The 54" long stick is with a rubber handle - no more splinters in hands. Livestock stix can actually bend 180º without breaking. Shatter proof 1/2" fiberglass core inside clear vinyl tube.
Vaccinate pregnant cattle to provide scour protection to calves through the colostrum. Repeat 3-6 weeks prior to calving. Give 2 ml IM, 6-9 weeks prior to calving. Booster annually, 3-6 weeks prior to calving.
Choose 36" or 42" box length and pneumatic tires or solid tires. The Caf-Cart is built with galvanized steel side panels, a durable aspenite floor and rugged tubular steel frame to withstand years of use.
Dosage is 1 ml for each 22 lbs. For use on cattle 8 weeks of age and older. Weather conditions, including rainfall do not affect efficacy of eprinex. No meat withdrawal or milk withholding period.
The large panel also provides plenty of room for you to write management information. AgriTags feature a wide neck for durability and longevity. AgriTags may be applied with the Allflex Universal Global Tagger or your current AgriTag Pro-Grip Applicator.
10,# weight capacity, accurate within 1%. Plated tool steel construction protects against the corrosive agricultural environment. The load cells are fitted for permanent installation under cattle squeeze chutes or crushes.
(Not required for interface between the EziWeigh Bluetooth scale indicator and Tru-Test XRS EID Stick Reader.) Cable is required when connecting a Tru-Test EziWeigh Bluetooth scale indicator to a non Tru-Test brand EID reader with RS232/DB9 port.
For primary vaccination of cows and heifers, give 1 month prior to breeding and booster with BRSV 3-4 weeks later. Annual booster is recommended. Safe for pregnant cows or calves nursing pregnant cows, provided they were vaccinated according to label...
Vaccinate pregnant cattle to provide scour protection to calves through the colostrum. Booster with Scour Bos 4 (#25015 or #25016) 4 weeks prior to calving. Give 2 ml IM, 8-16 weeks prior to calving.
Annual booster is recommended. Repeat in 4-6 weeks. When used for fetal protection, give the second dose at least 2 weeks prior to breeding. Hardjo-bovis and 5 strains of Lepto protection for cattle 4 weeks of age or older.
Effective against roundworms, lungworms, grubs, lice and mange mites. Apply at 1 ml for each 22 lbs. Apply topically along the mid-line of the back from the withers to the tailhead.
For total replacement, mix entire package or 2 scoops from bulk pail into 5 cups hot water and feed as soon as possible after birth. Supplies calves with the essential globulin proteins, growth factors and nutrients necessary for improved calf health,...
When used for fetal protection, give at 5 and 2 weeks prior to breeding. Repeat in 3 weeks. Modified live and killed product, requires mixing. IBR, BVD Types I and II, PI3, BRSV and 5 strains of Lepto.
Use standard breeding procedures to breed ewes at induced estrus. Inserts are administered intravaginally, one per animal, and left in place for 5 days. After removing insert, estrus generally occurs within 1 to 3 days.
IP67 environmental rating, the industry standard for dirt and moisture resistance. The EziWeigh 5i Indicator displays reliable, accurate weights quickly. EziWeigh 5 Indicator includes110v power adaptor, mounting bracket kit and quick-start guide.
Inset molded brass prongs for long life. Flexible polycarbonate shaft. Gallagher Stock Prod Shafts are designed for use with Gallagher Prod Handle Units.
Slips around calf's belly. Calf Weigh Scale Kit includes 220 lb. Each piece may also be ordered separately. Tough ABS plastic scale case has shatterproof dial cover. Beam is made from 1” square steel tubing with powder-coated finish.
No slaughter withdrawal. Contains 200 mg testosterone plus 20 mg estradiol. Implant for heifers weighting 400 lbs. Not for use in dairy or beef replacement heifers.
Ideal for use in close quarters. Battery-powered electronic circuit. The Gallagher Handy Shock includes a wrist strap for convenience. On/off switch to prevent accidental shock. Requires four "AA" batteries (included).