maintained.
FOR SALE: 2014 Model JD 997 diesel-powered Z-Trak mower with 72" deck...deep-cushion seat...owned by a farmer who does some contract mowing...driven like an owner drives, and maintained like an owner maintains...very good condition and appearance...1077...
Well taken care of, always stored in shed, like new, owner is mechanic. DETAILS: 450 Hours 39 Horse Power R4 tires 4 Wheel Drive 460 Loader 72 inch Bucket Power Reverser Transmission One Hydraulic Remote in back Diesel Price: $6000