Prices start at : 255000 USD
3370 mfwd, 370 hp, diesel, ivt, cab, heat, air, deluxe cab w/active seat, instruction seat, external mirrors, hid lights, air ride seat, 480/80r50 rear tires-60%, 420/85r34 front tires-25-30%, rear duals, front duals, front fenders, mfwd ils, 1800 rear...
- ✓ Weight, front support with twenty-two suitcase weights
- ✓ 9,072 kg (20,000 lb) capactiy 3-Point Hitch (Cat 4N/3) Hitch with Sway Blocks and Quik-Coupler
- ✓ ILS with hydraulic differential lock, fully-enclosed driveline and Group 48 Rear Tires
- Tire Width: Mid
- Front Axle: MFWD
- Cab: Cab