These ferns enjoy being crowded. Bury the rhizome completely in this medium and cover the container with plastic wrap to create greenhouse conditions. Don't worry if you break one off during rabbit's foot fern repotting, as you can simply root it for...
Tobacco smoke, scented candles and most forms of air pollution also harm the plant.Though it may need a little more maintenance than other plants in the home, growing a rabbit's foot fern houseplant is a great way to enjoy this unusual, furry-footed oddity.
Moving and must sell. Piled and ready for pick up. Our loss is your gain! Save thousands from what we paid! Enough for large Dressage or Jumping arena and round pen. Can possibly assist with loading on to your trailer on site.
Non-staining, non-toxic, will not damage hair while helping reduce scarring and hair loss around wounds. Used for cleaning and safe killing, healing and prevention of contagious ringworm and other dangerous and infectious fungus, bacteria and viruses.
✓ Goats
✓ Use ring out spray between shampooing for quick prevention or to help heal a skin problem caused by fungus.
✓ Use ring out spray when there is not time for shampooing or to heal the ringworm or fungus outbreak on the skin.
They will be available in 6 weeks. Mom is also for sale $450 or $650 bred. We have 8 Berkshire piglets from our registered Boar Five Star and our registered sow Panzy. Nice Berkshire piglets for sale.
These gates are made with 2-3/16" diam. Call 832 289 5406. Tubing, are powder coated, and come with mounting hardware. New heavy duty 4' tube gate for sale.
Conditions and softens skin and hair coat. View manufacturer and/or label information PH balanced for skin and hair. Deep penetrating antimicrobial formula eliminates rain rot, ringworm, girth itch, scratches and grease heel.
14' new heavy duty tube gate for sale. These gates come with mounting hardware, are made with 2-3/16" tubing, and are powder coated. Call 832 289 5406.
For use with 180 cc or 160 cc cartridges. With its heavy duty construction, this dispenser is perfect for daily use. Locking cradle keeps the cartridge in position eliminating unwanted movement and preventing the cartridge from falling out.
I am wondering if other companies make that size, Or if there are any bargains Preifert makes a panel about 40\" and 10' long, lighter weight, great for ladies to handle and to make dividers or round pens to \"play\" with our horses.
We would like to buy several at a time. Ten and twelve foot corral panels, hay spears, head gates, etc. I would like to know your prices on cattle gates (corral gates) and the closest pick-up site.
All 160 cc cartridges are compatible with 180 cc Mixing Tips and Dispensing Guns. A fast setting (45 seconds) liquid urethane hoof packing material infused with copper sulfate for the treatment and prevention of thrush.
The AgroBetel, of Sao Paulo / Brazil, internationally renowned for our tradition in the export of cattle, buffaloes, horses and sheep, to countries in Africa, Latin America and Asia.
Solar power available on property. Busines owners who want to expand their operation are also very welcome. With a lease you have the right to build feeding pens, a barn, even a nice cabin.
66 Registered without papers Angus cows All 3-4 years old Weighing between 1200-1400 lbs All A.I. bred with sexed semen to produce Heifers Due to start calving in September 66 Registered without papers Angus cows All 3-4 years old Weighing between 1200-1400...
Tested A2A2 by Igenity. We have a registered Guernsey cow bred AI confirmed by vet ultrasound. For a jersey/calves or Guernsey/calves. Will make a great nurse/family cow &/or ET recip.
Below are more specifications; Weight : 450 to 600 K.G Pregnancy : 6 - 8 months Milking Capacity : 34 and more litres per day Age : 24 to 30 months Certification: Pedigree,Veterinary Certificate Packaging Detail: Packed In Cages or As per Customer's Request...
Located in west TN north of Memphis. We can potentially help with transport depending on how far. His dam has a nice, hand-milkable udder and a sweet personality. I never tried to make him a pet, because I believe that's unsafe with a bull.